Wednesday, March 23, 2022

From one ex-people pleaser to another.

You are tired.

Why? Have you been in ‘pleasing others’ mode all your life? WOWSERS! Let’s get this nipped in the bud, shall we? I can totally guide you into yourself. Into your ownness. Into YOU as a WOMAN!!! You do not have to carry the burdens of others ANYMORE. This task should have never been laid upon your shoulders. 

I’m going to be frank with you, because I know you want genuine results fast. You want to feel better. You want your vitality back! And you shall have it. 

You are making life too hard. You’re living outside of yourself instead of IN yourself. Your energy is intertwined with SO MANY PEOPLE'S energy fields, you get to the end of your day exhausted (as usual) not even knowing why you’re so tired.

I see you. I get it. I used to have this people pleasing programming myself. I got out of it and I will use all of my healing tools, energy reading abilities and quantum success coaching to get you back to yourself too. This is my bread and butter. 

The challenge is, you’re going to have to practice letting go. You are going to let go of a lot, actually. On the other side of the grief, you will feel like yourself again and you will find that you don’t actually ‘lose’ anyone by doing so. Sure, maybe some unaligned relationships fall away, but those weren’t really of a soul level were they? Not really serving your soul. Certainly not nourishing you or energizing you. Those ones weren’t giving to you in the way you gave to them. 

Giving will change also. Giving is actually NOT the same thing as self-sacrifice. You do not have to give up yourself in any way, to be in soul enriching relationships. With God, with yourself, with romantic partners, with your children (if you have them), with siblings or in business partnerships.


Your ship actually gets to steer back towards the North star. With your own inner union with God/source/universe as your rock…your anchor…your Soul’s deepest Truths. And with you abiding THERE….all untruths naturally fall away. It is mostly a peaceful process! As you well know, turbulence is a natural occurrence too along the journaling of spiraling back into wholeness within yourself.  

When you make this course correction, when you come back to your Soul’s deepest knowings of God as the bedrock of your life, your being, your reason…so much shifts! 

Along with a MASSIVE letting go that occurs, and it does for everyone, all things that you are in a relationship with start to breathe easy. Food, sex, money - usually the most charged/complex dynamics for people….these….simplify. It gets to be just you eating, just you in union, just you earning money.. Because you are you.


I sometimes refer to this process as a restoration.

A homecoming to truth.

If you resonate with me, I suggest you send me a private message here to chat further. I am currently enrolling for private mentoring to IGNITE your Soul, a 12 month multidimensional healing and success coaching container to begin mid April. Truth, brightness, love, soul business… all that you are….gets to be now. 

So much love,


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