Monday, December 26, 2022

A few business lessons I've learned this year!

 A few of the top lessons I've learned so far in creating an online business from my Soul's vision and mission:

💻 At this time in my journey, it's essential for me to have a coach that is doing what I want to be doing and has a mastermind of other amazing ladies who are earning what I want to be earning also creating businesses from their Souls. For me, communities of sisterhood breaking ALL old molds of what women 'can do' 'should do'...any limitations .... and instead, ALL embodying what we truly want/need/desire as the powerful Souls that we are is...essential. Women get to make great money doing what they naturally do as Soul's now. It is a good thing to put LOTS of money in the hands of good-hearted Souls on the planet now. It is a revolution for the highest good of all.

😍 I don't have to sacrifice any part of myself to succeed in the ways that I want to. The more I have put back together the pieces of my own Soul and created more and more inner Soul sovereignty; the calmer I feel creating my Soul's visions as a business. It's ok to utilize some of the more traditional or patriarchal strategies; as long as I'm functioning from my center, it all works out. Sometimes I get afraid of being perceived like a scammer; but I understand now that my mission is so pure from my heart that it's not possible to scam people.

🍉 It is good to share my voice loud and proud. In spite of being afraid of people negatively criticizing me...that will of course happen sometimes and does. What matters the most...for my mental/emotional/creative/relationship and financial thriving. I have to be fully me. For me, creating my business is an intrinsic part of who I am. These are my Soul's creations. I don't want to do anything else. I must do this.

What have you learned this year?

I am leading a FREE 2 day event that begins this Wednesday. We will make peace with 2022 and channel from YOUR Soul what wants to be created in 2023! In every area of life. We get to enter this year in calm, focused, Soul-led belief.

Join here.

If you are ready for a deep dive with me for the year, I have 6 places open for Quantum Gold Mastermind. If you want to birth your Soul Business alongside me, click the Quantum Gold link here and apply today. We begin January 2nd.

<<For the next 6 who join you also receive Women Remember as a free gift. This is 20 hours of life changing content with me. Recorded healing sessions that you can dive into right away upon joining. It is based on womb healing and birthing the real you spiritually; in life, relationships and money. (It is normally $333). xo>>

Happy Holidays! 🔑🎁🎉📨
Katie Awake
Spiritual Healer

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Money is LIGHT. New Enrolling: Quantum Gold Mastermind :)

Because of pain, fear and trauma; women are often disconnected from the pleaure, joy and true LIGHT of money. These same disconnections or numbness will also block them from true union with their partner or spouse. 

In Quantum Gold you will experience spiritually a restoration of Sacred Union within your bones. With yourself, with God, with Christ, with money and in your marriage (or partnership/future partnership if your Soul desires this).

I also LOVE channeling information from the divine for women about their Soul Business blueprints. So you can do business in EXACTLY the way God wants to work through you! This is also the way that is MOST joyful, aligned, powerful, fun an d prosperous!

Over these 9 months together, you will receive divine information about how you want to construct your business. Whether it is in person or virtual, or both! You will be freed from the inside to do business exactly how your Soul desires to.  Perhaps in the way you have wanted to for lifetimes. This is your lifetime to be TOTALLY FREE! TOTALLY SUPPORTED! ABUNDANTLY RESOURCED! as the loving queen that you are. 

All channels within that need to open for love and abundance, will. Truthfully this is the ending of all scarcity/fear/trauma from your bones and the awakening of your Soul's REAL LIFE! The one you have been wanting, craving and desiring for lifetimes! You are also the walking dream of your ancestors! Breathing it all AWAKE. It is your path to embody all that you came here to be and have a massive, beautiful planetary awakening effect. By BEING FULLY you! 

I am so glad you're with us and I would love to chat with you about joining Quantum Gold. 

This is the 9 month gestation period, in beautiful supportive sisterhood, for the total birth of Sacred YOU, your Soul mission, your aligned business & sacred prosperity. ALL in service to the most high! 

We are doing money differently on this planet now. This new money paradigm is God led and Christ led. No more does money have to have negative, sticky, icky or bad connotations in your mind or body. Those distortions are generations and lifetimes old. It is time to free money so that she can be your friend. A very good friend. Money supports you! 

Women often fear money and project onto money their abuse wounds. 
This can end now, lovingly and in the light.

Truly, your Soul is ready for a Sacred relationship with money. One that is absolutely SAFE in the light of God. A relationship that is harmonious, loving, supportive, innocent and joyful! Just like you, you divine star!  

Over these amazing 9 months together we meet weekly on zoom and you have 1 monthly 1:1 45 min healing and coaching call with Katie; for your Soul's highest Success on ALL levels. This means deeper union with God on the inside and union in marriage/partnership and union with money through sharing your Soul work! 

I have 6 places open and we begin January 1st!

YYYAAAYYY!!! I'm just so excited to welcome you in & to support your Soul Business birth next level!

Read more and apply here:

Spiritual Healer and Soul Business Coach

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Daughter, wife and wealthy woman

The most challenging aspects of my own journey from financial scarcity to lasting financial wealth, and of many of my clients, come out of healing the relationship to money in the roles of daughter and wife.

Or perhaps a lack of having a relationship to our own financial wealth creation *because of* societal gender & relationship roles; I think most of it happens unconsciously. Bodies carry many generations worth of patterns and Soul carry many lifetimes worth of patterns.

I realize not everyone will relate to this post. It's for other women who *do* relate and can benefit from hearing about my journey and about the financial breakthroughs that I help my clients have.

I also want to make clear that my husband is an incredibly supportive partner to me, spiritually, emotionally and financially. He believes in me....hence how much I am coming into my own sovereignty, including having my own business and other income streams, WITH him at my side. We both pursue our Soul purposes and support each other's journeys on every level; it's a beautiful thing.

