Tuesday, May 18, 2021

You are doing fantastic healing you!

Be aware that as you flow through your life, between different inner states & different expressions of yourself...that you are moving upward on an acension spiral.

An unhealed state, pain, or trauma...whatever it is you have identified can show up as physical sensation, mental/emotional pain, a sense that something is 'off', feeling held back in love, blocked, an inability to do what you feel guided to do...the list is endless! But you will have a sense that something has shown up that needs healing.

It can be too easy to fall into a depressed state of 'oh didn't I master this pattern already?', 'I thought I already overcame this'? or you may find yourself judging yourself or telling yourself something is wrong with you. None of that is ever true. You're simply making the rounds on that part of your ascension spiral, learning a NEW level of awareness, lessons and mastery. 

Noticing that you have slipped into an imbalanced state, a self-sabotaging pattern, a trauma response...whatever it may be...is HUGE! Congrats on your awareness.

Next you get to intuitively discern what your desired outcome is with the aformentioned less-than-idea state that has arisen.

FIRST! Discern if it is even yours. You can literally ask God, is this mine? They will tell you the answer.

As you get more and more sensitive, this process will become very quick, like second nature. Once you know if it is yours or not, you can also ask for more information about whose it is and where it is from, IF that information is going to be helpful to your healing process, if it's irrelevent than you won't see as much detail. A lot of the time it doesn't matter where stuff is from, but what matters most is what you do with it now...so that you can continue progressing in your joy/evolution/success.

The origins of pain/trauma matter if the process of learning about it is going to be liberating in the healing journey. Once the bulk of the origin is understood (general themes of childhood for example) then it gets easier and easier to simply pull out the remaining strings of the mind programming. 

Next, does it need to be transcended? Transmuted? Ignored? Listened to? Felt? Integrated? 

You will know what healing approach to take based on which one gives you a feeling of immense relief. Usually there is emotional release at this point, or you'll feel energy leaving your body/field. 

Once the charge of the trauma diminishes (after the clearing) will come spiritual epiphany about the purpose of the experience, your Soul lesson. Which brings even greater relief...and the natural states of your Soul will be more embodied and felt; like bliss and joy.

So, not to worry as you're moving up and up your ascension spiral. You are meeting, loving, unwinding, healing and integrating parts of you - into you! You're also clearing away what is not you and no longer putting your attention there, or letting your energy be drained. You are drawing in more and more of yourself into harmony with your Soul....and with God. This is the pathway home...into you..into God...into Oneness. 

If you are seeking support on your path, I do have a low cost 3 part audio healing series to heal the nervous system here.

Or for 1:1 work with me at a higher investment, I have a 6 month quantum healing program. You're welcome to read more here.

To your total healing and Soul birth,



Katie Awake on the social medias

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