The fall of 2019 I was making MASSIVE moves to transform my relationship to business, sales & money. I had never done any of this before. I felt like a naked fish out of the water.
A fellow entrepreneur friend had gifted me what turned out to be a $1000 ticket to a 2 day sales training program. Thankfully I happen to be a person who does things afraid, often, so I accepted, got myself all ready at 5am & drove my self to this hotel where the training would be. Wow did I face straight on & transmute through sh*t tons of terror in those 2 days. I put myself in so many uncomfortable experiences! But the good kind, you know? The ones that grow you! There I sat, in a room with 25 strangers (aside from my friend) most of whom were making millions or multiple 6 figures in their businesses! This was the first time in my life I could literally see the energy field of lack that was still at that time- positioned in my aura. I could see the energy of wealth that all these people had! And of the two sales trainers- who are incredible leaders in the coaching industry by the way. Do you know what this meant? I transmuted my aura that weekend! I learned from all of these brilliant minds! I saw that I could have wealth too. I could acquire the wealth energy that they have! F*ing changed my life! I took many terrifying actions that weekend. Sweating & shaking… ✈️I got up on stage and shared my core fear about sales. Which was a fear of being yelled at, shamed & punished. Was sweating & I think I cried a little. ✈️I shared about what my business was, who it helped, what problems I help people solve. ✈️I created sales scripts & called π±π± 10 hot leads that I had. ✈️I role play practiced my sales conversations with other people there. ✈️I processed all my fear about sales. ✈️Following this training & a couple days of integration... I started selling my services! I started earning thousands monthly by being me, doing what I do ππ₯³π₯³π₯³ but knowing it was all worth it, because I would construct a global company bringing my soul mission to life. To impact millions with my heart, voice & vision! I’m here to remind humanity who they are. I’m here to help throw off ALL covers of illusions. And yes, healing the relationship with money, business & sales; happens. What I know now is this: Money is just money. There is zero need to make it a thing, to make it complicated, to make it out to be bad in any way. It is just currency. It is unlimited. It is printed & created daily. There is way more than enough resources for everyone & more, on this planet. I feel very passionately that it is urgent now to get billions into the hands of true hearted leaders on this planet to shift the planet to good. I LOVE guiding my clients in this inner work. In showing them it is perfectly ok & safe to walk through any necessary fears into living their soul visions as their life now. Don’t let money fears stop you. Underneath money/business fears are actually the true fears. πFears that success will come at a price πChoosing familiar comfort zone rather than wild unknown of success πFear that success is overwhelming πJust not knowing it’s ok to be FULLY you When you continuously choose to expand into being more & more of yourself - there are layers of energies that will pass through you. Energies of fear or overwhelm for example…. sure… and it’s totally ok to feel these as they pass through. They’re really not a big deal, just energy. What also happens, and this is the fun part …. is the light bulbs turning on EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO!!! And then you just act on all of it!!! Be all of it. Do it all! Enjoy it all! Have that massive positive impact! Many successful businesses!! Homes!! Investments!! Legacy! Walking through the discomfort stretching times is the lead up to the oh-so-fulfilling home runs π€©π❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Again & again & again Why settle for less than it ALL ? If you are curious about working with me, I do have openings for private mentorship. Private message me to chat about possibilities & receive info. Also, doors to the Quantum Gold mastermind close tonight! $999 bonus VIP soul business planning day included for the next 5 who join. All the details on Quantum Gold are here. You're also welcome to message me here to start a conversation.Thursday, March 31, 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Don't hide who you are.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Most powerful quantum business moves
The most powerful moves I have made so far in my business involve choosing to be all of me.
I don't make decisions in my business based of off my limited mind programming. Mind is programming. It's made up of the past. It is the body/brains/hearts interpretations to past events. It wants to prevent pain and death.
I am more interested in the infinite.
I re-program myself to be unlimited by consciously choosing my actions from my own inner unlimited self. Everyone has this inside. No one is left out.
For example, in the past money was tight and I noticed my mind going to a pattern of 'oh I'll have to just go take a job' ...stuff I really don't ever want to do again. So, in tuning into my infinite self...which I feel is my own Soul, Spirit and God ...I called a previous client to check in with her. It turned out my timing was perfect and she decided to sign on to a $2000 program with me. I know 2K is not that much money, but to me then it was the same as if someone had put 10K in my hand. I received that check in the mail, opened it, felt frozen, and just stared at it on my couch for like an hour! lol
You see though, it would have taken me working 20 catering shifts to come close to earning $2000! This will forever be a milestone moment etched in my memory! That day I learned that I can choose actions that actually honor me, utilize my soul's natural gifts and that earn good money! Massive.