Now, within the context of me healing my relationship to money and establishing somatically through my body, that I am indeed sovereign and can be sovereign financially, that is what I am writing about. It has NOT, by a long shot, been ok on this planet for women to be financially free through sharing widely their SOUL GIFTS.. AND have sacred, thriving marriages. So...that is what I am doing :) And I'm taking lots of women with me too :)

To women resonating with me, I recommend breaking yourself free with prayer, with intention, with ceremony, with your own magic...from these beliefs... even if you are earning good money...they can still be there. For me these kinds of unconscious programming would show up AFTER I had a powerful call or WHEN I receive money....they can cause chaos or physical pain symptoms or cause you to get rid of money when you have it.

*A wife can't earn her own money
*A girl is owned by her father and than by her husband
*She cannot earn her own money and any money that she does earn goes to him

Feel what comes up through your body while you are reading them and while you are clearing them - forgive yourself as a Soul for co-creating these patterns on any level (not because it's your fault - but we want to be 100% clear of the energies so that you can get free financially and to be uber successful) - hand it all over to God - DECIDE how you want to be in relationship to money now! How do you want to feel in relationship to money? How much do you want a month? a year? Get comfortable with it energetically first, then it can come in physically.

You get to have everything you want and it gets to feel great for you! You being fully you, sharing the gifts from your Soul, making great money doing it, it is holy service to us all. You will be happier in your marriage when you are enjoying your OWN creative gifts and prosperity. In my experience if I get off track from my own creative flow (which for me is the same as my business flow and money flow) I get unhappy and I start to look at my husband through trauma eyes; rather than the eyes of my Soul. That's actually the beauty of marriage, it succeeds when BOTH parties are enacting their own Soul's work.

Humans are infinitely creative beings and NEED to be being creative to be thriving. The additional thing me and my spiritual team are doing is hooking up financial wealth with true Soul creative gifts, AS ONE.

This is union between Spirit and Money.

It is the END of making money being soul sucking.

It is the resurgence of the feminine principle of creation WITH business & financial wellness. Respected and supported BY the masculine principle. The holy water held within the holy grail, so to speak.

Women now, millions of us, are actually new Earth Angel Business Leaders and we're making a new trillion dollar love economy...that's what I see the Coaching Industry is.

Feel the freedom?

Our movement is not actually gender specific, as it is happening through human consciousness, but, a large portion of financial abuse, covert can be independent but only so much... was and still is purposfully...they even claim it to be backed by God (which it is not) continue to be done to women. Maybe this is because the dark KNOWS the true power of women and does not want to lose control.

I just want to be very clear that I know A LOT of amazing men, and I see all of you doing incredible work too!!! I work with a lot of amazing male clients too! I blame the dark that's been controlling this planet and humanity for ages, not men.

I just know these inner places where I need to keep helping thousands of women get free from financial control shackles of their pasts. Probably on men can have a lot of bizarre money/work slave type mentalities that need clearing too.

Let's all get rich from our Soul work now, eh? Buck abuse systems!

Ways this abuse/trauma/disempowerment has shown up in me and in my clients AND what we permanently clear to NOW be free to earn by being enacting Soul Creative Energy and Sacred Union with money and Sacred union within marriage:

*General fear of money
*Fear of investing in yourself (same as prioritizing yourself- your creativity, needs, wants, desires etc)
*Feeling incapable of handling money
*Feeling inadequate to have lots of money
*Feeling like you don't belong in business or finance worlds
*Lots of rage - because you know that you are indeed capable, qualified, an amazing leader etc.
*A Soul knowing that it is your destiny to be financially wealthy being being fully yourself
*Not satisfied with boxey, wordly-rat-race money paths
*Desire to be in your feminine flow AND creating financial wealth you desire
*Desire feminine masculine union in your marriage or future partnership

I currently have a FREE program running called *Destiny Unlocked* where we are....indeed...unlocking our destinies :) Join now because we've already started! You can get caught up on the Day one video today.

Join the Destiny Unlocked facebook group below, you are so so welcome!!!

I also am currently taking new private clients...for Quantum Healing and Soul Business Coaching me if you would like to chat about working together. My 2023 Soul Business Mastermind is enrolling or I have 1:1 healing programs available. 

We can be on your first call as soon as this week!

So much love,
Katie Awake
Spiritual Healer & Intuitive Money Coach 

Monday, December 12, 2022

How to let yourself have everything you want :)

In the process of aligning your energy with what your Soul desires to create; there's a difference between a more deeply embedded trauma/memory/experience that needs to be processed fully...STORED IN YOUR BODY.... potentially with professional aid...compared to just a thought stream that can be stopped on it's head.

If you're experiencing something that you can tell lives in your body, in your cells with an emotion quality to it..this is likely stored trauma. It's a part of you that thinks it is keeping you safe from experiencing the dangerous SOUL FREEDOM that you are craving. Because what you REALLY want to do/be/have in your life will SET YOU FREE on every level and you'll immediately start having everything you want in life. When you are vibrating energetically with what you DO want, you'll actually see that you already have everything and you'll start *actually* saying yes with your frequency to having more and more of what you want.

So if you have traumas in you from times you were just being your normal self; and you got beat up, hurt, silenced, shamed, abused...where you than have stories inside like 'it's not safe to be me' 'its safe to not be seen' 'its safe to have little' 'this worlds no safe' 'I don't fit here' 'i'm not wanted' 'joy/abudance is not for me' ...anything like that...these trauma memories stored in the cells of your body...just need you to do these 3 things:

Open to feeling the feelings inside them fully. Forgive yourself for feeling that way all the way through your human DNA and eternal Soul. Let it all be ok. Then hand it over to God. All you need to do is be a being of light, no need to carry anything else. (You are safe being light because light only lets light in and light repels dark)

Just like this, outloud and mean it:

It is understandable that I feel this way. I make sense. My emotions make sense. Take a few deep breaths and just feel!

I forgive myself for creating this pattern and emotions.

I release my own attachment to these trauma memories, to these emotions in my body and to anything else I need to release to now let it be easy to have what I want in my life in every way.

I hand all of this over to God.

*Breathe, feel and notice what you notice*

I now choose to believe and create....(you choose!)

IF it is just random thoughts that are creating what you don't want... WITHOUT some big somatic emotion body charge....interupt them...and immediately start flooding your body thinking thoughts about the stuff you DO want to create!!!

