We're kicking off quarter 2 in Women Remember.. eee!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Quarter 2 Women Remember
Friday, May 28, 2021
woah, what was that lunar eclipse!?!
So I am not one that is super into astrology, it's not one of the modalities I've studied.. I don't feel some past life in my Soul of being an astrologer, I know some of you are! I always love to hear from you after these massive astrological events, so please do reply to me and let me know what the F was going on.
I sure felt it!
We were camping....*insert shocked, big-eyed emoji face.*
I thought I liked camping, now I have found out that I don't.
It's not that I don't love nature and the outdoors, because I DO, very much. But the back breaking of sleeping on cold hard ground,the bugs everywhere, critters everywhere during the night... is just not my thing anymore, not since I'm no longer passing out from beer drinking lol. Can't..do..it...don't...want...to.
I DO love walking straight out to nature with my coffee upon waking, that is glorious and I'll continue to do that from my home. :)
What I felt under the pull of that full moon lunar eclipse was A LOT of shadow integration. Anyone else? I'm sure you did...how could you miss it?
You see, I love my husband so much and value our marriage so much, that I'm willing to face aspects of me that I wouldn't otherwise. In my vows to him I promised that I was committed to EVERY spiral of our Soul growth together, inner and outer, into ever-deepening intimacy. So that is what I do! This is what I choose, every day, in every way, no matter WHAT challenging mental/emotional/trauma/hard thing that arises from within me, I look at that shit, I embrace it, I let her speak, I embrace her, I love her and I let her in. I let her into the light. I invite love INTO her. I let her weep, I let her cry, I let her talk, I let her share her story, I let her rage, I let her die....WHATEVER healing/expression she needs. These many parts of me that I uncover.
I believe as Souls we are infinite, not limited by time/space/current lifetime...there is so much to integrate. We must keep going. To return to wholeness.
That's what we're all doing here. That's how I see healing.
Our final LIVE Soul Birth session for Women Remember is TOMORROW Saturday 5/29 at 12pm CST. Have you been thinking of joining?
Women Remember is a place to fall back in love with being a woman. A safe, sacred space to be in SUPPORT of yourself and other women, together. We feel, heal, process and RECEIVE A LOT OF LIGHT! We do deep womb healing, heart healing, money wound healing and course correction so we feel safe to walk our Soul paths.
Our gifts as women are our oceanic depth of intuition, our infinitely loving hearts, our nurturing instincts, and not only do we carry new life...but we can birth our own Sacred life too!
Doors are open until we are 300 women! Would you like to join to support the birth of the REAL you? Happy, In Love, fulfilled & doing her Soul’s work?
SOUL BIRTH SESSIONS are held in a virtual sacred birthing chamber for Women to heal deeply & rebirth themselves beyond trauma - into their infinite potential. Together, peel back layers of false selves we’ve created for survival means, to reveal the truths of why we are here, the infinite creative depths of our hearts and to birth our Soul mission work further into the world. Women Remember supports women to live their destinies - all while enjoying a full life!
Your investment is $55/month. With no minimum, so you’re welcome to try for a month and decide from there how long you would like to stay.
Even if you can't be there live tomorrow (I realize it's a holiday weekend) I always post the replays and you have an evergrowing library of healing content to dive into until our June sessions begin.
This is a safe & sacred space to unwind into your real self & to birth your Soul mission.
Read more & join here: www.katieawake.com/womenremember
ps...it's not too late to apply for 6 months of 1:1 quantum healing with me ... in SOUL SUNRISE, we begin next week! Find out more here: www.katieawake.com/6monthprogram I have limited space and only open this a couple times per year.
I love you!
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Embodied safety unleashes your Soul
The first time I sat down with my therapist, who was really truly an incredibly gifted spiritual healer of her own right, she asked me if I knew how dissasociated I was. Sitting there, out of body, I think I did know...but hadn't really looked into this very much yet. She put a feather in my hands, and said 'this is what you feel like when you're out of body', and gave me a minute to sit with that. Then she put a heavy slab of iron in my hands, and said 'this is what you feel like when you're in your body', and I sat with that. I was struck immediately with this awareness. OH! Jesus, I see, I feel... I get it. Ok. so...deep breath...most of the time I'm out of my body (I said to myself and her, then), so, what do I do about this?
