Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A lot of dark corruption on this planet comes masked as religion

It's become a recurring pattern in my energy healing work that I do dark entity clearing from ancestry lines that have been penetrating and corrupting multiple members of the line for generations. I'm specifically talking about dark forces that corrupt one family member (lets say 3-4 generations back) through religious programming - most often Cath olic - and then continue corrupting younger generations. I am not talking about the person being 'bad' I am talking about the negative entity who is acting THROUGH them. 

I am quite certain that if I could see thousands of sufferers of mental illness I would find a lot of dark entity f*ckery going on from religious origin. 

Writing about these subjects is not enjoyable for me. I am not against religion! I am actually a devout disciple of God. I am against anything that takes people away from God and some religious teachings do that! 

I have a greater mission though. The more people I can help disentangle spiritually from their religion trauma, and worse, d3m0nic possesion or from having their life ruined mentally/sexually/financially by this stuff...the better! 

Nothing delights my Soul more than getting more Soul's free (into TRUE God Union on the inside) from nasty non-human dark entity sh*t! 

Non-organic or dark entities have to have an entrance point to penetrate and f*k with humans. If people put their trust - and believe it is their entry way to God - when it in fact has alterior motives to possess their Soul - BOOM that's a great entry way for a d*mon to get into a family line. This is the energy gateway *they use to get into s*ually abusing children. And to some kind of hypnosis to get humans to give them their Souls. 

Always always always know that you are God's light embodied. You do not need an outside source to do this. Though, if you find a person who helps you feel your inner Union with God more, that is great! That would be the TRUE purpose of relationship! With your spouse, with a spiritual leader, with nature. 

I quite literally hate the dark and LOVE the light/God with all my Soul. 

If you sense that you need energy clearing and are curious about working with me, send me a message today! Either a private facebook message (Katie Awake) or email me can chat this week.


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