Wednesday, May 4, 2022

You've always known who you are on the inside.

I am one who's here to break out of all boxes. Do things in my own way. And my way is to do it all from my Soul...deeper than that from my God union. 

This is the realm of the inifinite. This is where people will just keep scrolling or maybe not even see me. But the ones who do see me, SEE me, we actually understand each other.

I know you're like me too. You've always felt different... a bit off to the side, a wallflower. But that's no fault of yours, certainly not because you 'lack' You're on the side of everyone else observing because you are smart. Because you are attuned to energy. Because you can feel the pain in everyone else's hearts and it drains you to constantly be around unaware people. 

You feel best when you are with other people like you! Do you know this is even possible? Do you know that there are actually millions of us? We're the ones they put in the 'introverted' category..I bet you smile at that word too....I've always felt like 'introvert' is just a code word for those of us who are super senstive souls who don't care to be around bs conversations that have no purpose. We're much more comfortable at home, alone, or with our family, reading. Thank you very much! :)

I feel like I need to tell you this, there's actually nothing 'wrong' with you and you aren't 'different'. Maybe your parents or close people to you never understood you...maybe they just didn't have the capacity to. You not being seen or understood was not actually about you. It says nothing about you. 

You don't have to keep 'going it alone' in life. You don't have to keep being unsupported or unseen, or un-paid!! for that matter. 

Sometimes it takes purposefully taking some uncomfortable steps into the unknown of being seen, supported, celebrated, creating from your heart, doing soul business differently and creating healtheir inner boundaries so that you can make *actually good* money too!! none of this $50-150 an hour bullsh*t anymore! phew...glad that can end I bet?

So love, how would you like it all to be?

How would you *actually LOVE to feel? How would you *truly LOVE to be seen, loved and well paid?

What does this newly birthed version of you say about all this? A screaming longing YES coming from the deep?

Thought so....... :) Read on. 

If you are vibing with me, I do have 6 spaces open for new 1:1 private clients. This would be a full year container with me to unwind on the inside, then to birth what is actually true for you. We do multidimensional healing work for you to self-differentiate from family of origin energetically and emotionally, so that you are embodied as your own person. This is healthy, normal energy boundaries. This is also the beginning of a healthier, soul-aligned relationship to business and money. 

If you feel this might be the program for you, simply contact me directly here on facebook messenger to start a conversation. 



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Day 7/10 cleanse today! 💙

Day 7/10 master cleanse today! 🔔🍋😍 I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...