Sunday, May 9, 2021

Energy Healing post-miscarriage xoxo

 🕊Energy healing for Miscarriage🕊

A woman pregnant with child is so sacred. Whether it’s the cells beginning to form or 10 weeks along ... the mother and baby are one.

It’s unfortunate that our current society tends to push this fact to the side, and it might feel there’s no room for your full grieving experience of losing a baby. So, we, you, I, all of us, must make room to fully process the loss of a baby.

People that love you will say things to try and comfort you:

“Oh you’re young you can still try again”
“Well at least you know you can conceive!”
“Are you trying again soon?”

Oh the agony....

I must mention too.... it is obscene the amount of self-blame women put on themselves for losing pregnancies. This must stop. I will find the root origins of that *coughitsreligiousprogrammingcough* and destroy it.

I believe the truth is your heart, soul and body are perfectly guiding you through processing your loss, your grief, your healing process and all the myriad ways this affects your relationships, career and life. If you can afford to slow down, listen and allow your process.

In my 3 week womb healing program, I do multidimensional healing for you, your womb and the soul who passed through you. We address the spiritual connection you two have, and I work with my team of non-physical guides to facilitate exactly the healings that your Soul needs. If you are wanting healing to conceive and bring a life forward full term, we do that too, if not... we don’t.

The purpose of my program is to give you sacred space for your grief and healing, provide shamanic healing, support you in embracing your loss as an opening to deeper love for yourself and faith in the divine unfolding of your motherhood journey.

To your total healing!

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