Do you see how this was also a re-programming of my brain and body? We have to choose to take actions in alignment with what we ACTUALLY want to create...or we can carry on doing what we've always done and get the same results we've always had.
I quantum leaped my reality.
I continue to do so on repeat.
By continuously taking action as Quantum me.
I am deeply committed to helping thousands of women do the same.
I currently have 5 spaces open inside the Quantum Gold Mastermind.This is what we are doing. We are consciously CHOOSING to take actions in our lives, relationships and businesses FROM the quantum. From the unlimited. From our unions with God inside. God wants this Earth plan to shake up, evolve, ascend, align...with love! with Unity! Re-aligning the flow of financial wealth on this planet to the tune of prosperous a massive montain we are moving together. xo
Quantum Gold is a 9 month container. We do group and 1:1 coaching. It's so fun!!! Best part of my week.
Read more & enroll at
Don't hesistate to private message me any questions at all.
Also....the next 5 who sign up receive a $999 bonus included at no extra cost!! This is a virtual VIP day with me to absolutely tune into & map out your Soul Business blueprint plans baby!!
Can't wait,
Monday, March 28, 2022
Why not create from the infinite?
Are you choosing same reality as the one where your Soul is creating?
Are you choosing the same reality as the one where your Soul is creating?
So many people aren’t even in their body. Yet they're ‘trying’ to make things happen from a soul level. If you’re not in your body, how in the heck do you think you’re going to be able to be in the same dimension as what you’re creating on a soul level?
What IF….experiencing your Soul’s actual truths and desires were as simple as walking through a sliding door. Back into the dimension where you actually ARE. Where you are in your oneness with God/Soul/Truth. Where you ARE the version of you already now who is having it all, doing it all, being it all, completely lit up and happy? For how long have you been running away from yourself probably without even realizing it? And I GET it. These ways get passed down generationally…it may feel actually normal and terrible at the same time! To be disconnected from self, from truth, maybe even from God in some way ….not that you actually can be EVER but it can FEEL like it! And I do know from experience.
They do say that the perceived separation from God wound is the core ONE. The ONE to heal. And I do experience/see this to be true…in past versions of me who had to traverse some VERY painful, VERY sticky, awful feelings of being all alone. Heck..I had a day I was absolutely wailing and screaming in the fetal position as my soul was remembering true union with God inside.
When I guide inner wealth retrieval for my clients….these planes do get navigated…but because I walked these valleys myself and I share my maps with you, it is not so hard and it does not take as long. That is what true coaching is! Sharing our maps home with each other!
Back into God, back into Soul, back into the only truth that there is. Wholeness, oneness, abundance, soul, love, bliss….these are our natural states people! I’ll shout all this until I’m blue in the face! Lol not really, but until my dying breath I’ll be embodying deeper and deeper states of union within myself and guiding others to do the same. It is just what my energy does.
If you want to effortlessly, as easy as breathing, BE HER, you have to be in your body!! SO dropped in that the ONLY option is fully embodying the magic of you. In this reality now. As this version of you now. Let all else go. Let it be this simple.
When you are fully dropped into being you, what do you just know?
Current offerings:
Ignite π₯
Top level 1:1 mentorship for a year
We get into everything! Soul business & wealth flow. Relationship harmonization. And at the heart of it all you being you!
We begin mid April
3 places available
Quantum Gold π
Group Mastermind plus 1:1 quantum success coaching
9 months of gold.
Activate what’s inside you.
Bring her to life.
Do it all in style.
Epic results in soul business guaranteed.
Doors open until 3/31
Send me a private message here & let me know what you would like. Or to ask questions. I would love to chat with you.
Multidimensional energy healer &
Quantum success coach
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Decide to be who you *actually* are!
It is ok to do life ENTIRELY from the inside out.
Based off of your Soul visions, knowings, creative flow, inner genius!! Did this ever get covered up for you? Lights dimmed? Maybe somewhere along the way you picked up the notion that it's better to be covered up? To hide? To try and fit into the world rather than rocking out as the rainbow colored disco ball of fire that you are?
