Monday, March 14, 2022

Your belief in yourself matters.

I've been feeling a lot of patterns in myself coming full circle lately.

The other day we were driving through my old neighborhood. That is where I lived alone for the only time in my life, for 3 years. I had my own artist loft. It was great 🙂 My programming was to not be my own person. So it was massive for me to have my own place...this was also when I decided to heal my relationship with money and I had started my own business as a healer. While my hubby and I were driving around that area, I had this stark memory of living in that studio, of all the hours I put into building my online presence, writing my blog (still have the same one), seeing clients, becoming well acquainted with my ptsd nervous system navigating all things money/debt/bills/irs/buying tabs for my car etc. What I can see and appreciate now is that every little move I made back then MATTERED. I did not feel that then! I felt quite shitty about myself actually.... I was stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship I was depressed I was too anxious to socialize I was highly embarassed of my financial state I couldn't see how every step I took in the direction of my own inner sovereignty..mattered. know what I can see now in that past version of me? BELIEF Belief in myself. Belief in my ability to heal. Belief in my worthiness for healthy relationships. Belief in the healthy, thriving marriage i would have (and do have now) Belief in my future thriving business (i've been generating consistent 5 figure months now since October...and I do this by BEING all of me) I no longer make any parts of myself bad or wrong I am fully in love with being my whole soul All my beliefs and downloads from spirit about how to do my business come from inside me This is coming from a girl who used to believe she was stupid, bad with numbers and felt like a total outsider from the 'business world'. It turns out...teaching people how to dream down their already successful self from the quantum is my bread & butter. I do this well. Doors to Quantum Gold Mastermind remain open for a couple more days xo If you are also birthing your empire from within, all from soul, only in a way that is super impactful and deeply nourishing to you....send me a pm to chat here. Read the full breakdown of this life changing, business success program here.
Carry on rockstars, Katie

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