I can't quite remember the details of what we spoke of next, but it definitely hit me deep...and I decided I wanted to really, truly heal... I wanted to be in my body & present in my life.
(Fast forward 8 years of deep personal healing work and working 1:1 with hundreds of clients...)
Midwifing my clients into their bodies has become an absolute corner stone of my practice.
Coming into body has everything to do with trauma processing. I know a lot of the time, when people hear the word trauma (maybe this is true for you?) they think of the big, bad, worst traumas on the planet. Like sexual assault and war..and those are of course, indeed, are just plain soul shattering and definitely warrant gentle, compassionate, professionally guided, healing. And I do that. But I feel I need to specify that most of the traumas I help people heal are psychological and emotional in origin. They have to do with disruptions in the learning process, detours on the development of a healthy sense of self, inneficient energy routes in the brain, overwhelming emotion that needs to be fully integrated, ancestral level healing..etc. I work mostly in these subtle realms. It's my expertise.
For example, when a baby is naturally playing with some blocks sitting on the floor, and then in her environment comes a disrupting angry emotional outburst from a parent, this disrupts the baby's sense of safety within - and disrupts her creative energy flow. If this continues as a pattern in her emotional environment, she won't be able to develop properly. Things will feel hard as she gets older; things like feeling safe to focus in on her creative pursuits, and that's a big deal! Because being able to do her creative work, in the way her Soul natural does...is her work, it's her business, it's her money-making crafts, it's her emotional health, it's her financial stability.
Healing must begin with finding safetly within (are examples from your life coming up for you?) Safety has to be discovered and embodied within you! I know this can sound like a silly thing...shouldn't safety be dependent on a safe environment? A safe partner? A safe home? Yes, of course those are all vitally important, but I am talking about embodying safety within yourself. Known embodied safety in your pelvis. A known, practiced, embodied safety within the cells of your body. Especially in the root.
My 3 part audio healing series actually helps with exactly this! It's me guiding you 1:1 in embodying safety within yourself THEN emotional stability and financial stability become possible. You're welcome to read more more and purchase here if you desire to.
I have played back and experienced that audio healing series myself and what I LOVE the most in it, is embodying being safe and balanced between the Earth and the Sky. I actually tried that embodiment for the first time years ago when I was in my Global Somatics school, and I told my teacher, I felt I was ALWAYS ok, which I hadn't felt before that moment. I would LOVE if I can be of service for you to feel ALWAYS ok within yourself too - regardless of your outer environment.
ps...I'm still taking applications for your Soul Sunrise. This is 6 months of 1:1 Quantum Healing with me beginning in June. If you're already well acqainted with my energy, you're already feeling a pull to private work with me & you're prepared to invest in the birth of your Soul financially then you're invited to apply. I have limited space so that I can give my best to you. Read more and apply here. I'll be in touch with you during the last week of May.
To your most Soul expressed life,
Friday, May 21, 2021
Feel to heal
Take a moment to slow down, like actually slow down, and connect in to your heart.
What does it feel like here?
What do you feel?
Can you feel?
The reason it's difficult for us sometimes to feel our heart is because we're storing up so much pain in our pelvis'. The bulk of traumas that impact our sense of safety, are stored in our lower chakras. They're stored in our hips, in our pelvis, in our womb, in our pelvic floor; in our base. Until these traumas are cleared up we will not feel safe to embody our heart.
And that's ok. There's no judment around this. Let's just look at ourselves honestly.
How do we actually want to be feeling on a day to day basis?
What is there to clear?
What has happened to us that desperately needs healing?
Losses, traumas, scary or overwhelming experiences.
Don't judge what has happened to you or how you coped or how you still cope or pretend to be alright.
This thing we do of....pretending to be ok. It's. so. painful.
What we resist persists, as they say.
Those outer dreams you have...those things you want...the relationship...the wealth...the ease...the happiness....
They can BECOME when you heal you. When you realize it wasn't your fault.
When you SEE, on an inner child/soul level, who you TRULY are.
You quake inside because there is such a powerful remembering being unearthed.
It's. your. time.
And you know it.
