Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sacred Marriage or Soul Business success for women? BOTH AND ALL!

Your soul work will save you. Your own medicine is your medicine, first, before it is for others.

I heard someone say this long ago and it proves to be very true.

My programming was to rely on a husband for money and if I wanted to make money of my own it would be time-consuming, back-breaking (physically or psychologically) and would not utitlize the depth of my feminine intuitition. It would be a slow internal death for me.

So I, of course, refuse to do that.

Even though I am grateful for jobs I have worked over the years, indeed.

There's a mission in my Soul to be set free financially. And it is SO much deeper than money! It is about SOUL FREEDOM! It's about living in union with God on every level.

This is about leading thousands of women into union between Christ's light and Money within their hearts.

This is about ENDING the supposed choice between a happy marriage or a soul fulfilling successful career.


Looking back to the end of the previous century in Europe, women were not considered fully whole on their own anymore once they married. They were their man's property. They also couldn't own land or have their own bank accounts.

It wasn't until the 70's in London and the USA that women could open their own bank accounts.

There gets to be a total freedom now for women to succeed and prosper financially through BEING fully themself as a gifted, talented, deeply intuitive, rich and abundant Soul. AND have feminine/masculine harmonized, esctatic Sacred Marriage.

Men and women EACH thriving as whole, prosperous FULLY expressed SOULS and as ONE.

In Quantum Gold Mastermind, this is your returning to harmonized Union with yourSELF (never to be lost again), with your partner, with your business and with money.

Ready? 🙂

Read more and apply here love. Can't wait to talk with you!


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