Monday, May 17, 2021

Energy Healing for Minneapolis

 The upcoming free live group quantum healing will be a special one! For Minneapolis! I’m honored & looking forward to it.

This will be Wednesday June 2nd 5pm CST.

Energy healing for Minneapolis 💓

The more that participate, the more love there will be, the more healing there will be - for our land, for our city & for our hearts. People from all over the world are most welcome.

We will lift our hearts, unite as one with God & call in the highest possible timeline for our city & community. A timeline of harmony, reverence for each other through our diversity, everyone safe/resourced to bring their Soul gifts forward, all children safe & inner/outer prosperity.

Time to flip this whole thing to love.

Your Soul’s brilliant presence is most needed and requested 🙏🏼

In so much love,

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