Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Don't hide who you are.

I think I started my own business as a healer (2013) because honestly, nothing else really made sense to me to do! I've always been a person that HAS to live from the inside out. Maybe to a fault? It's just the way I is. In a way that has at times make me feel like I don't fit in with my friends, you know?

I feel like I'm this light, this comet, this fast fire shooting I always want everything to be going fast, happening fast, manifesting's definitely caused me some grief at not even noticing that I'm not fully IN what I'm in in the present moment, you know?

The more I've healed my body and my nervous system the more present, calm, grateful..for everything...I am. And I have a lot to be grateful for! Indeed.

But back to what I was saying about starting my business....Thankfully my teacher included some business training at the end of our Shamanic practitioner program. I got fully certified in a bunch of different healing modalities, I gained lots of hours of practice working on my colleagues and on practice clients. So...I started seeing clients out of my home! What else would I do? I was good at it! I only keep getting better as a healer. To the point that now I 'get it' that my energy naturally heals. It just does! I can't hide it! And why would I wanna!

A few years ago this crazy notion started permeating my aura...I wasn't feeling satisfied with my current pay level. I didn't really vibe with the healing community business style that I knew around me. I wanted to be doing something....bigger.

I wanted to figure out how to create wealth doing what I naturally do.

I actually got a bit TOO caught up in that wealth pursuit! It had it's purpose, because I was transmuting myself out of so much sh*t when it came to money beliefs...but I did notice that I was out of alignment with my inner integrity. I had to keep transmuting my sh*t but also re-center myself into my Why. Into my heart. Into...just...wanting to be myself fully expressed!

Would you like to hear my WHY now? My Why for everthing that I am and do and everything that I will ever do? Which is an ever-expanding immense amount of creations by the by.

I do what I do because I am being me doing what I do.


Is that not the most Epic why you've ever heard?

It doesnt have to be all this save the world, end world hunger, clean the oceans, save the rainforest (though these pursuits are of course deeply important and worthy)

You get to just choose to be all of you. Because you do.

Choose to be you because you want to because it's what you do.

I dare you.

For my spiritual entrepreneurs doors to Quantum Gold Mastermind are open for about 30 more hours.

I am actually jumping out of my seat nearly peeing my pants excited to share my updated sales page with you about this.....would love to hear what you think of it!

Or hey... perhaps you join and scurry off with me into the magic of your own Quantumness and birth yourself you magical starseed!!!! Wealth, prosperity, joy, love, happiness....creations to your hearts neverending content!! This all gets to be fun, remember.

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