Friday, May 21, 2021

Feel to heal

Take a moment to slow down, like actually slow down, and connect in to your heart.

What does it feel like here?

What do you feel?

Can you feel?

The reason it's difficult for us sometimes to feel our heart is because we're storing up so much pain in our pelvis'. The bulk of traumas that impact our sense of safety, are stored in our lower chakras. They're stored in our hips, in our pelvis, in our womb, in our pelvic floor; in our base. Until these traumas are cleared up we will not feel safe to embody our heart.

And that's ok. There's no judment around this. Let's just look at ourselves honestly.

How do we actually want to be feeling on a day to day basis?

What is there to clear?

What has happened to us that desperately needs healing?

Losses, traumas, scary or overwhelming experiences.

Don't judge what has happened to you or how you coped or how you still cope or pretend to be alright.

This thing we do of....pretending to be ok. It's. so. painful. 

What we resist persists, as they say.

Those outer dreams you have...those things you want...the relationship...the wealth...the ease...the happiness....

They can BECOME when you heal you. When you realize it wasn't your fault.

When you SEE, on an inner child/soul level, who you TRULY are.

You quake inside because there is such a powerful remembering being unearthed.

It's. your. time. 

And you know it. 

Don't look away. Don't check out. Your energy is healing within you as you are reading. 

This is for you. 

I'm writing for you.



Allow your own unfolding.

You are everything you've been praying for.

Unleashed, now. 

God's here within you, where you are only light.

This is the truth. It's always been the truth.

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