Sunday, August 7, 2022

Women adjusting to inner/outer wealth

I have noticed in the last couple of years ... truly since I decided that I wanted to be making real money through my business...meaning making real money as a woman...have my own sovereign wealth ... separate from my husbands.... a few things :)

I notice that when I expand into my own energy field more, like when I go to lead a talk or a class or a facebook live...or when I am in 'selling mode'...or when I am FULL FORCE mode as the Soul that I presence gets bigger. I become all of me.

Usually I stay in this mode for hours a day....creating.

There is then a 'coming back down' period.

At first I blamed my husband for this (sorry hun)

What has become clear that I was essentially bouncing back into what remained of 'not enough' paradigm, what remained of 'wife is supposed to be smaller than her husband' paradigm, 'wife isn't supposed to make her own money' paradigm....basically some energies in my first/second chakras DID NOT FEEL SAFE on my journey into financial freedom in my own business creations. These parts of me (understandably) feel/felt safe having someone else to depend on..emotionally and financially...and for just my general sense of wellbeing I think.

It is a mother f'ing TRIP shifting into sovereignty inside myself!!! On more levels than money! The money patterns point to deeper inside energy patterns, every single time.

It is a big f'ing deal for women to become financially and emotionally sovereign.

We are changing generations worth of patterning.

And we are not doing it by putting men down! No.

Men are amazing and deserve (of course) to be fully embodied, in love, happy, doing their thing how they want to as well.

This is about a restoration! A restoration to harmony. This was always the plan. Union between inner and outer femining/masculine harmony restored!

This is what we are doing on the planet now.

What I want to say is this: Women, it is ok that it feels VERY f'ing weird, scary and unfamiliar to shift into sovereign wealth inside. And this does not mean you have to lose anyone or anything. There does not have to be loss for there to be gain. You get to be FULLY you! Fully seen, loved, paid and supported. As the feminine comes into power, so does the masculine. As the masculine comes into power, so does the feminine. We do this together! Not all at once, but layer by layer, as a team.

You get to simply open to being ALL of you....then see how your life/love/reality changes :) Let it all adapt to you! I promise you the outcomes will be EXACTLY what your Soul truly desires :)

There are about 24 hours left to join FULL OF YOURSELF here. This is my free 7 day audio course to support Women to embody their Fullness as Souls. Dispelling myths that being fully is a bad thing..or a selfish!! I'm also offering a giveaway for a full day in voxer with me for healing/coaching. Read more and join for free here (value $777).

Ready for high level 1:1 support as you heal and adjust to being ALL of yourself? Message me about private mentorship at I have 7 places open.

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