Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Daughter, wife and wealthy woman

The most challenging aspects of my own journey from financial scarcity to lasting financial wealth, and of many of my clients, come out of healing the relationship to money in the roles of daughter and wife.

Or perhaps a lack of having a relationship to our own financial wealth creation *because of* societal gender & relationship roles; I think most of it happens unconsciously. Bodies carry many generations worth of patterns and Soul carry many lifetimes worth of patterns.

I realize not everyone will relate to this post. It's for other women who *do* relate and can benefit from hearing about my journey and about the financial breakthroughs that I help my clients have.

I also want to make clear that my husband is an incredibly supportive partner to me, spiritually, emotionally and financially. He believes in me....hence how much I am coming into my own sovereignty, including having my own business and other income streams, WITH him at my side. We both pursue our Soul purposes and support each other's journeys on every level; it's a beautiful thing.

Now, within the context of me healing my relationship to money and establishing somatically through my body, that I am indeed sovereign and can be sovereign financially, that is what I am writing about. It has NOT, by a long shot, been ok on this planet for women to be financially free through sharing widely their SOUL GIFTS.. AND have sacred, thriving marriages. So...that is what I am doing :) And I'm taking lots of women with me too :)

To women resonating with me, I recommend breaking yourself free with prayer, with intention, with ceremony, with your own magic...from these beliefs... even if you are earning good money...they can still be there. For me these kinds of unconscious programming would show up AFTER I had a powerful call or WHEN I receive money....they can cause chaos or physical pain symptoms or cause you to get rid of money when you have it.

*A wife can't earn her own money
*A girl is owned by her father and than by her husband
*She cannot earn her own money and any money that she does earn goes to him

Feel what comes up through your body while you are reading them and while you are clearing them - forgive yourself as a Soul for co-creating these patterns on any level (not because it's your fault - but we want to be 100% clear of the energies so that you can get free financially and to be uber successful) - hand it all over to God - DECIDE how you want to be in relationship to money now! How do you want to feel in relationship to money? How much do you want a month? a year? Get comfortable with it energetically first, then it can come in physically.

You get to have everything you want and it gets to feel great for you! You being fully you, sharing the gifts from your Soul, making great money doing it, it is holy service to us all. You will be happier in your marriage when you are enjoying your OWN creative gifts and prosperity. In my experience if I get off track from my own creative flow (which for me is the same as my business flow and money flow) I get unhappy and I start to look at my husband through trauma eyes; rather than the eyes of my Soul. That's actually the beauty of marriage, it succeeds when BOTH parties are enacting their own Soul's work.

Humans are infinitely creative beings and NEED to be being creative to be thriving. The additional thing me and my spiritual team are doing is hooking up financial wealth with true Soul creative gifts, AS ONE.

This is union between Spirit and Money.

It is the END of making money being soul sucking.

It is the resurgence of the feminine principle of creation WITH business & financial wellness. Respected and supported BY the masculine principle. The holy water held within the holy grail, so to speak.

Women now, millions of us, are actually new Earth Angel Business Leaders and we're making a new trillion dollar love economy...that's what I see the Coaching Industry is.

Feel the freedom?

Our movement is not actually gender specific, as it is happening through human consciousness, but, a large portion of financial abuse, covert control...you can be independent but only so much... was and still is purposfully...they even claim it to be backed by God (which it is not) continue to be done to women. Maybe this is because the dark KNOWS the true power of women and does not want to lose control.

I just want to be very clear that I know A LOT of amazing men, and I see all of you doing incredible work too!!! I work with a lot of amazing male clients too! I blame the dark that's been controlling this planet and humanity for ages, not men.

I just know these inner places where I need to keep helping thousands of women get free from financial control shackles of their pasts. Probably on men too...men can have a lot of bizarre money/work slave type mentalities that need clearing too.

Let's all get rich from our Soul work now, eh? Buck abuse systems!

Ways this abuse/trauma/disempowerment has shown up in me and in my clients AND what we permanently clear to NOW be free to earn by being enacting Soul Creative Energy and Sacred Union with money and Sacred union within marriage:

*General fear of money
*Fear of investing in yourself (same as prioritizing yourself- your creativity, needs, wants, desires etc)
*Feeling incapable of handling money
*Feeling inadequate to have lots of money
*Feeling like you don't belong in business or finance worlds
*Lots of rage - because you know that you are indeed capable, qualified, an amazing leader etc.
*A Soul knowing that it is your destiny to be financially wealthy being being fully yourself
*Not satisfied with boxey, wordly-rat-race money paths
*Desire to be in your feminine flow AND creating financial wealth you desire
*Desire feminine masculine union in your marriage or future partnership

I currently have a FREE program running called *Destiny Unlocked* where we are....indeed...unlocking our destinies :) Join now because we've already started! You can get caught up on the Day one video today.

Join the Destiny Unlocked facebook group below, you are so so welcome!!!

I also am currently taking new private clients...for Quantum Healing and Soul Business Coaching work...email me Katie@KatieAwake.com if you would like to chat about working together. My 2023 Soul Business Mastermind is enrolling or I have 1:1 healing programs available. 

We can be on your first call as soon as this week!

So much love,
Katie Awake
Spiritual Healer & Intuitive Money Coach 

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