You silly, infinitely creative being, you!!!

Stop getting in your own way and create what you DO want.

ok, bye, enjoy.

PS....want to get more free on every level to be, act, speak, create, write, earn money, be in your marriage, parenting, the Soul that you are? Join me for 9 months inside Quantum Gold Mastermind. Quantum Gold evokes inner spiriual union between Christ Consciousness and Money; though the results are Union on all levels. This is a 9 month spiritual birthing chamber. It's been workin' me for a year now and it's freakin' incredible lol. You'll unfold into being exactly who you've always wanted to be - just as I have into myself - and continue to. We begin January :) Click here to read more now and apply to join.  I have 6 spaces open! xo Katie

Monday, October 24, 2022

You are a gift to this Earth

After a lifetime of over delivering myself to try and be good. After always feeling like I had to 'make' myself into something to receive love. After always feeling like I'm nothing deep down inside...and hoping no one would see how bad I secretly am...I am happily burning this ALL up!

Into the light we go.

I have always been pure light.

In my true self, my most natural, I'm just here, self.

Not only am I good enough, worthy, divine, perfect...I am one with God.

And so are you.

Know the light that you are.

Especially in the hidden parts, where you might secretly worry if you are bad. If you are not so sure that you are worthy of everything you KNOW your Soul is here to have/be/receive/experience....right HERE...

You are the brightest!!

It was a trick. It was abuse. It was a cover up.

Shine like the diamond that you are. Without even trying. You are divine when you are feeling like sh*t, curled up crying...especially are a diamond.

It doesn't matter what's going on, how much money you have, how many people you have in your life, how anything is you perceive yourself to be measuring are divine.


All of the time.


I have 4 places open for Soul Sunrise. This is 3 months with me 1:1 to remember who you truly are. To clear anthing that needs to clear for you to rise like the Sun. For you to be your SELF.

You can function in life as the divine Soul that you are by allowing clear communication with the people you love, more money flowing in your business/career, blossiming soul aligned friendships and more fun in your romantic relationship. 

Click here to read more and apply! We can be on your first healing and coaching call as soon as Tuesday! 


Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I work with different healing colors of light

Over the years I have gotten to know the different bandwidths of healing light colors that happen during my sessions with people. They are so powerful, gentle, dependable, consistent, strong, smart and loving! They show up to me as specific rays of colored light; they also come as certain spiritual healing beings that work with me and with my clients. I’ll empasize here that it is not me ‘healing’ people; these are higher celestial star beings. They show up specifically for my clients in ways that are meaningful to the client. 

Each healing frequency supports the client to have the exact ancestry, inner child, past life soul retrieval, trauma healing and more… that they need. People also experience profound pain relief, inner epiphanies about self development, relationships, soul mission, purpose, business and wealth creation. 

Here are the most common ones that we work with:

Blue to light blue: Sometimes as a marble-y bluish/white. Christ union energy. This one I see most often coming in crown and heart chakras. Proving balancing of yin and yang energies. Masculine and feminine energies. It also comes in to help people heal religious trauma and restore them to God union inside; their most natural truths. It is a sacred union frequency that can guide healing in marriages too; or help call in sacred marriage energies. Not just romantic relationships but any relationship can restore to union - parent/child etc. 

Pink and red: I see pink and red hues when a client's physical body is responding well and integrating healing. They also feel like divine feminine beings coming in to assist the healings. Definite strong feminine love vibes! 

Yellow and gold: Higher frequency divine energy. When a client is opening to more God union inside. Most often I see this in the crown chakra as the client is receiving more of their own divine spiritual energy into their physical body. But it’s not restricted to the crown area; I often see rays of gold coming into any area of the body. It’s entirely between God and the client what happens based on what they need. 

Lime Green! This is one of my favorites. It is a spiritual version of aloe vera gel. A soothing balm to wounds. I work with this A LOT! 

I do not plan sessions in advance. This knowledge I have laid out are a snippet of my observations over 10 years of spiritual healing work. The sessions are orchestrated between God and my clients Souls. I have the happy joy of being an assistant and spiritual midwife. 

Let me know if you would like to try working with me! I currently have 4 spaces open for my 3 month program Soul Sunrise. Click the link here to read more and to apply. 

Lots of love,


How the unexpressed NO shows up as fiery physical symptoms

 A general observation from my 10 years of healing work with people:

Their unexpressed NO has to show up somewhere. If people have experienced shame/silencing of their voice - here’s a list of ways I’ve seen this expressing through people’s bodies - and ps- it can all totally be alleviated by finding/uncovering/expressing & creating needed boundaries.

🔥lost voice
🔥throat ailments
🔥strep throats/sore throats
🔥Digestive ailments
🔥Spine curvatures
🔥Neck pain
🔥voice seems disconnected

(Not saying this as absolute truth, just patterns I notice... I’m here as a pattern watcher & I utilize my energy reading abilities to help people become more liberated 💚)

We’re all SO unique & brilliant with how coping strategies get made in our energy field & body. No 2 people are the same. Sometimes it’s just some unwinding & expression that’s really needed! 💜

I have 4 places open right now for new private clients in my 3 month 1:1 healing program. Just click the link here to read more & apply. I’ll get back to you ASAP. 🔥🔥


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Childhood sexual trauma healing

My whole life I lived with a mysterious, in-the-background feeling, that I was sexually abused as a child. I was so used to it being there, that I had somehow learned to tuck it away neatly into a drawer. I'm also grateful to my subconscious and Soul for blocking out the memories; this is an amazing survival skill we can do. 

As I've become safe in my life by restoring my inner energetic sovereignty with God and by marrying my amazing husband; the memories started coming up intensely - right after we were married actually! I feel it was this internal shift into being safely supported and loved by masculine energy that my body started spontaneously processing, clearing and purging the s3xual trauma memories. 

It has been extremely scary and difficult at times. But I just do what I always do; trust my Soul's healing process and surrender to God. I'm really not afraid of anything because I know I'm eternal. 

