Saturday, March 12, 2022

As insane as it might sound..your enoughness is inherent.

Lovely, lovely...sorry it ever got confusing...

Your enoughness to be you, achieve what you want, earn what you want, simply be never actually *had to* be hard!

I know this may sound like crazy talk. It did at one point to me too. 10 years ago I would have brushed off a message like this as hogwash!

Maybe not even able to admit to myself how badly I really felt about my abilities to achieve!

But....and this is a big is simply the truth. YOU being you, is wildly, innately, without-question....ENOUGH. You are so so enough...that...perhaps without having any conscious are actually gold brimming over with gold!

It's the same as that story that goes around....the homeless person sitting on a box begging people for money....who after decades of this....has a stranger point out to them that they must open the box they are sitting on!!! So this person gets up, opens the box...and...

This is the same for you.

Open the box you are sitting on sweet one.

The treasure chest of your heart.

What you will find....under perhaps some GOLD. SOLID GOLD.

This is your inherent goodness. your inherent enoughness. Your divinity. Your innate abundance. Your *actual* divinely abundant heritage. IT. IS. YOURS.

Pretty please, because I want to see you happy, shining and thriving....take out your gold sword, gifts, talents, genius and brililance...and DAZZLE US!!!

I know that it has not always been safe or ok for you to be all of you. Though, would you not like to start now?

How much longer could you possibly handle pretending to be ANYTHING less than the magnificence that you TRULY ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!

You there with the sparkly eyes...come with me...
You won't be satisfied until you are BEING all of you. xo 🧐

Cracked open. Lit up. Alive from the inside.

Once you step through. You cannot go back. You were born to lead.

The original creation templates are alive within you. Stop believing that this can’t happen for you.

We want you in your ease, in your voice, in your truth.

​The fame, the money, the community...ALL natural by-products of you being you.

​ dear...what needs to be shaked, quaked, dissasembled or destroyed for you to be you?

​Who is she, alive one? She who is born from fiery lava, she who walks sultry through your mind...with zero concern for ruffling any feathers in her wake? She who creates massive wealth without giving a rats ass for those who judge her? She who knows the truth! That HER being her FULL GLORIOUS DIVA SELF..sets worlds free. Absolutely serves humanity. Absolutly stirs up shit that NEEDS to be stirred up. FREES SO MANY SOULS SIMPLY BY BEING HER!

​Her heart is alive. Her heart beats melodies that shake the Earth. Her sound is divine music. Her dance elicits global healing. Her creations birth new ways of thought, new healthy family trees, new love based systems. Her vibration so powerful that those around her shift to love as well. Their holy creative power also coming alive. There is no stopping us. This you already know.

​Alive from the inside. We are a different breed.

​The drumbeats of our hearts quake souls awake.

​With full surrender to your true power, what then? Who are you? What does God create through you?

Quantum Gold Mastermind is quite simply a meeting of the minds- for the highest/deepest soul success of all ✨ . The result is all of us flying in our highest soul success. Our contracts were written to gather before we incarnated here. Let us meet, unwind, break free and soar. In our heart's deepest truths, in real healing, to raise our frequencies & to birth our soul led empires.


Inner ease, safety within self & embodiment of inner wealth
Tripled sales in business (5k, 10k, 20k months and beyond)
Guaranteed results & return (and way more) on investment
Understanding & practice of quantum energetics of business
Embodiment of the energetics of sales
Activation of your Soul voice
Practice in channeling/creating your Soul's/God flow offerings
Discovering a launch process and sales process that feels ooey gooey good to you and to your soulmate clients
Massive growth in online audience (by being you!)
Emotional resiliency
Trust in your Soul beyond all else
Embodiment of innate enoughness
EPIC upgrades within and in all areas of life!

Send me a direct private message here if you are a HELL YES or if you have questions. We can chat details and pricing options. Doors close soon.

xo Katie

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