Tuesday, May 4, 2021

God, love & cancer

Do you know that you have full free-will choice to say no to any authority besides your own Soul & God?

Yes! It's true!

You, within yourself, have FULL ON access to the entire infinite universe of wisdom, light, truth, inspiration...everything.

When was the last time you were living and breathing and acting from this truth?


Maybe once or twice in your twenties when you followed your intuition to that festival or that led you to your spouse?

The freedom that comes..and I mean internal spiritual freedom...genuine happiness radiating out from within you freedom...that comes from following/expressing what you feel within you..is INCOMPARABLE to any other freedom.

And I honestly feel I'm just at the tip top of experiencing this within myself, in my relationships and in my business. 

Years ago I essentially walked away from industrialized western medicine, it just never felt right to me. This was the same time that I was seeing a naturopath doctor, and going through a 2 year training program in healing myself and learning how to heal others, shamanically. So...it was just a natural byproduct.

One of the last times I went to a western doctor was because I was having stomach pains, and they couldn't give me any answers, and thank god they didn't try to give me a diagnosis and pills...though I probably wouldn't have taken them. That was just me cutting the last couple remaining trust strings from that system. Obviously there are LOTS of good hearted doctors and nurses, but overall it's a medical system that only treats symptoms by trying to supress them, is quick to label people with illnesses, is quick to cut people open and sends people to their death...via over toxicity from pharmaceuticals...etc. I KNOW this offends the dickens out of people...but my Soul writes..so I must write. I do want people to know they have a choice to subscribe to allopathic medicine, or not.

Another option, which I see and know, as real healing, is to live in tune with Nature. With clean air, pure water, alkaline fruits and vegetables, spiritual connection with God, with Truth, with movement, proper sleep..etc. Everything we need to heal Mother Earth and God give us. It's just true. Even pharmaceuticals if you look deep enough into their origins come from plants. So why not just take the plant and herbal medicine direct rather than it's counterfeit cousin laden with chemicals?

There's a giant agenda on the planet (and if you're still reading you probably are well aware of this)..a giant agenda to keep the masses sad, sick and dumb. And it's working! Flouride in toothpaste, flouride and chlorine in water, chemicals/pesticides/glyphosate in the "food" like substances. Hormones and antibiotics in meat...on and on it goes. 

It's these invisible poisons in literally everything that humans consume that make people sick and kill people. As soon as a human  detoxes their body and floods their body with actual organic nourishment from our Earth and increases their frequency through joy, God, connection, play & laughter...they are reborn...they come back to life! There's examples of this all over the internet. People who turn down the option of chemo, then heal themselves with fruits & veggies. A woman and her son, who reversed her 'altheimers' symptoms with lots of blueberries and walnuts. A man who shrunk a massive tumor on his shoulder by becoming alkaline. And so many more. 

The factor that differentiates if someone will be killed by chemo or heal with plants, is their capacity to say no to the lethal cancer industry...and choose to change their life...by saying yes to life...and get in tune with nature instead. 

This whole pre-screening system they have set up...it's utter lunacy, emotionally manipulative and leads people to their death.

Making people fear CANCER when all cancer actually means is that their cells have become acidic from over-toxicity. From all the sources (and more ) I listed above. The CURE is to become alkaline. We create an alkaline environment inside our bodies with organic raw fruits and vegetables. It's really actually that simple. 

I've even heard of cancer patients being told not to eat green vegetables, when this is actually the true medicine they need....it makes my blood boil .... people being abused, controlled and murdered this way. 

It's one of my Soul's core reasons for being partnered with an incredible organic superfoods company. Founded by two incredible Souls. One of whom started his line of superfoods after he witnessed his dear Aunt be taken out by cancer/chemo.

If you are wanting to align your body with nature, create alkalinity within, inspire your family, evoke spiritual awakening within your cells, lose weight, become happier and really live...I have a program for you. 

(these are all my personal views by the way, not reflective of the company, and I don't treat, diagnose or prescribe. What I do is support people to live in alignment with their own Soul's truth & provide options, offers and programs they can buy)


The cells of our bodies long for actual, real nourishment that is our Earth's abundance.

I took a 90 min breathwork class a few months ago, and I got a vision of all the children of the Earth, and incoming ones too...and I got a VERY CLEAR MESSAGE that FRUIT IS HOLY.

Have you been aware, that there is an active FRUIT FEAR campaign on this planet? Remember when I mentioned that are dark entities that was to do us harm? WELL, this is one way that they do it. They have indoctrination systems in place, within our "health" care system (eye roll) that TEACH people to fear eating too much fruit! This could not be more stupid. Or more WRONG. Fruit is God's holy food for us. It is designed to be and our bodies heal from it and go up in frequency spiritually from eating Fruit. It's true! Look it up. People literally heal from cancer and other illnesses from cleansing their cells with Fruit. I'm sure there are many spiritual properties to fruits that we can't see in this dimension too.

So, aparently, now is the time that I start sharing openly my message that FRUIT IS HOLY. EAT TONS OF FRUIT IF YOU WANT TO FEEL LIGHT, BE CONNECTED WITH YOUR GODLY NATURE AND HEAL.

Holy Cellular Sanctuary begins 5/15.

This will be a 10 day live program with me as your guide....it's a time to incorporate more (or all if you can) organic fruits and veggies as your food, and add in 10 days worth of organic living superfoods. Shift your body into the self-healing, magical vessel that it is...in loving devotion to your own Soul and to your Soul mission! The superfoods are grown in nutrient dense soil, on a private, organic farm in Utah USA. There is a massive body of research proving that the health of the soil that our foods are grown in is a direct mirror to the ecosystem within our gut microbiome. And a diverse gut microbiome is our ACTUAL immune system, if you want to call it that. Health is really keeping the environments inside our bodies CLEAN AND ALKALINE, and we become alkaline through eating fruits & vegetables. We've all been lied to A LOT and it's time to take off all the blinders that we might still have on. For us and for our children.

During the 10 day program I'll also be popping on live in our facebook group to answer questions, share downloads and lead quantum healing as we'll all be shedding old mind programming/trauma/emotions. All of this clears from our cells as we get healthy, and it becomes EASY to do your Soul's creative work :) You being YOU, in alignment with God, uplifts everyone around you and assists with the awakening of humanity, the reclamation of our sovereignty and planet.

Let's choose the timeline of a lush, green, garden of Eden Earth :) All together now! STARTING with a lush, green, garden of Eden INSIDE your cells :)

I also recommend checking out last months FREE live quantum healling..it was SO POWERFUL, maybe my most powerful yet... make sure to join for the next one!

In massive love,

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