Monday, March 28, 2022

Are you choosing same reality as the one where your Soul is creating?

Are you choosing the same reality as the one where your Soul is creating?

So many people aren’t even in their body. Yet they're ‘trying’ to make things happen from a soul level. If you’re not in your body, how in the heck do you think you’re going to be able to be in the same dimension as what you’re creating on a soul level?

What IF….experiencing your Soul’s actual truths and desires were as simple as walking through a sliding door. Back into the dimension where you actually ARE. Where you are in your oneness with God/Soul/Truth. Where you ARE the version of you already now who is having it all, doing it all, being it all, completely lit up and happy? For how long have you been running away from yourself probably without even realizing it? And I GET it. These ways get passed down generationally…it may feel actually normal and terrible at the same time! To be disconnected from self, from truth, maybe even from God in some way ….not that you actually can be EVER but it can FEEL like it! And I do know from experience. 

They do say that the perceived separation from God wound is the core ONE. The ONE to heal. And I do experience/see this to be true…in past versions of me who had to traverse some VERY painful, VERY sticky, awful feelings of being all alone. Heck..I had a day I was absolutely wailing and screaming in the fetal position as my soul was remembering true union with God inside.

When I guide inner wealth retrieval for my clients….these planes do get navigated…but because I walked these valleys myself and I share my maps with you, it is not so hard and it does not take as long. That is what true coaching is! Sharing our maps home with each other!

Back into God, back into Soul, back into the only truth that there is. Wholeness, oneness, abundance, soul, love, bliss….these are our natural states people! I’ll shout all this until I’m blue in the face! Lol not really, but until my dying breath I’ll be embodying deeper and deeper states of union within myself and guiding others to do the same. It is just what my energy does.

If you want to effortlessly, as easy as breathing, BE HER, you have to be in your body!! SO dropped in that the ONLY option is fully embodying the magic of you. In this reality now. As this version of you now. Let all else go. Let it be this simple. 

When you are fully dropped into being you, what do you just know? 


Current offerings:


Ignite πŸ”₯

Top level 1:1 mentorship for a year

We get into everything! Soul business & wealth flow. Relationship harmonization. And at the heart of it all you being you!

We begin mid April

3 places available


Quantum Gold πŸ‘‘

Group Mastermind plus 1:1 quantum success coaching

9 months of gold.

Activate what’s inside you.

Bring her to life.

Do it all in style.

Epic results in soul business guaranteed.

Doors open until 3/31


Send me a private message here & let me know what you would like. Or to ask questions. I would love to chat with you.




Multidimensional energy healer &

Quantum success coach

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