Friday, March 18, 2022

It is good for spiritual entrepreneurs to get rich.

It is ok for spiritual healers to get rich by being themselves, sharing their gifts and doing what they do. It is criminal to shame spiritual healers (easily the most important leaders we have on our planet) out of the belief that it is ok for them to make money!


Do you know the originators of this bs?

It's the ca ba l! 

Who do you think controls the money on this planet? The elite of the elite evil corrupt families that's who. The ones who own the world banks. 

Why would there be thousands of years of conditioning through church dogma that real spiritual people should remain poor - as if this pleases God - TO KEEP THEM OUT OF POWER! 

I urge you to look through the veils.

Money is not evil. Wanting money is not evil. Earning millions of dollars through helping people heal is not evil. It is VERY VERY GOOD! If a person earns millions by genuinely helping people heal, that means millions of people are genuinely healing. That is good! 

Let's permanently remove these false belief systems, of regligious dogma origin, from our bones.

Money is JUST money. Plain and simple. It is currency. It is unlimited. 

There are also lots of belief systems passed down through families, relgion & cultures that really complicate the f out of money. That make it seem evil, bad, wrong, morrally corrupt etc.

Do you think the evil elite of the elite who run the world banks think money is evil? NO THEY DON'T, THEY LOVE IT! And they harm humanity to stock pile it! 

Unfortunately, what a genius way to keep humanity out of her power. Making them believe for inumerable generations that MONEY is evil!

f*ck them! 

Money is just money, it is ok to love money and earn lots of money by being you. And I am speaking specifically to genuine, powerful spiritual healers/ know who you are. 

Very often as well, true spiritual healers/leaders/teachers will not allow themselves to get rich by *enacting the mission they are here on the planet to lead* because of their past lifetime traums of getting excommunicated/tortured/killed *for doing their thing*, for healing!!!! For leading!!! For guiding!!!


We need you now.

Be fully you now.


Light the way!

What if you get to the end of your life without fully enacting your mission, all that is for you and all that you're meant to do, all the lives you're here to positively impact....because you couldn't get over your own money stuff??

Don't do that. 

Money is just money, it is no big deal. Just the current currency of the planet. Select your business models, offerings & rates in a way that FEELS GOOD TO YOUR SOUL.

You don't need to know how its all going to happen, just keep following the next step you see from God inside you. 

And do the damn thing.

Light it up! 

Yes, if it's not blaringly obvious support spiritual entrepreneurs to step into their greatness. Inside and out. Doors to Quantum Gold Mastermind remain open. 

If you know this is for you, you fully want to drop into being your maginificent self, you want to freely earn the amount of money that you know is for you, you have a soul misison to enact, you are so beyond ready to create a living-breathing business model/sales processes/offerings from Soul and only from Soul...this will activate YOUR unique way ...then send me a direct message on facebook here to chat. 

All the love,


Quantum Success Coach for Spiritual Entrepreneurs 

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