Monday, March 28, 2022

Why not create from the infinite?

Why attempt to rely on the powers of your mind to do, fix, have, create or receive....whennnnnn you can really, truly, actually dive into the any moment that you choose to?

Why rely on your SELF (particularly in a state of feeling like you have to 'do everything on your own') when you in fact do not need to do that.

In my endeavor to grow an online business, entirely by bringing my Soul's gifts to life. In a way that is my artistry, in a way that I HAVE to do it, in a way that brings me absolutely to LIFE every day! In a way that continues to free me from the inside. In a way that my inner child is just SO HAPPY! Or is that just me now? My inner soul aboslutely ALIVE from the inside. Yes, yes, this is me. Me being me.

The point I'm getting to, is that......let me clear my are not alone, nor do you have to 'do this alone'. Meaning life, and meaning gorwing your online spirit based business.

You're one like me. Spitfirees of truth, soul butterflies flying about, you being you, spinning in the middle of it all! Dancing! Perhaps this has been something you've 'kept on the side', or thought that just simply being all of you can't be the business material right?? No no...thats something hidden away, far away on the inside..or off to the side....definitely NOT the thing that you just share in the limelight! Not the thing you get well paid for!!! No...what you get PAID for has to be things boxed up in ways, with a suit and tie, done in an has to sway this way and that way...must look like this, function like this, present like this, fit into this...

Making money can't just be me BEING myself!!!!!

That would be some kind of sin or blasphomy wouldn't it???


No, it is in fact not.

It is good. It is fun. It is awesome! To be well compensated for BEING you. For doing what you are good at. For bringing your Soul's creations to life.

Not in comparison to anyone else. Not to prove a point. Not to f*ck the system. None of that.

Just because you WANT to! That is a complete reason. To do anything really.

Wealth does not have to be hard or complex. It is a choice.

Here are some of my biggest breakthroughs from the past year or so:

1. Money is just money
2. Hire a business coach that you resonate with, that embodies traits that you want to grow in yourself, has similar values to you, lives their life in a way that you want to, runs their business in a way that you want to
3. Be humble and coachable
4. Try new methods that scare the pants off you and that resonate with your spirit
5. Do not overcomplicate the strategy part of business. Choose the easiest methods of delivery for you to share your genius with your clients.
6. Speak directly from your God flow and do not filter or edit
7. You are the ONLY one qualified to enact your Soul mission in the way that you do
8. There is ample room for you and everyone else on God's green Earth to live abundantly - anything else is a lie
9. You fully expressed is a gift to this planet
10. You creating massive wealth by being yourself fully expressed heals money and opens the gates for thousands to walk in your footsteps
11. You will walk right through every single ounce of terror that arises for you to shine in your fullest potential

Allowing yourself to be supported by money is the same inner channel as you allowing yourself to be loved, adored, seen & appreciated. In my experience, this inner opening to true support is the same thing as opening to your own innate wealth inside. Which is God; true abundance.

If you are ready to open on the inside to MORE of yourself, which includes MORE support on all levels, send me a private message here to chat. I have multiple offers available currently including top level 1:1 mentorship for 3 aligned souls and a group mastermind experience that also includes 1:1.

March right through fear. You are luminous.

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