Friday, May 28, 2021

woah, what was that lunar eclipse!?!

So I am not one that is super into astrology, it's not one of the modalities I've studied.. I don't feel some past life in my Soul of being an astrologer, I know some of you are! I always love to hear from you after these massive astrological events, so please do reply to me and let me know what the F was going on.

I sure felt it!

We were camping....*insert shocked, big-eyed emoji face.*

I thought I liked camping, now I have found out that I don't.  

It's not that I don't love nature and the outdoors, because I DO, very much. But the back breaking of sleeping on cold hard ground,the bugs everywhere, critters everywhere during the night... is just not my thing anymore, not since I'm no longer passing out from beer drinking lol. Can''

I DO love walking straight out to nature with my coffee upon waking, that is glorious and I'll continue to do that from my home. :)

What I felt under the pull of that full moon lunar eclipse was A LOT of shadow integration. Anyone else? I'm sure you could you miss it?

You see, I love my husband so much and value our marriage so much, that I'm willing to face aspects of me that I wouldn't otherwise. In my vows to him I promised that I was committed to EVERY spiral of our Soul growth together, inner and outer, into ever-deepening intimacy. So that is what I do! This is what I choose, every day, in every way, no matter WHAT challenging mental/emotional/trauma/hard thing that arises from within me, I look at that shit, I embrace it, I let her speak, I embrace her, I love her and I let her in. I let her into the light. I invite love INTO her. I let her weep, I let her cry, I let her talk, I let her share her story, I let her rage, I let her die....WHATEVER healing/expression she needs. These many parts of me that I uncover. 

I believe as Souls we are infinite, not limited by time/space/current lifetime...there is so much to integrate. We must keep going. To return to wholeness. 

That's what we're all doing here. That's how I see healing.

Our final LIVE Soul Birth session for Women Remember is TOMORROW Saturday 5/29 at 12pm CST. Have you been thinking of joining?

Women Remember is a place to fall back in love with being a woman. A safe, sacred space to be in SUPPORT of yourself and other women, together. We feel, heal, process and RECEIVE A LOT OF LIGHT! We do deep womb healing, heart healing, money wound healing and course correction so we feel safe to walk our Soul paths. 

Our gifts as women are our oceanic depth of intuition, our infinitely loving hearts, our nurturing instincts, and not only do we carry new life...but we can birth our own Sacred life too! 

Doors are open until we are 300 women! Would you like to join to support the birth of the REAL you? Happy, In Love, fulfilled & doing her Soul’s work?

SOUL BIRTH SESSIONS are held in a virtual sacred birthing chamber for Women to heal deeply & rebirth themselves beyond trauma - into their infinite potential. Together, peel back layers of false selves we’ve created for survival means, to reveal the truths of why we are here, the infinite creative depths of our hearts and to birth our Soul mission work further into the world. Women Remember supports women to live their destinies - all while enjoying a full life! 

Your investment is $55/month. With no minimum, so you’re welcome to try for a month and decide from there how long you would like to stay.

Even if you can't be there live tomorrow (I realize it's a holiday weekend) I always post the replays and you have an evergrowing library of healing content to dive into until our June sessions begin.

This is a safe & sacred space to unwind into your real self & to birth your Soul mission.

Read more & join here:'s not too late to apply for 6 months of 1:1 quantum healing with me ... in SOUL SUNRISE, we begin next week! Find out more here: I have limited space and only open this a couple times per year.

I love you!


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