It is ok to do life ENTIRELY from the inside out. Based off of your Soul visions, knowings, creative flow, inner genius!! Did this ever get covered up for you? Lights dimmed? Maybe somewhere along the way you picked up the notion that it's better to be covered up? To hide? To try and fit into the world rather than rocking out as the rainbow colored disco ball of fire that you are?
Perhaps, perhaps
Most of us did.
This does not mean at all that you have to stay that way. You do not have to keep hiding. No matter how much fear, or hiding, or desires to run away....or any of that stuff there remains within you. What I mean is...none of that has to be the MEANING of you!
Believe in your *actual* self. The Gold self. The luminous self.
You. are. a. star.
Be the real meaning of you.
Let her come to life from inside you.
She rises up as you.
The one you've always known yourself to be and are. Always have been, are now, and always will be.
Decide to be your full self now. Your reality on all levels will reflect this abundance back to you one hundred fold.
Current offerings:
I don't think that a lot of common teachings about 'how to be yourself' or 'how to be happy' or 'just think positive' really, truly go deep enough. There is gold in all of them, for sure. Wherever there is a positive intention to help people, people receive positive help. It is all good. But what I feel boiling in my heart, every day, beating my heart, the reason I'm to talk about how we are GOLD.
You are a star, and you know it.
It's there inside you, the plans.
The reasons.
The real WHY of why you are incarnated on this planet at this time.
You know this.
It's ok, brilliant actually, a bonus...that you are different from most everyone around you. Maybe especially family or old friends.
Not only is your differentness means you are special. It means you are one of the real ones.
Like me :)
Our uniqueness is not just some fluffy idea of 'oh this is what makes me special'
It is the whole universe
You being you is what this world needs
And you don't do what you do FOR them, or really for anyone....your lit up, infinite, magic, self....just can't help but uplift, shift, quake, make massive positive ripple change within everyone and everything around you! That is just how it works. Just like bees wings flapping creating waves all around the globe.
You know you're here to change things. You know you're here to be a part of the awakening. This is your life. Your incarnation. Your reason.
Why not go for it full throttle?
The timelines that you've allowed to rattle you in the past don't have to anymore.
Nothing really deserves your attention, focus and creative energy more than you just simply being all of you now.
You may notice the momentums of the past patterns trying to pull you asunder.. but it's of no concern to you now. Because you have a mission to continue enacting.
Straighten your sail. It was just a passing storm.
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