I also know that I am not just purging my trauma, but that of my ancestors and some of the collective on ths planet, too. As I'm sure some of you can relate, this is the nitty gritty work we are doing to help humanity. 

Though, I do not abide in a martyr role. No. I process and clear what I feel is my Soul's 'work load' to do; as I am most interested in living a wildy fun and abundant life :) 

I feel compelled to type this tonight because I can feel my feminine energy coalescing into greater clarity by sharing this part of my story. Like rough waters becoming calm :) I feel safe because I can feel how my inner masculine energy has my back. Also, if I can be a light for someone else, that is good. 

If you're curious about 1:1 energy reading and healing work with me, just message me. I have 4 spots currently open for my 3 month program Soul Sunrise. Link to apply in my bio Sunshine! 

all the love,


Friday, October 7, 2022

Now enrolling: Soul Sunrise !

 Where there are deep wounds of not being heard. Where you've been shut down the worst for BEING yourself. Where you have spoken wisdom. Where you have preached the word. Where you have been MOST expressed from within the holiest of holy place within you. Where it hurts so bad...because the people who SHOULD have heard you...didn't...


Rather than staying mad about the pain. Rather than acting out the wounds with anyone who can listen. Rather than projecting that pain around flimsy flamsy...let's center it.

Let's retrieve the gold from inside. Let's break it open. Let's SPEAK.

Again. Now.

For a while healing deep wounds of being hurts while it heals. Because it feels good to speak your Soul's truths, to let God speak through you....but the insides of the cave of your throat will still burn with the memories of being silenced. Even the memories of being executed in past lifetimes for being you. Whatever holy roles you held.

So, the only choice now, the one that hurts and the one that sets you to speak again. To lead again. To prosper now unlike any other time before.

You will meet backlash. But you can take it. And you can become so resilient inside that voices of hate towards you become like whispers. Because the work God does through you is SO MUCH BRIGHTER!! It is supposed to happen that some are burned up in their own inner alchemy process as you rise.

The inner walls, inside your body, that remember so many times of trauma, let them burn as you speak and decidedly CHOOSE to be seen more and more and more!

We're all gonna die anyway, so why not light up the sky while you're here 😉 😍😅

I'm friends with death, it doesn't bother me.

What does bother me is being hated for being me. But that just seems to be par for the course sometimes here on this fine planet ..

I have 4 places open for Soul Sunrise to begin this month. This is 3 months of 1:1 energy reading and healing with me. Book in a free soul chat here so we can discuss.

Together.. we'll bring you, your voice, your mission & your wealth alive. It's scary and alive and FUN and so so freeing 🙂

All the love,
Katie Awake

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Real Healing means BEING ALL OF YOU !

 Healing is never about getting rid of parts of yourself. It is always about deciding that ALL parts of you are ok!

Decide with all the fire of creation that your entire being is completely, 100% ok. Exactly as you are!!

Decide this and declare it OUTLOUD - fire dragon style 🙂 with swords!!

Experience the relief!!

You'll encounter frequencies in your field (emotions, trauma memories, entities) that are not you and that are not yours.

Clear these into the field of God or the field of oneness.

More and more you'll feel your self purify !

You are becoming more and more of YOU!

And THAT is the whole point!

That is what healing is!

Healing is not some giant pilgramage over mountain tops, or having to earn a crossing from an ogre over a bridge, or having to repent enough to maybe one day be good enough!


You are good enough now. You are whole now. All parts of you are ok; all parts of you are HOLY!

You are the church!

I help my clients heal inner child/soul/past life time trauma/all systems of the body/chakras/energy field/clearings/ascension/intuitive business coaching and more. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

A story about me realizing I'm a healer

Years ago, I was teaching a yoga class...and mid class I had this urge to turn off the music, stop class, and have everyone sit in a circle

I wasn't exactly sure what this meant... I just knew I wanted to be working with the people on more levels than the physical yoga postures. It's nothing against yoga teaching..I'm a life long student of yoga myself...and taught for 10 years with beautiful's just that I always knew I wanted to be facilitating some kind of healing on the spiritual planes. 

I'm interested in the subtle energetics that are movine through the physical. It's here that there are the answers to our physical quandaries in life. 

If there is pain happening it the physical body, that means there is an energetic disruption that needs to be seen/felt/processed/understood/let go of/cleared....etc. 

This is what I do for my clients.

I am able to see the energetic qualities of their pains, confusions, repetitive loops...

A LOT of what I help people heal is their ancestral inherited patterns.

99.9% of my clients don't know consciously that they are carrying TOOOOONS of inherited ancestral patterns, traumas, emotions,*t that they do not need to carry!

Do you know that we carry up to 7 generations back of patterns?

Imagine how FREE you will feel as a soul in body with all of that gone?

How many origins of diseases gone?

How many levels of trauma/pain/fear gone?

How much stored emotion gone?

And even more importantly, how does your relationship with yourself improve? DRAMATICALLY!

What if you were living as the Soul that YOU are?? All the LIGHT that you truly are with all of that cleared??


It is astounding!

I have been healing msyelf (by grace of God) for 12 years now and I've been reborn many times over now. I'm a new version of myself every couple weeks lol 

Life does not, nor should it, be lived by the societal programs of this world, live via God and Soul. That is freedom.

I'm here doing my own spiritual ascension work and helping others along the way. 

I'll put links below of my current packages. You can be on a call with me as soon as this week! 

3 month unlimited healing & coaching $4444:

10 pack of sessions to be used over the course of 1 year 🌅 $1000:

1 hour session! 💗 $111:

Can't wait to talk with you! 


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Soul business with CPTSD

Running a spiritual healing business with complex PTSD is...a journey. My bodymind is regularly circulating beliefs that I'm not good enough, 'who do I think I am', boat loads of terror, trauma flashbacks....this is a glimpse into my inner world.

The thing is... I know that I am in fact always worthy, a part of God and always enough.

If you can relate to this....what I want to say to you is this...choose what you believe in.

It's ok if work for the day is done in bed....and THROUGH terror and doubt....because underneath it all you know that you are a magnificent spirit made of divine wisdom that you get to share with your Soulmate audience.

