Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Some words to guide you home.


Let's review why you are very important, amazing and pure magic.

The conception of you began in the ethers. In the far off spiritual planes, where you are a star. A nebulus of God-essence, formless and simply pure-infinite potentiality. Don't ask me how I know this...I just do.

There was a plan, made by God/Source/All-that-is-holy-and-good, to have a YOU on this Earth plane, at this time. You were, and are, very, very needed. This world would not turn and operate in the exact way that it does, if you weren't here. Every breathe you take, thought you think, word you say and action you act...ripples in massive ways beyond your understanding through the people around you, your community and across the planet. So yes, you do in fact matter... very very much. If you were questioning if you matter or not...or if any little dark corner of your mind does question this...this is your reminder that you do. you are floating about, just being infinite golden radiating light...a nebulus of stars, and galaxy dust, and joy, and God-oneness...there was a call for you to incarnate here on Earth.

The choice for you to not really a the way that we think of choices here on's more like a destiny, like a batman a divine that you and God (being one, you know) create together.

So then, in perfect harmony with things you're great at as a Soul (your unique gifts) and for a life path that will most shape you into living out your gifts in a way that is your highest potential, that has the greatest impact to enable the most humans possible to ALSO wake up to their greatness and to how much they were placed with your particular family of origin. 

This mother and father, seed you, and you are born in a flash of light, a creation born of a spiritual oneness with God and with your mom & dad. 

In that flash of light (and some women are actually aware of this miracle in their womb!) contains ALL the universe. All that is. Oneness with everything. And YOU are a part of that, of all of it. 

You fulfill your calling by being you. Brighter and brighter every day, more and more of you.

The nebulus of pure potentiality is always who you are. In the core of you, deeper and beyond your physicality, you are this pure infinite wisdom...pure infinite vastness...indestructible, pure love, pure's all within you.

The notion of you doubting yourself is laughable.

The idea of you not being worthy is a silly joke.

The ways you talk yourself down can be smiled at with love.

When you tune into God inside..and you feel yourself rise up naturally like a helium balloon...THAT is the truth. That's the real you and the ease that is available to you in every moment. 

Sun and stars and light don't question themselves. They just rise and shine.

Feel selfish or arrogant or guilty or self-conscious to shine bright if you have to...just for a little while as you stop believing in the silly self-doubting's never actually been true.

With time, you'll adjust to being a lighthouse. And you'll find that many, many, many people who also know they are lighthouses will become your friends.

Feel the returning, rising of TRUTH in your heart child.


What does Truth feel like in your heart? Tune in.

Love? Bliss? Laughter? Joy? Remembering?

This is your Spirit! 


Life, love and business become WAY more fun when you are operating from your HOME frequency inside. When you are making decisions of your own free will...which is actually God's will. When you surrender to BEING the incredible-infinite-potential-Spirit that you really are....well then you are unlimited. You need not function within ANY of the world's programs, that all exists externally and has nothing to do with you, you were born with a blueprint for your life and you follow it and it's a perfect, unique kind of bliss signature..just for you. And just so happens to inspire and uplift everyone around you too...and make you loads of money! 

Shall we get to it?

I'm still enrolling 5-7 new 1:1 quantum healing clients in my new 6 month program. Until 5/15 or so. I'll only open this up twice per year. This is daily chat/text with me, plust weekly 60 min phone sessions. Membership in Women Remember is included too. Plus, a regular mastermind group meeting on zoom with my other clients. To birth you as the true infinite Spirit that you are, in every area of life. Message me directly to chat about it. 

In so much love,


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