Saturday, May 21, 2022

Living with a pure heart

Sometimes I misjudge a person and hope that it will be a wholesome exchange; then it turns out they are a scoundrel. lol. Just recently I got a text from a random number that said she was waiting on her flower delivery...asking when it was going to show up at her business. First I replied that it was the wrong number. Then she said she was sorry and thanked me for being kind. She then went on to try move the convo to telegram and sell me on crypto...*face palm. Can you believe that? They're literally looking for people who are kind enough to say 'wrong number' because they know people with pure hearts will always be hoping the person on the other end of the line is also possibly pure hearted! I think this is a lot of my life pain..being pure hearted, hopelessly optimistic, and just never ceasing to believe in the goodness of humanity! It also is why I'm at peace within that's worth it.

It's never necesary to close your heart. Not that it's wrong if you find that you have, from time to time, but do remember to open it again. 

I feel the desire to create an energy healing program for couples. If you want to find your way back to your heart again...and into more pure union together. If you want to heal at the core of past wounds, so you can fully open to him...any genders of course. If you are seeking a partner, and want your inner unwinding work supported...accelerated...all into union with God....which is what makes you magnetic to your perfect match. 

This is a 6 month spiritual container with me. I'm in process of creating the details. Private message me here if this calls to you. 

with love,


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Day 7/10 cleanse today! 💙

Day 7/10 master cleanse today! 🔔🍋😍 I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...