It's ok if you're scared in your bones of gettting negative reactions because it brings up your persecution's ok to take an hour or take a day off just to feel all the fear.

But, don't give up. 

Your Soul business does not have to look like some outer idea of corporate, polished perfection...stop comparing yourself to all of that! 

What we care about is that your Soul gets to SHINE!! On the physical level it can be..messy..that is ok!

Imperfect you is perfect. 

Your Soul business gets to look like you being in business. You being you. You lit up! You sharing your Soul's messages with the world.

It gets to be you being you. 

If you're relating to what I'm saying...if you want to feel that you are ok and succeed at your next level just the way you are... your next step is to book in an hour call with me. I'd love to hear about your healing journey and your goals for your Soul business. We can be chatting this week! These calls are currently on sale from $444 down to $111 for a limited time. Book in here.

Sending so much love, peace and healing!

xo Katie

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A lot of dark corruption on this planet comes masked as religion

It's become a recurring pattern in my energy healing work that I do dark entity clearing from ancestry lines that have been penetrating and corrupting multiple members of the line for generations. I'm specifically talking about dark forces that corrupt one family member (lets say 3-4 generations back) through religious programming - most often Cath olic - and then continue corrupting younger generations. I am not talking about the person being 'bad' I am talking about the negative entity who is acting THROUGH them. 

I am quite certain that if I could see thousands of sufferers of mental illness I would find a lot of dark entity f*ckery going on from religious origin. 

Writing about these subjects is not enjoyable for me. I am not against religion! I am actually a devout disciple of God. I am against anything that takes people away from God and some religious teachings do that! 

I have a greater mission though. The more people I can help disentangle spiritually from their religion trauma, and worse, d3m0nic possesion or from having their life ruined mentally/sexually/financially by this stuff...the better! 

Nothing delights my Soul more than getting more Soul's free (into TRUE God Union on the inside) from nasty non-human dark entity sh*t! 

Non-organic or dark entities have to have an entrance point to penetrate and f*k with humans. If people put their trust - and believe it is their entry way to God - when it in fact has alterior motives to possess their Soul - BOOM that's a great entry way for a d*mon to get into a family line. This is the energy gateway *they use to get into s*ually abusing children. And to some kind of hypnosis to get humans to give them their Souls. 

Always always always know that you are God's light embodied. You do not need an outside source to do this. Though, if you find a person who helps you feel your inner Union with God more, that is great! That would be the TRUE purpose of relationship! With your spouse, with a spiritual leader, with nature. 

I quite literally hate the dark and LOVE the light/God with all my Soul. 

If you sense that you need energy clearing and are curious about working with me, send me a message today! Either a private facebook message (Katie Awake) or email me can chat this week.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Women adjusting to inner/outer wealth

I have noticed in the last couple of years ... truly since I decided that I wanted to be making real money through my business...meaning making real money as a woman...have my own sovereign wealth ... separate from my husbands.... a few things :)

I notice that when I expand into my own energy field more, like when I go to lead a talk or a class or a facebook live...or when I am in 'selling mode'...or when I am FULL FORCE mode as the Soul that I presence gets bigger. I become all of me.

Usually I stay in this mode for hours a day....creating.

There is then a 'coming back down' period.

At first I blamed my husband for this (sorry hun)

What has become clear that I was essentially bouncing back into what remained of 'not enough' paradigm, what remained of 'wife is supposed to be smaller than her husband' paradigm, 'wife isn't supposed to make her own money' paradigm....basically some energies in my first/second chakras DID NOT FEEL SAFE on my journey into financial freedom in my own business creations. These parts of me (understandably) feel/felt safe having someone else to depend on..emotionally and financially...and for just my general sense of wellbeing I think.

It is a mother f'ing TRIP shifting into sovereignty inside myself!!! On more levels than money! The money patterns point to deeper inside energy patterns, every single time.

It is a big f'ing deal for women to become financially and emotionally sovereign.

We are changing generations worth of patterning.

And we are not doing it by putting men down! No.

Men are amazing and deserve (of course) to be fully embodied, in love, happy, doing their thing how they want to as well.

This is about a restoration! A restoration to harmony. This was always the plan. Union between inner and outer femining/masculine harmony restored!

This is what we are doing on the planet now.

What I want to say is this: Women, it is ok that it feels VERY f'ing weird, scary and unfamiliar to shift into sovereign wealth inside. And this does not mean you have to lose anyone or anything. There does not have to be loss for there to be gain. You get to be FULLY you! Fully seen, loved, paid and supported. As the feminine comes into power, so does the masculine. As the masculine comes into power, so does the feminine. We do this together! Not all at once, but layer by layer, as a team.

You get to simply open to being ALL of you....then see how your life/love/reality changes :) Let it all adapt to you! I promise you the outcomes will be EXACTLY what your Soul truly desires :)

There are about 24 hours left to join FULL OF YOURSELF here. This is my free 7 day audio course to support Women to embody their Fullness as Souls. Dispelling myths that being fully is a bad thing..or a selfish!! I'm also offering a giveaway for a full day in voxer with me for healing/coaching. Read more and join for free here (value $777).

Ready for high level 1:1 support as you heal and adjust to being ALL of yourself? Message me about private mentorship at I have 7 places open.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Live from YOU, not past ancestor patterning.

Many, many generations worth of patterns live on in our cells. It's like having many relationships, your own ancestors relationship dynamics, still being enacted through you. It takes an extraordinary level of awareness and support, to lovingly go beyond this patterning.

Again, I reiterate how important it is to KNOW the energy of your own Soul! Live in union with God. So that you are not living a life according to your programming or your ancestors relationship dynamics or traumas..and in accordance with your own Soul's highest destiny.

One way to get in tune with the frequency of your own Soul, is to meditate and ask God to show you your own Soul's frequency. And just be in it. Know your own Soul's song. 

HERE, abiding in God and your own Soul, you are infinite. You are creative. Endlessly creative. You are happy! You are jubilant! You are YOU! 

