Thursday, March 10, 2022

Heal one cell and they all heal.

I have never been able to separate out what I do into different categories or modalities.

Just like I can’t separate out (and why would I want to?) my physical body from my spiritual bodies? Or my blood flow from my digestive system from my brain from my feet? Or my inner child from my self to my soul to my relationships now? Or my chakras from my cells from my glands to my eyes? It is all related!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Or my quantum ways with money from my quantum ways with my spirituality? It’s all the same as the way I know I get to be *all of me* fully expressed in every single area of my life. This thing that is done.. to separate body parts from each other.. to separate the physical from the spiritual ... to separate any area of life from another.. as if they aren’t related.... creates so much suffering. Nothing is disconnected from anything! This is how I work people!! It is (most of the time) a fun gift seeing how everything is connected lol The body, brain, heart, mind, chakras & energy field are a WHOLE 💫 Shift one cell & they all shift Heal one cell & they all heal Align relationship with divinity & relationship with all else aligns (all systems of body, love, business & wealth) Meaning, a restoration to god/soul/one Truth 💙 Truths born of the heart Soul songs singing Unity restored Soul mission remembered Soul plans for massive business remembered It is one switch flick Simple. Profound. Ready? Doors to Quantum Gold Mastermind close Saturday 💎 Read allllllll about it at Katieawake . com Send me a private message here to have a chat about possibly joining 🙂 Yay! Katie

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