Friday, May 14, 2021

Break all the rules & love your body...WHAT?

Hi sweet soul,

Even though it  may not feel like it, it is a decision how we feel about our own body. 

I have had a negative view of my belly that I have wanted to change for years! Not even necesarily that I want it to be flatter, or that I want to be skinnier, but that I want to FEEL POSITIVE towards my mid-section!

I feel the way my body is shaped could then actually shift naturally, IF I can figure out how to FEEL good about my belly. 

I'm aware that it is ancestral patterning paired with peer & societal conditioning about how a girl should feel about her body....bad, never good enough, never skinny enough, too skinny, too chubby, too curvy, not curvy enough, look young, don't look old, no sags...on and on the neverending list of painful inner states goes.

What are we doing to girls here?

Can you relate?

I'd honestly be surprised if you couldn't. And for the men, I know you have challending body image programs too.

It's a big part of the reason I'm leading Holy Cellular Sanctuary.

I feel shame runs SO deep in our body image programming that we can't even begin to fathom a GOOD happy positive feeling towards our bodies. 

It feels like that would be breaking the law!

Because even when there are people who feel genuinely positive and happy about their bodies, THEY get shamed too!!!

f*ck, it's like you can't win. 

So it seems, it is a complete and utter revolution to love the skin you're in.

And, if you've been following me for a while, you know that I am ALL about breaking all shame based social constructs, all the ones that actually hurt people, and building this whole thing back up from God's love. 

So that is what we must do.

Re-build the system from the foundation of God's love.

What would it be like to inhabit your body in the KNOWING that you are an embodiment of God's love? Can you even allow yourself to imagine? Does it feel like you're doing something bad?


That means you're on track!

You see, when we are in the business of breaking through SHAME it will feel like you are doing something wrong...when you are actually finally breaking free. 

It is ok to feel good about yourself! 

It is ok to start to begin to imagine feeling ok with your body.

Now I will get even more ludicrus...outlandish...insane....crazy...and is even ok to imagine beginning to love your body.

what?! NO. shut her up.


Let's go completely insane, let's lose our minds....and consider THROWING AWAY SHAME. Let's through - straight into the trash bin - shame based thinking about our bodies. Let's trash hatred of our bodies. Let's burn up in beautiful, brilliant, giant plumes of fire every single belief inhabiting our cells and subconscious programming that tells us our body is anything besides a perfect vessel for our soul. 

Feeling on fire? me too.

Let's receive love into our cells.

Fruits, vegetables, superfoods and the frequency of L O V E.

How does this feel? What could this be like? Is this really ok? I feel like I'm breaking lots of rules Katie.

You are. You have. It's done.

Today is the LAST LAST day to join Holy Cellular Sanctuary...I don't know when I'll lead this again..probably in 6 months or so!

It's free to be in the group and to receive energy healings from me, you just add in the cost of your superfoods.

Join here and learn more.

I'll see you tomorrow evening for a live group energy healing on clearing up incorrect body image issues...and shifting us into embodied love.

Here's a short live video I did on all of this today:

PS..I still have spots open for SOUL SUNRISE..a 6 month 1:1 quantum healing program with me...starting June....reply to me directly if you feel this is for you.

To your total healing & Soul birth,


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