Creative one. 

Let your soul sing! 

In containers with me, I'm shown what ancestral patterns or trauma my clients need to become more aware of so that they can be free to be the Soul that they are in this life! Free to express, free to speak, free to love, free to be happy in marriage how they want to, free to parent how they want to, free to make money how they want to. Free! 

In honor of those who came before and in great benefit to those who come after. 

You've been looking for high level 1:1 support on your path, you're ready to dive in! I have space open for my highest level of 1:1 healing & coaching for a full year commitment. Message me personally here on facebook for more details. Or email me here

I also have a 7 day free audio course 'Full of Yourself' coming up 8/7! This is for women to get over fake ideas that being happy and full of your own brilliance is somehow a bad thing ?!? No, we're not doing that anymore. You get to be filled up from the inside spiritually, pleasurably, financially and have rich rich relationships! xoxoxoxoxo Read more and join Full of Yourself for free here (value $777)

Healing is always possible!


Sunday, July 24, 2022

You are embodied celebration! Quantum Gold Mastermind

It's safe to be embodied celebration again. It's safe to be you. Go in there (inside yourself) and find her/him. The little queen/king. The jovial, happy, cant-ever-get-enough of life one. The sweet, innocent heart one. The playful, innocent, only knows joy and unlimited expansion, one. Set her free. Bring her out. Help her feel safe. Tell her she's beautiful.

It's safe now to celebrate.

You are embodied celebration. You are Queen. You are King. All of us are! The true nature of humanity is the innocent child of God heart! 

What's in your heart? What wants to come out and play?

It is not what you DO that gives you value. It is inherent in you BEING, that is your value. And your value is infinite! Literally immortal. Endless...You are drop of the ocean of God, are you not?

So, even though we know very well that your reasons for not being all of you, or for not knowing that you are amazing, or for hiding, or for playing small, or for not connecting with others, or fot not just GOING FOR what makes you really really happy, or for not acting upon the visions of your heart.....ARE REAL!!!

These sweet hiding patterns ARE 100% VALID!!!

Are they not also a bit boring?

Would you not truly like to be up on the edge of a clif singing your heart out? Singing your Soul song? Letting it all out?

That's what I thought :)

Let's get you up there! 

What creations want to be born of you? Do you know that you are a creation in motion? That you are creation creating? You are literally an emobdiment of the God force! 

We are all the energy of God! As one of my beautiful coaches says, we are of the energy that makes worlds! 

This week in Quantum Gold Mastermind I'm having all the laides bring a phot of themself when they were a little tike. :)

We're going to be re-igniting our natural energy of being embodied celebration!!!

Little jubilee beings of light sound happy dances and creation!!!!

THIS is the soul of business....or at least it is in my world! 

You again, as you were, as you'll always be....happy dancing creating Soul :)

You're reading to hop back in the saddle as the endless joy being that you are! To let the energies of creation that you ARE.... CREATE!!! In the way that you are meant to! 

My favorite thing about this Mastermind space is the celebrating that we all do of each other!!!! Of our beingness, of our Souls and of our business achievements! Freedom :)

I would love to chat with you about joining! Bring a photo of you as a little one, too :) DM me for more details about the Quantum Gold Mastermind and you can be on your first healing and coaching call with me this week!

(or email me at

All the love,


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Spiritual Healing

Soul level healing means light opening up spiritually from the inside. In a way that it naturally uplifts, heals, clears and transmutes bound patterns in the subconscious...right outa' the body!

When I open a session for healing, I am looking at the person's whole energy field. I see what energy patterns need to open up and clear. The goal is always for their FULL soul expression.

So the levels that clear include; inner child, soul and spirit. THROUGH the body.

It is multidimensional work. So the patterns we work through go accross time and dimensions. It's fairly common that we do soul retrieval work from past lifetimes.

I also am just mezmerized by how the soul mission, business blue print and sacred money relationship also get born from the inside!

I honestly find this work to be SO beautiful!!! I am just honored every day to lead healing in the way that I do.

I currently have spaces open for my highest level of 1:1 healing and mentorship. Just email me to chat about this. 


MORE is actually natural !

It's ok to want more. It's ok to want to be more of yourself. It's ok to want more money. It's ok to want to give more. It's ok to want to receive more. MORE is natural. It's the natural state of the second chakra. It's a receiving chakra. It's what it does! I don't know what happens to this chakra in people, but I see all sorts of f*cked uppedness!

How much learning goes down telling people NOT to express, NOT to want, NOT to be more, NOT to be their WHOLE self??!! hmm? A LOT OF THAT SH*T! 

Generations worth...many.

So let's unlock, shall we?

What needs to come undone? What needs to open up? What do you need to feel safe to be MORE to have more to do more to create more to earn more to expand more to have more fun? one long run on sentence YES. 

Feel the overwhelm of saying YES to yourself yet?


Don't turn away. Don't go numb out. Cry if you must. Let it all out baby. 

This is the dial turning up on YOU

This is your time to shine

This is your time to be set free!!!

There does not have to be waiting period

There does not have to be another shoe to drop

You don't have to lose anyone or anything

There doesn't have to be a crisis before your sunrise

You get to just choose to be you

Unlocked. Ready. Excited! 

This is your inner soul sunrise into majesty. Into pleasure through being you. Into more joy, more money, more expression, more power.....MORE ! 


10 weeks with me in Inner Soul Mastery...lets gooooooo

Join here now:

xo Katie

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The energy of God & money is kindness

All parts of you are holy

There is not one single emotion or body part that is sinful

God is everywhere

Through you, within you & all around you

In & of every cell

Stop looking for parts that are ‘wrong’ or that need fixing

It has never been true that you are somehow ‘bad’ for inexplicable reasons ... or that you need to somehow make yourself good

You don’t need to find the bad & then try to re-arrange it to be good enough, to one day finally maybe get some gold

You are the gold

You are an angel

You ALWAYS have been ! 💫🥳🙏🏼

So... who are you without the ‘looking for things wrong’ girl? Or boy?

What opens up?

What gets retrieved?

