Monday, March 13, 2023

It's not normal or required to live anxious.

I am working with a lot of women lately who have significant amounts of anxiety in their hearts.

It is not just you! It’s so common.

The common pattern I’m seeing is like walls closing in, never enough space, can’t even feel themselves.

I can relate to this from my own path too. 

The healing looks like choosing for yourself to create SPACE.

Inside and out! 

Create space inside yourself for yourself.

Stop filling up your energy field with other people’s stress.

Let others be responsible for themselves and for their pain.

All you have to do is be willing to feel your own pain and transmute your own pain into light.

If you are resonating with this ….

Give your OWN heart lots and lots of SPACE!

Breathing space. Living space. Feeling space. ROOM TO BREATHE!

I realize it’s a common pattern for us as women to be raised as caretakers. And this is BEAUTIFUL! We are beautiful at mothering, nurturing, intuiting, caring…

BUT…you do need to put yourself first now.

Your family will thank you. 

First you may need to give yourself space to recognize that it’s NOT actually necessary to carry anxiety around all the time. You may need some time to recognize that SPACIOUSNESS is actually ALWAYS available. 

You do indeed matter.

You feeling GOOD matters my love.

End of transmission 🙂

Would you like to chat with me about what opening up space for yourself, for your heart and for your joy could be like? Book in a free Abundance zoom call here and I will see you soon.

Love love,


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