Wednesday, May 11, 2022

What happened to the radiant girl child inside you?

 What happened to the little girl (or boy) inside? Let's go in there and get her! I know you had to learn to 'not' be yourself. You learned that life was a quest, to 'get' love' to 'attain' something', and THEN you would finally matter! Finally ACHIEVE! Finally get that gold....

I'm here to tell you that the quest is over.

Because it never needed to be a quest.

You were always enough, worthy, deserving. YOU actually, truthfully, ARE the gold. 

And you always have been. 

This is what Quantum Gold is about. It's about you slinking off patterns that should have never been in the first place. You should have never learned that you have to claw your way to love. You never needed to write a good enough paper to be good enough...or to finally 'make it' finally 'matter'. What even is that concept honestly?

Why would a divine child of God, which you just are, have to prove herself somehow worthy of.....what?

It is not logical. 

Come out of there. Come out of your hiding place. 

Your heart matters. You get to have what you want (with love & adoration & being cherished & being seen & having FUN & earning money how your Soul wants to earn money) simply because you WANT to.

Desiring something from your Soul is a full and complete reason to have that thing. Desiring the life that you desire is not just a good enough reason to have is the only required reason to have it! Do you see how powerful, how positive, how GOOD your Soul desires are?? This is magical, holy stuff! 

ENOUGH ignoring your inner voice. ENOUGH pretending your satisfied with your circumstances. ENOUGH dying on the inside. ENOUGH putting your actually happy life into the future that never comes. 


The one you've always actually been on the inside.

The lit up, little God child girl that you are! I like you!!! Let's be friends :) 

I'm sorry that you've hurt for so long...perhaps you haven't even realized that you are in this much's ok, I've been there too and I get it. Shut down on the inside because you were shut down. Maybe even shut down emotionally when you were a baby before you could have any idea what was going on?!? I get it. My expertise as a Healer is actually being able to see your inner child/soul parts and then walking with you as you merge back into oneness with God in your heart. 

Let's bring you home! Oh, and birth your epic successful soul busines too! Just for a fun cherry-on-top thing...

You know..just to birth the legacy of your DREAMS that ACTUALLY makes you really f'ing proud and happy...because it's what you're here on the planet to do!!!

Do you know that if you are doing less than your Soul's real brililance you'll kind of die inside spiritually?? Spiritual constipation. 

Let's get her out :) 

The Quantum Gold Mastermind

This is a safe haven, a 9 month spiritual gestation, the birth of your Soul.

Safety on all levels. You being seen, loved and paid well.

The re-integration of that holy girl child that is you! 

Let's go! 

You can read all of the details/cost/results at To get one of the last remaining spots just message me directly on facebook here today

Love you!


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