What is remembered?

How does your heart open?

How does your nervous system unwind?

What gets to be let go of?

How does your crown straighten atop your cute head?

How happy do you become?

Really, really happy 🌅 🙂

I’d love to guide you there.

I’m a spiritual midwife assisting souls in their healing, awakening & expansion ... into the gold of you 💛

10 weeks live of Inner Soul Mastery begins with me July 9th

Over these 10 weeks your gut will heal. Your inner soul sunrise will happen. You will realize inner soul Union with Money. You will express fully through your soul business. You will achieve deeper harmony in your core relationships. You will come more alive inside through embodied safety .. at an inner child & soul level.

We will do this together, through God.

10 spots only. Cost is $2222.

Email me at to join & let’s celebrate you!!

This will be SO FUN! 😻

All my love,

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Christ Money Flow aka Sacred Union

Christ Money opens the back of the heart. 

I've been diving into one of my favorite areas of reasearch lately, all of my books on Christ, Mary Magdelene, their crowd, and everything they were *actually* doing back then. It was teaching on God, love & healing. That's what he came here to do. He didn't come here to start a religion. He certainly didn't come here to be executed, have his teachings stolen by the wrong people and then have those corrupted teachings (with the women's wisdom taken out) exploit people for their money and for their souls. 

I am a disciple of Christ. I have been for ages. I know this stuff. I was born with it. I'm scared to write about it because of past lifetime persecution, mamming, torture..for being Christian. For being a woman. For being a healer. For knowng how to heal people through the light of God. For being able to *see* things. Alas, I write anyway, because it's who I am and what I do. Hopefully I get a long, happy, safe life this time. I've been told that I do. yay! 

So, in my current round of exploring my union with Christ deeper this time, it's healing many things within me. Including how money gets to work in this lifetime, and future. 

Recently I had been feeling I wanted to check out churches again. I haven't been to church in over a decade. I have my own inner church, my own inner union with God, my own inner sanctuary. 

Though, I do love church. I love if it's joyful, if it's actually singing praise, if it's uplifting! 

So that's what I thought I was out looking for ;)

God had other plans. 

So I opened up google maps and felt compelled to go to one of the local catholic churches. The church itself is very asthetically beautiful, the people were kind as well. I felt an emotional liberation from my heart when I sat down, because I was happy to be there. 

In the shadows of the energy, I also felt the vibes of allllllll the child sexual abuse that happens through the catholic church. I actually wanted to leave when I felt that. I saw this energy, as the priest was introducing the communion ritual part, I saw all of the people's souls started to lean forward towards it, like they were being sucked in. That was alarming. I have heard that catholic mass ceremonies are actually sata nic ritual...I'm sorry to say that does appear to be true. Christ NEVER created ANY of this!!! HE DID NOT ask for his blood and body to be eaten...seriously WTF? Frankly, I think it's weird that his body up on his execution stand is what hangs all over churches and around people's necks!?! I truly don't think people THINK about it! It feels like they believe it's a beautiful symbol of devotion, so I totally understand, don't come at me lol But reaaaaally, really.....let's look at how weird that is. It would make more sense to wear a neclace with a heart on it, because that's what Jesus is about. Maybe a planet Earth shape with a heart in the middle. Or better yet, people could focus on actually being nice to each other! To be LIKE Christ was! IS! He's showing us what's possible for EACH of us! He doesn't want us worshiping him, he wants us to rise up into our own holy potential! 

The kingdom of heaven is WITHIN. 

So, my point is to point out the truth. Christ, and all the other Masters, are showing us what we are capable of. Internally & spiritually. 

Since I went to that mass on Sunday, I have seen that Christ was sitting there with me. I have a visual of myself sitting there as total blue water flowing energy, as an embodiment of Christ embodiment of divine feminine & masculine & holy spirit Union...seeing it all. Seeing the vandalism of the sacred & the feminine, supposedly in the name of God. And I am done with all of that now. Christ in my heart is my church. 

I retrieved a part of me who was a 7 year old sexually assaulted by a demon through the catholic church. I got her back. 

Our point here is NOT to dessimate religion that is meaningful to people. But I just have to share about the mind control that comes through those catholic masses. God is WITHIN! Christ is available to all of us and he is love. Just like all of the other Masters who have walked and walk the Earth.

You don't have to choose one thing to be devoted to and give it your Soul. Be it ALL in your heart. 

I realize that the people who resonate with this will be people like me who perhaps need a boost into reclaiming parts of their Soul from Catholocism (or other religion trauma)...who want to finally remember and drop into the sacredness of ALL of life that is available only through the inside spiritually in the heart. 

Money also gets to be experienced now through Union with Christ. 

Money is not bad, though it is used by some bad people. 

Don't confuse the pure truth of money with the demo nic or bad people who have abused people by controlling their money.

Money is inherently neutral. And just as it can be used to fuel bad enterprises, it can be a very good friend to very, very GOOD enterprises on this planet. Such as, your Soul Mission :) 

I notice that a lot of women and men, don't receive.

On the outside it looks like they don't receive money, but energetically they aren't allowing themselves to receive much at all. In the way of energy/love/adoration/touch/companionship etc. 

We see this as clogged up heart chakras. Brains and bodies that have been through trauma. Fear of money because there are mental associations between money and abusers. 

It's a safety mechanism to do life alone and without support. 

Christ heals this. He is doing this work through me. I am so so honored. 

The way the healing goes is this. Just as I described myself above as sitting there at church AS HIM. In union with him, as him, this flowing crystal/water blue energy through my whole being...and not singular to me...connected with ALL THAT IS, ALL OF LIFE, abundantly. This is the Christ Money Flow. 

Embodying him, it is a union that can be described a few different ways. This is what my Soul is all about. This is what I am here for. This is my destiny. It is also to be in sacred union with my husband, which I am. 

It is a Christ Money Union. 

Do you see how much healing happens on this planet through Earth Angel leaders embodying UNION between Christ and Money?

It obliterates the idea that money is bad. It makes money safe. It makes being supported by 100K months and more, SAFE. 

