Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Flipping tables

It's not always an easy path doing life from the inside. Especially having such a ridiculously mean inner critic as I have. It's like I have a psychopath screaming at my brain 24/7 threatening me with a whip if I don't perform as I'm asked to! And now it's just me! There is actually no opressor with a whip next to me. Maybe in some other lifetime there feels like it. I'm currently reading a fiction novel about Queen Esther...and do you know... Esther was actually my main imaginary friend when I was a kid. I identify SO deeply as a feminine soul who's incarnated MANY times into these oppressive/abusive lifetimes. So much rape/mamming/disrespect towards women. It's awful. And I know it still goes on in many places today. Can feel that energy around absolutely. Pops up on my social media comments sometimes.... This fear of the much fear of the feminine...of her power/prowess/beauty/sexuality...her depth...they want to destroy her. Maybe it's the fear in the wounded masculine of his own ineptitude...that he lashes out at her. 

I feel its immenent now that as women we remove fear of our own power. If for thousands of years we were mistreated by people who feared our power, it's understandable that we would internalize that into fearing our OWN power. Our own sensuality, sexuality, gorgeousness, voluptiousness, oracle-ness, intuition, innate BEST qualities, everything to do with the power of carrying child and sacred you see how this ALL carries into the fear of making money too?

If a women is not supposed to be all that she just naturally IS and money amplifies her....than of COURSE she is going to avoid/resist/run make financial wealth by BEING all of you, it requires you to purge out the piscean age of abuse against women. 

Women deserve to be safe. Women deserve to be fully expressed. We deserve to make all the money that we want to by being fully ourselves. Let there be a total table flipping of all the bullshit that ever stopped you from being you. 

I have the pleasure/pain of REMEMBERING these past lifetimes. They come up in my brain. I remember all of this and I am turning the table within myself, because I am here to lead. 

Your power is good. 
Money is your friend.
Your message is real.
I'll walk with you. 

As a healer and spiritual midwife of souls I SEE my clients. I see who they are. I see their beauty, that sometimes they can't see themselves. I escort them back into their bodies. I help them shift into embodied safety. I help them heal patterns from past lifetimes and their childhoods.....I help them bring their inner feminine/masculine into sacred union.... I help them remember their Soul's true sacred relationship with money....I help them birth their sacred missions. 

I know the past hurt, but you can birth anew now. It's time. 

Currently I am enrolling for Quantum Gold Mastermind. This is the place to unwind from the inside. To be cracked open by Christ and God flow from the inside of your crown and heart chakras. The flow is already is an opening to what is already there! Your plans, your vision and your action steps. You next level of desired income. Your nourishing, prosperous, rewarding, fulfulling...all cards left on the! The work is deep and it is sacred. Prepare for a flooding in of all that you've ever wanted to be and life/business reflecting this back to you. We do not hold back; this is a 9 month gestation period for the total birth of your Soul. 

I also have space open for my 3 month 1:1 energy healing program. This is for you if you are wanting inner child healing, trauma/abuse healing of this life or past, a re-integration of soul parts into body, deeper establishment of your own inner backbone and resiliency, soul voice healing, the rise of your Soul from the inside, happiness cracked open from inside your heart, healthy inner and outer boundaries in your life, harmonized relationships, deeper union with God and that you can be fully you. So that you become more naturally glowy from the inside! 

If you are interested in Quantum Gold or Soul Sunrise, send me a private message here to start a conversation. 

So much love,

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Day 7/10 cleanse today! 💙

Day 7/10 master cleanse today! 🔔🍋😍 I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...