Monday, May 30, 2022

Personal power retrieval

I had to retrieve, heal & re-birth my personal power. It took me 11 years. Will never let her go again.

It’s actually not possible to lose yourself. But you can be temporarily snuffed out.

That light is always there on the inside though.. sometimes it takes shamanic journey work to re-find yourself, put glitter all over the inner walls of your solar plexus, hang up a few nice paintings, add a comfy lounge chair ... and THEN ...

L i s t e n 💫💫💫

What do you hear from God here? What gets said? What are you MOST aligned to do? What would make you feel happy? What do you WANT to create?

This is the inner retrieval process of your personal power. It might surprise you that your power feels soft. She’s taking her time. Unrushed. Unfeathered. The concept of being influenced by another’s thoughts does not even exist here. It is just you & the original flow of creation. The river flow from before time that you exist in & from, that you’ll dissolve back into when you go.

What wants to be made through you while you’re here?

You ancient star, you.

You bubbling over, joyful creatrix, you!

Let it all out.

Breathe it out into a book. A song. A piece of writing. Tell it to someone you care about.

The magic is inherent, it shouldn’t be rushed or looked at as though its flawed. Best to let creations express slightly tilted if they are, there are unseen reasons for these things. Like puzzle pieces that mend the souls of your audience in just that perfect, can’t be replicated way.

Unclench your throat & jaw. You don’t need to control this.

Ease, flow & surrender through your heart now.

Quantum Gold Mastermind is open for application. For old soul, angel queens who desire my support to birth your sacred selves & sacred businesses. Every relationship in your life - with partner, business, money - will mirror your inner sacred Union with God. ♾ link below to read more & apply here.


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