Thursday, March 31, 2022

All my sales fears! I nearly peed myself.

The fall of 2019 I was making MASSIVE moves to transform my relationship to business, sales & money. I had never done any of this before. I felt like a naked fish out of the water.

A fellow entrepreneur friend had gifted me what turned out to be a $1000 ticket to a 2 day sales training program. Thankfully I happen to be a person who does things afraid, often, so I accepted, got myself all ready at 5am & drove my self to this hotel where the training would be. Wow did I face straight on & transmute through sh*t tons of terror in those 2 days. I put myself in so many uncomfortable experiences! But the good kind, you know? The ones that grow you! There I sat, in a room with 25 strangers (aside from my friend) most of whom were making millions or multiple 6 figures in their businesses! This was the first time in my life I could literally see the energy field of lack that was still at that time- positioned in my aura. I could see the energy of wealth that all these people had! And of the two sales trainers- who are incredible leaders in the coaching industry by the way. Do you know what this meant? I transmuted my aura that weekend! I learned from all of these brilliant minds! I saw that I could have wealth too. I could acquire the wealth energy that they have! F*ing changed my life! I took many terrifying actions that weekend. Sweating & shaking… ✈️I got up on stage and shared my core fear about sales. Which was a fear of being yelled at, shamed & punished. Was sweating & I think I cried a little. ✈️I shared about what my business was, who it helped, what problems I help people solve. ✈️I created sales scripts & called 😱😱 10 hot leads that I had. ✈️I role play practiced my sales conversations with other people there. ✈️I processed all my fear about sales. ✈️Following this training & a couple days of integration... I started selling my services! I started earning thousands monthly by being me, doing what I do πŸ™‚πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ but knowing it was all worth it, because I would construct a global company bringing my soul mission to life. To impact millions with my heart, voice & vision! I’m here to remind humanity who they are. I’m here to help throw off ALL covers of illusions. And yes, healing the relationship with money, business & sales; happens. What I know now is this: Money is just money. There is zero need to make it a thing, to make it complicated, to make it out to be bad in any way. It is just currency. It is unlimited. It is printed & created daily. There is way more than enough resources for everyone & more, on this planet. I feel very passionately that it is urgent now to get billions into the hands of true hearted leaders on this planet to shift the planet to good. I LOVE guiding my clients in this inner work. In showing them it is perfectly ok & safe to walk through any necessary fears into living their soul visions as their life now. Don’t let money fears stop you. Underneath money/business fears are actually the true fears. πŸ“’Fears that success will come at a price πŸ“’Choosing familiar comfort zone rather than wild unknown of success πŸ“’Fear that success is overwhelming πŸ“’Just not knowing it’s ok to be FULLY you When you continuously choose to expand into being more & more of yourself - there are layers of energies that will pass through you. Energies of fear or overwhelm for example…. sure… and it’s totally ok to feel these as they pass through. They’re really not a big deal, just energy. What also happens, and this is the fun part …. is the light bulbs turning on EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO!!! And then you just act on all of it!!! Be all of it. Do it all! Enjoy it all! Have that massive positive impact! Many successful businesses!! Homes!! Investments!! Legacy! Walking through the discomfort stretching times is the lead up to the oh-so-fulfilling home runs πŸ€©πŸš€❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Again & again & again Why settle for less than it ALL ? If you are curious about working with me, I do have openings for private mentorship. Private message me to chat about possibilities & receive info. Also, doors to the Quantum Gold mastermind close tonight! $999 bonus VIP soul business planning day included for the next 5 who join. All the details on Quantum Gold are here. You're also welcome to message me here to start a conversation.

To your total soul success,

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