Saturday, May 22, 2021

Embodied safety unleashes your Soul

The first time I sat down with my therapist, who was really truly an incredibly gifted spiritual healer of her own right, she asked me if I knew how dissasociated I was. Sitting there, out of body, I think I did know...but hadn't really looked into this very much yet. She put a feather in my hands, and said 'this is what you feel like when you're out of body', and gave me a minute to sit with that. Then she put a heavy slab of iron in my hands, and said 'this is what you feel like when you're in your body', and I sat with that. I was struck immediately with this awareness. OH! Jesus, I see, I feel... I get it. Ok. so...deep breath...most of the time I'm out of my body (I said to myself and her, then), so, what do I do about this? 

I can't quite remember the details of what we spoke of next, but it definitely hit me deep...and I decided I wanted to really, truly heal... I wanted to be in my body & present in my life. 

(Fast forward 8 years of deep personal healing work and working 1:1 with hundreds of clients...)

Midwifing my clients into their bodies has become an absolute corner stone of my practice. 

Coming into body has everything to do with trauma processing. I know a lot of the time, when people hear the word trauma (maybe this is true for you?) they think of the big, bad, worst traumas on the planet. Like sexual assault and war..and those are of course, indeed, are just plain soul shattering and definitely warrant gentle, compassionate, professionally guided, healing. And I do that. But I feel I need to specify that most of the traumas I help people heal are psychological and emotional in origin. They have to do with disruptions in the learning process, detours on the development of a healthy sense of self, inneficient energy routes in the brain, overwhelming emotion that needs to be fully integrated, ancestral level healing..etc. I work mostly in these subtle realms. It's my expertise. 

For example, when a baby is naturally playing with some blocks sitting on the floor, and then in her environment comes a disrupting angry emotional outburst from a parent, this disrupts the baby's sense of safety within - and disrupts her creative energy flow. If this continues as a pattern in her emotional environment, she won't be able to develop properly. Things will feel hard as she gets older; things like feeling safe to focus in on her creative pursuits, and that's a big deal! Because being able to do her creative work, in the way her Soul natural her work, it's her business, it's her money-making crafts, it's her emotional health, it's her financial stability. 

Healing must begin with finding safetly within (are examples from your life coming up for you?) Safety has to be discovered and embodied within you! I know this can sound like a silly thing...shouldn't safety be dependent on a safe environment? A safe partner? A safe home? Yes, of course those are all vitally important, but I am talking about embodying safety within yourself. Known embodied safety in your pelvis. A known, practiced, embodied safety within the cells of your body. Especially in the root.

My 3 part audio healing series actually helps with exactly this! It's me guiding you 1:1 in embodying safety within yourself THEN emotional stability and financial stability become possible. You're welcome to read more more and purchase here if you desire to. 

I have played back and experienced that audio healing series myself and what I LOVE the most in it, is embodying being safe and balanced between the Earth and the Sky. I actually tried that embodiment for the first time years ago when I was in my Global Somatics school, and I told my teacher, I felt I was ALWAYS ok, which I hadn't felt before that moment. I would LOVE if I can be of service for you to feel ALWAYS ok within yourself too - regardless of your outer environment. 

ps...I'm still taking applications for your Soul Sunrise. This is 6 months of 1:1 Quantum Healing with me beginning in June. If you're already well acqainted with my energy, you're already feeling a pull to private work with me & you're prepared to invest in the birth of your Soul financially then you're invited to apply. I have limited space so that I can give my best to you. Read more and apply here. I'll be in touch with you during the last week of May. 

To your most Soul expressed life, 


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