Thursday, December 15, 2022

Money is LIGHT. New Enrolling: Quantum Gold Mastermind :)

Because of pain, fear and trauma; women are often disconnected from the pleaure, joy and true LIGHT of money. These same disconnections or numbness will also block them from true union with their partner or spouse. 

In Quantum Gold you will experience spiritually a restoration of Sacred Union within your bones. With yourself, with God, with Christ, with money and in your marriage (or partnership/future partnership if your Soul desires this).

I also LOVE channeling information from the divine for women about their Soul Business blueprints. So you can do business in EXACTLY the way God wants to work through you! This is also the way that is MOST joyful, aligned, powerful, fun an d prosperous!

Over these 9 months together, you will receive divine information about how you want to construct your business. Whether it is in person or virtual, or both! You will be freed from the inside to do business exactly how your Soul desires to.  Perhaps in the way you have wanted to for lifetimes. This is your lifetime to be TOTALLY FREE! TOTALLY SUPPORTED! ABUNDANTLY RESOURCED! as the loving queen that you are. 

All channels within that need to open for love and abundance, will. Truthfully this is the ending of all scarcity/fear/trauma from your bones and the awakening of your Soul's REAL LIFE! The one you have been wanting, craving and desiring for lifetimes! You are also the walking dream of your ancestors! Breathing it all AWAKE. It is your path to embody all that you came here to be and have a massive, beautiful planetary awakening effect. By BEING FULLY you! 

I am so glad you're with us and I would love to chat with you about joining Quantum Gold. 

This is the 9 month gestation period, in beautiful supportive sisterhood, for the total birth of Sacred YOU, your Soul mission, your aligned business & sacred prosperity. ALL in service to the most high! 

We are doing money differently on this planet now. This new money paradigm is God led and Christ led. No more does money have to have negative, sticky, icky or bad connotations in your mind or body. Those distortions are generations and lifetimes old. It is time to free money so that she can be your friend. A very good friend. Money supports you! 

Women often fear money and project onto money their abuse wounds. 
This can end now, lovingly and in the light.

Truly, your Soul is ready for a Sacred relationship with money. One that is absolutely SAFE in the light of God. A relationship that is harmonious, loving, supportive, innocent and joyful! Just like you, you divine star!  

Over these amazing 9 months together we meet weekly on zoom and you have 1 monthly 1:1 45 min healing and coaching call with Katie; for your Soul's highest Success on ALL levels. This means deeper union with God on the inside and union in marriage/partnership and union with money through sharing your Soul work! 

I have 6 places open and we begin January 1st!

YYYAAAYYY!!! I'm just so excited to welcome you in & to support your Soul Business birth next level!

Read more and apply here:

Spiritual Healer and Soul Business Coach

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