Monday, December 12, 2022

How to let yourself have everything you want :)

In the process of aligning your energy with what your Soul desires to create; there's a difference between a more deeply embedded trauma/memory/experience that needs to be processed fully...STORED IN YOUR BODY.... potentially with professional aid...compared to just a thought stream that can be stopped on it's head.

If you're experiencing something that you can tell lives in your body, in your cells with an emotion quality to it..this is likely stored trauma. It's a part of you that thinks it is keeping you safe from experiencing the dangerous SOUL FREEDOM that you are craving. Because what you REALLY want to do/be/have in your life will SET YOU FREE on every level and you'll immediately start having everything you want in life. When you are vibrating energetically with what you DO want, you'll actually see that you already have everything and you'll start *actually* saying yes with your frequency to having more and more of what you want.

So if you have traumas in you from times you were just being your normal self; and you got beat up, hurt, silenced, shamed, abused...where you than have stories inside like 'it's not safe to be me' 'its safe to not be seen' 'its safe to have little' 'this worlds no safe' 'I don't fit here' 'i'm not wanted' 'joy/abudance is not for me' ...anything like that...these trauma memories stored in the cells of your body...just need you to do these 3 things:

Open to feeling the feelings inside them fully. Forgive yourself for feeling that way all the way through your human DNA and eternal Soul. Let it all be ok. Then hand it over to God. All you need to do is be a being of light, no need to carry anything else. (You are safe being light because light only lets light in and light repels dark)

Just like this, outloud and mean it:

It is understandable that I feel this way. I make sense. My emotions make sense. Take a few deep breaths and just feel!

I forgive myself for creating this pattern and emotions.

I release my own attachment to these trauma memories, to these emotions in my body and to anything else I need to release to now let it be easy to have what I want in my life in every way.

I hand all of this over to God.

*Breathe, feel and notice what you notice*

I now choose to believe and create....(you choose!)

IF it is just random thoughts that are creating what you don't want... WITHOUT some big somatic emotion body charge....interupt them...and immediately start flooding your body thinking thoughts about the stuff you DO want to create!!!

You silly, infinitely creative being, you!!!

Stop getting in your own way and create what you DO want.

ok, bye, enjoy.

PS....want to get more free on every level to be, act, speak, create, write, earn money, be in your marriage, parenting, the Soul that you are? Join me for 9 months inside Quantum Gold Mastermind. Quantum Gold evokes inner spiriual union between Christ Consciousness and Money; though the results are Union on all levels. This is a 9 month spiritual birthing chamber. It's been workin' me for a year now and it's freakin' incredible lol. You'll unfold into being exactly who you've always wanted to be - just as I have into myself - and continue to. We begin January :) Click here to read more now and apply to join.  I have 6 spaces open! xo Katie

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