💚Your Mother wound is the pain you have from your mother not meeting your needs for love, authenticity, connection, care, empathic coaching of your emotions and/or nurturing. It’s also unprocessed traumas inherited through your Maternal line.
Mother wounds get acted out and passed down generation after generation- though you can choose to break the cycle and heal it now.
Your Mother wound will also be cozied up with the belief that your needs for love, connection, mother nurturing; are bad, shameful, selfish - and you will have rejected this innocent child part of you.
You’ll have been trying to get these needs met subconsciously through other people, often with people who don’t have the capacity to (thus experiencing that painful self-rejection on repeat) - and especially through your romantic partners.
What you really need is direct healing of your Mother wound itself; to make peace with it.... so you can understand your pain and that constant searching for mom’s adoration. It is normal and beautiful that you want nurturing love, you do NEED it!! Great, great freedom comes from understanding, healing multidimensionally, and filling this wound up with love from the Creator for yourSELF from the inside. Thus, you’ll attract healthy relationships and have the capacity to nurture your children (now or future little ones) in the way you want to, no longer passing the wound down.
I'd recommend my free monthly healing for this and/or a 1:1 6 month healing program.
In massive & indestructible love,
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