Monday, October 24, 2022

You are a gift to this Earth

After a lifetime of over delivering myself to try and be good. After always feeling like I had to 'make' myself into something to receive love. After always feeling like I'm nothing deep down inside...and hoping no one would see how bad I secretly am...I am happily burning this ALL up!

Into the light we go.

I have always been pure light.

In my true self, my most natural, I'm just here, self.

Not only am I good enough, worthy, divine, perfect...I am one with God.

And so are you.

Know the light that you are.

Especially in the hidden parts, where you might secretly worry if you are bad. If you are not so sure that you are worthy of everything you KNOW your Soul is here to have/be/receive/experience....right HERE...

You are the brightest!!

It was a trick. It was abuse. It was a cover up.

Shine like the diamond that you are. Without even trying. You are divine when you are feeling like sh*t, curled up crying...especially are a diamond.

It doesn't matter what's going on, how much money you have, how many people you have in your life, how anything is you perceive yourself to be measuring are divine.


All of the time.


I have 4 places open for Soul Sunrise. This is 3 months with me 1:1 to remember who you truly are. To clear anthing that needs to clear for you to rise like the Sun. For you to be your SELF.

You can function in life as the divine Soul that you are by allowing clear communication with the people you love, more money flowing in your business/career, blossiming soul aligned friendships and more fun in your romantic relationship. 

Click here to read more and apply! We can be on your first healing and coaching call as soon as Tuesday! 


Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God

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