Friday, May 20, 2022

Sell from your heart!

 Being the force of nature that you are as a soul, means BEING her or him. It means this is WHO you've always been on this inside. It means turning up the dial FULL FORCE.

Force not in they way of 'making something happen', or from rebelling, or from feeling you 'don't have' something therefore needing to go outside yourself to 'get' something. No. Force of Nature as the POWER that you just are. Force in the way of how God's love shapes this planet. Force in the way of, surrender to what is most holy and divine about you and BE that. 

Sometimes the voice of love cuts through lies. Sometimes she is a sword slicing through what is un-true, with the truth. 

Sometimes this is what people NEED to hear to say YES to themself. 

It is a good force. 

You are a good force. An angelic force of nature. Here to sculpt new ways. Here to dance in new dawns. Here to BELIEVE in the best of people. Here to be the BEST of yourself! Here to let God work through you. 

Did you ever think it could be any other way?

You've always been this spark of the divine..glowing brightly...leading the way. You have your plans on paper but have you acted on them yet? Are you REALLY letting the world see you? What are you letting stop you? Even if these places of pain or hiding were never your fault, not things you would have chosen for yourself...NO...because you would NEVER choose to be a 'less' version of yourself. It's just that over years, lifetimes, of contorting yourself to fit in, to hide, to survive, to turned your light down! If you are here to be a world leader in change, then f'ing be a world leader in change! If you are here to show us the new loving way...then show us the new loving way! 

Use your voice. 

Tell people who you are and what you do. Create those throngs and throngs of offerings, sacred containers and programs that are just bubbling over in glee in your soul! Create them, launch them, sell them, let your people buy from you and CHOOSE these life changing containers for themself! 

Turn the dial of your light all the way up! So what if it makes you afraid or nauseaus to do so? It's worth it! 

You'll come out the other side happy :) And you'll be making that green in the way you truly desire to.

God supports the worthy :) 

Soul led sales...a low cost $44 hour long healing experience with me is next week Wednesday, join at this link.

with love,


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  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...