It comes in through the back of your heart. 

It is singing! 

It is not only safe, it is orgasmic! Pleasureable because it is the Truth of God coursing through your blood! The flow of life force energy FREELY through you! 

This is a returning to what is True. God, Love, Abundance, Joy, Love, Pleasure & Abundance is within us and it's time that we live it! 

Christ wants this for EVERYONE! 

The question of worthiness can be thrown out now. He NEVER EVER, and he's being VERY clear, NEVER wanted to make people doubt their worth of him! doubt their worth of their own divinity! NO! He spits on that! Blasphemy, lies and deceit.

Christ himself was a rebel against abusive authority! He was and is a leader in Love! 

Return now to your own holy nature.

Come and integrate the Christ Money Union with me :)

Hearts get to be free now. Hearts get to receive now. Hearts get to be supported now! The masculine supports the feminine. Christ Money supports the Earth Angel Leaders! It is time. 

I have a Quantum Gold Mastermind that is a 9 month Christ led money container for Spiritual Entrepreneurs to blast open from the inside into their Christ Money Flow. Absolute bliss, joy, fun, sacred union in relationships and prosperity through Soul Mission....what you were born to do!

Hearts receiving! 

I also have spaces open for new 1:1 private clients...a full year or 3 months....these containers also include my other group programs at your choosing. 

Just comment below or send me a private message on facebook (Katie Awake) to chat.

Whew! love you!


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sacred Marriage or Soul Business success for women? BOTH AND ALL!

Your soul work will save you. Your own medicine is your medicine, first, before it is for others.

I heard someone say this long ago and it proves to be very true.

My programming was to rely on a husband for money and if I wanted to make money of my own it would be time-consuming, back-breaking (physically or psychologically) and would not utitlize the depth of my feminine intuitition. It would be a slow internal death for me.

So I, of course, refuse to do that.

Even though I am grateful for jobs I have worked over the years, indeed.

There's a mission in my Soul to be set free financially. And it is SO much deeper than money! It is about SOUL FREEDOM! It's about living in union with God on every level.

This is about leading thousands of women into union between Christ's light and Money within their hearts.

This is about ENDING the supposed choice between a happy marriage or a soul fulfilling successful career.


Looking back to the end of the previous century in Europe, women were not considered fully whole on their own anymore once they married. They were their man's property. They also couldn't own land or have their own bank accounts.

It wasn't until the 70's in London and the USA that women could open their own bank accounts.

There gets to be a total freedom now for women to succeed and prosper financially through BEING fully themself as a gifted, talented, deeply intuitive, rich and abundant Soul. AND have feminine/masculine harmonized, esctatic Sacred Marriage.

Men and women EACH thriving as whole, prosperous FULLY expressed SOULS and as ONE.

In Quantum Gold Mastermind, this is your returning to harmonized Union with yourSELF (never to be lost again), with your partner, with your business and with money.

Ready? 🙂

Read more and apply here love. Can't wait to talk with you!


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Live group weekly healing

I made something new....

It's big... My Soul is stretching out...this is what I'm here to do. Life gets to be REALLY REALLY GOOD ! What matters to me is the total soul freedom of humanity. I want you to feel safe, happy & free to fully BE yourself. I am sick to death (like holy rage fire) about the corruption, deceit, false leaders, poisinous systems & abuse of humanity on this planet. I see the negative entities that carry on through people generation to generation... this is the true origin of abuse. It's really not human made. I know this is hard to believe to some people (probably not you, since you're here) but there have been inorganic beings siphoning the will of humanity for a very very long time. And this my friend, 2022, is a brighter beginning. We are in the new golden age! I could just cry writing this..I am so happy. Some people have thought I was nuts at've probably experienced that too...even family! But I have always known the truth. I am here of God, of Christ, in union with the be a light. To be truth. To embody my divinity, to help awaken be a servent of God...for the most high truths. This mission is one of restoration for planet Earth. A returning of light, of consciousness, of hope, of healing... for the prosperity of the human race. For the rising of our consciousness!! That is the true returning of the Christ. He was showing us what we can now do too! All the Masters are. There are more than Christ. There are angels among us too, perhaps you are one. I come back around to strongly wanting to lead a weekly healing group again and again! It is what I am here on the planet to do after all. Help with the raising of consciousness. And do my own Soul's ascension of course. The Bright Beginning Membership meets weekly on zoom. I will channel in the healing that the group needs every week. There is also time for question and answer. I imagine as the group grows we'll have to divide our time up a bit, but it will all work out perfect.
Learn more here and sign up. We will begin this Wednesday :) eeeeeeee ! With a heart breaking open to more and more light, Katie Awake

Money is the light of Christ.

Truly, money is supposed to feel like God. Money is supposed to feel like Christ's light. It is in fact his light.

We're here to help disentangle you and your money from all obstructions, entanglements and follys.

It doesn't have to be hard any more. You don't have to work for it anymore. Yes you'll do lots of Soul aligned action..but no more of this paradigm of 'working towards' money.

Money just IS. And it is FOR you.

Christ is beckoning you to money in your heart. He is showing you it is safe. He is opening his heart, showing you it's safe to open your heart to abundance also.

All pain, fear, lack, done now.

TIme to open up little one, into the light of God...of the Masters...of Christ. They came here to show us what we can do too! And they are still here. Among us. As you, as me.

The true riches of your heart are beckoning you IN. The money is there. The client contracts. The agreements..the ones you made before you were born. Is all here.

The money you want can come to you when you open up to it inside your heart.

You don't have to be on edge, scared or vigilant anymore.

As you open to the truths of your heart, to Christ inside, you will feel it all coming to you. Tens of thousands of dollars and more, coming to you, and you will hold it in your hands.

This is what you will unlock within the Quantum Gold Mastermind with me. It will change the course of your life.

Quantum Gold was given to me from Christ, as his energy, his style, his frequency, his unconditionally loving guidance, nurturing love, all seeing view and prosperity. You will be given this too! Money is of God. Let's restore this for you, for your life and for your legacy.

I love you!

Katie Awake

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...