Act as the real meaning of you.
It is ok to do life ENTIRELY from the inside out. Based off of your Soul visions, knowings, creative flow, inner genius!! Did this ever get covered up for you? Lights dimmed? Maybe somewhere along the way you picked up the notion that it's better to be covered up? To hide? To try and fit into the world rather than rocking out as the rainbow colored disco ball of fire that you are?
Perhaps, perhaps
Most of us did.
This does not mean at all that you have to stay that way. You do not have to keep hiding. No matter how much fear, or hiding, or desires to run away....or any of that stuff there remains within you. What I mean is...none of that has to be the MEANING of you!
Believe in your *actual* self. The Gold self. The luminous self.
You. are. a. star.
Be the real meaning of you.
Let her come to life from inside you.
She rises up as you.
The one you've always known yourself to be and are. Always have been, are now, and always will be.
Decide to be your full self now. Your reality on all levels will reflect this abundance back to you one hundred fold.
Current offerings:
I don't think that a lot of common teachings about 'how to be yourself' or 'how to be happy' or 'just think positive' really, truly go deep enough. There is gold in all of them, for sure. Wherever there is a positive intention to help people, people receive positive help. It is all good. But what I feel boiling in my heart, every day, beating my heart, the reason I'm to talk about how we are GOLD.
You are a star, and you know it.
It's there inside you, the plans.
The reasons.
The real WHY of why you are incarnated on this planet at this time.
You know this.
It's ok, brilliant actually, a bonus...that you are different from most everyone around you. Maybe especially family or old friends.
Not only is your differentness means you are special. It means you are one of the real ones.
Like me :)
Our uniqueness is not just some fluffy idea of 'oh this is what makes me special'
It is the whole universe
You being you is what this world needs
And you don't do what you do FOR them, or really for anyone....your lit up, infinite, magic, self....just can't help but uplift, shift, quake, make massive positive ripple change within everyone and everything around you! That is just how it works. Just like bees wings flapping creating waves all around the globe.
You know you're here to change things. You know you're here to be a part of the awakening. This is your life. Your incarnation. Your reason.
Why not go for it full throttle?
The timelines that you've allowed to rattle you in the past don't have to anymore.
Nothing really deserves your attention, focus and creative energy more than you just simply being all of you now.
You may notice the momentums of the past patterns trying to pull you asunder.. but it's of no concern to you now. Because you have a mission to continue enacting.
Straighten your sail. It was just a passing storm.
Current offerings:
Let's really get into it
I don't think that a lot of common teachings about 'how to be yourself' or 'how to be happy' or 'just think positive' really, truly go deep enough. There is gold in all of them, for sure. Wherever there is a positive intention to help people, people receive positive help. It is all good. But what I feel boiling in my heart, every day, beating my heart, the reason I'm to talk about how we are GOLD.
You are a star, and you know it.
It's there inside you, the plans.
The reasons.
The real WHY of why you are incarnated on this planet at this time.
You know this.
It's ok, brilliant actually, a bonus...that you are different from most everyone around you. Maybe especially family or old friends.
Not only is your differentness means you are special. It means you are one of the real ones.
Like me :)
Our uniqueness is not just some fluffy idea of 'oh this is what makes me special'
It is the whole universe
You being you is what this world needs
And you don't do what you do FOR them, or really for anyone....your lit up, infinite, magic, self....just can't help but uplift, shift, quake, make massive positive ripple change within everyone and everything around you! That is just how it works. Just like bees wings flapping creating waves all around the globe.
You know you're here to change things. You know you're here to be a part of the awakening. This is your life. Your incarnation. Your reason.
Why not go for it full throttle?
The timelines that you've allowed to rattle you in the past don't have to anymore.
Nothing really deserves your attention, focus and creative energy more than you just simply being all of you now.
You may notice the momentums of the past patterns trying to pull you asunder.. but it's of no concern to you now. Because you have a mission to continue enacting.
Straighten your sail. It was just a passing storm.
Current offerings:
The dishes can wait.
Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...

What is your mind focused on most of the time? What energy state are you in most of the time? I think often we are focused on our problems, ...
I took my first yoga classes in 2008 after Graduating from college at yogafresh in Woodbury. These first heated yoga classes blew me away. ...
Day 7/10 master cleanse today! πππ I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...