Monday, December 26, 2022

A few business lessons I've learned this year!

 A few of the top lessons I've learned so far in creating an online business from my Soul's vision and mission:

💻 At this time in my journey, it's essential for me to have a coach that is doing what I want to be doing and has a mastermind of other amazing ladies who are earning what I want to be earning also creating businesses from their Souls. For me, communities of sisterhood breaking ALL old molds of what women 'can do' 'should do'...any limitations .... and instead, ALL embodying what we truly want/need/desire as the powerful Souls that we are is...essential. Women get to make great money doing what they naturally do as Soul's now. It is a good thing to put LOTS of money in the hands of good-hearted Souls on the planet now. It is a revolution for the highest good of all.

😍 I don't have to sacrifice any part of myself to succeed in the ways that I want to. The more I have put back together the pieces of my own Soul and created more and more inner Soul sovereignty; the calmer I feel creating my Soul's visions as a business. It's ok to utilize some of the more traditional or patriarchal strategies; as long as I'm functioning from my center, it all works out. Sometimes I get afraid of being perceived like a scammer; but I understand now that my mission is so pure from my heart that it's not possible to scam people.

🍉 It is good to share my voice loud and proud. In spite of being afraid of people negatively criticizing me...that will of course happen sometimes and does. What matters the most...for my mental/emotional/creative/relationship and financial thriving. I have to be fully me. For me, creating my business is an intrinsic part of who I am. These are my Soul's creations. I don't want to do anything else. I must do this.

What have you learned this year?

I am leading a FREE 2 day event that begins this Wednesday. We will make peace with 2022 and channel from YOUR Soul what wants to be created in 2023! In every area of life. We get to enter this year in calm, focused, Soul-led belief.

Join here.

If you are ready for a deep dive with me for the year, I have 6 places open for Quantum Gold Mastermind. If you want to birth your Soul Business alongside me, click the Quantum Gold link here and apply today. We begin January 2nd.

<<For the next 6 who join you also receive Women Remember as a free gift. This is 20 hours of life changing content with me. Recorded healing sessions that you can dive into right away upon joining. It is based on womb healing and birthing the real you spiritually; in life, relationships and money. (It is normally $333). xo>>

Happy Holidays! 🔑🎁🎉📨
Katie Awake
Spiritual Healer

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