Don't look away. Don't check out. Your energy is healing within you as you are reading.
This is for you.
I'm writing for you.
Allow your own unfolding.
You are everything you've been praying for.
Unleashed, now.
God's here within you, where you are only light.
This is the truth. It's always been the truth.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
You are doing fantastic healing you!
Be aware that as you flow through your life, between different inner states & different expressions of yourself...that you are moving upward on an acension spiral.
An unhealed state, pain, or trauma...whatever it is you have identified can show up as physical sensation, mental/emotional pain, a sense that something is 'off', feeling held back in love, blocked, an inability to do what you feel guided to do...the list is endless! But you will have a sense that something has shown up that needs healing.
It can be too easy to fall into a depressed state of 'oh didn't I master this pattern already?', 'I thought I already overcame this'? or you may find yourself judging yourself or telling yourself something is wrong with you. None of that is ever true. You're simply making the rounds on that part of your ascension spiral, learning a NEW level of awareness, lessons and mastery.
Noticing that you have slipped into an imbalanced state, a self-sabotaging pattern, a trauma response...whatever it may be...is HUGE! Congrats on your awareness.
Next you get to intuitively discern what your desired outcome is with the aformentioned less-than-idea state that has arisen.
FIRST! Discern if it is even yours. You can literally ask God, is this mine? They will tell you the answer.
As you get more and more sensitive, this process will become very quick, like second nature. Once you know if it is yours or not, you can also ask for more information about whose it is and where it is from, IF that information is going to be helpful to your healing process, if it's irrelevent than you won't see as much detail. A lot of the time it doesn't matter where stuff is from, but what matters most is what you do with it now...so that you can continue progressing in your joy/evolution/success.
The origins of pain/trauma matter if the process of learning about it is going to be liberating in the healing journey. Once the bulk of the origin is understood (general themes of childhood for example) then it gets easier and easier to simply pull out the remaining strings of the mind programming.
Next, does it need to be transcended? Transmuted? Ignored? Listened to? Felt? Integrated?
You will know what healing approach to take based on which one gives you a feeling of immense relief. Usually there is emotional release at this point, or you'll feel energy leaving your body/field.
Once the charge of the trauma diminishes (after the clearing) will come spiritual epiphany about the purpose of the experience, your Soul lesson. Which brings even greater relief...and the natural states of your Soul will be more embodied and felt; like bliss and joy.
So, not to worry as you're moving up and up your ascension spiral. You are meeting, loving, unwinding, healing and integrating parts of you - into you! You're also clearing away what is not you and no longer putting your attention there, or letting your energy be drained. You are drawing in more and more of yourself into harmony with your Soul....and with God. This is the pathway home...into you..into God...into Oneness.
To your total healing and Soul birth,
Katie Awake on the social medias
Monday, May 17, 2021
Energy Healing for Minneapolis
The upcoming free live group quantum healing will be a special one! For Minneapolis! I’m honored & looking forward to it.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Break all the rules & love your body...WHAT?
Hi sweet soul,
Even though it may not feel like it, it is a decision how we feel about our own body.
I have had a negative view of my belly that I have wanted to change for years! Not even necesarily that I want it to be flatter, or that I want to be skinnier, but that I want to FEEL POSITIVE towards my mid-section!
I feel the way my body is shaped could then actually shift naturally, IF I can figure out how to FEEL good about my belly.
I'm aware that it is ancestral patterning paired with peer & societal conditioning about how a girl should feel about her body....bad, never good enough, never skinny enough, too skinny, too chubby, too curvy, not curvy enough, look young, don't look old, no sags...on and on the neverending list of painful inner states goes.
What are we doing to girls here?
Can you relate?
I'd honestly be surprised if you couldn't. And for the men, I know you have challending body image programs too.
It's a big part of the reason I'm leading Holy Cellular Sanctuary.
I feel shame runs SO deep in our body image programming that we can't even begin to fathom a GOOD happy positive feeling towards our bodies.
It feels like that would be breaking the law!
Because even when there are people who feel genuinely positive and happy about their bodies, THEY get shamed too!!!
f*ck, it's like you can't win.
So it seems, it is a complete and utter revolution to love the skin you're in.
And, if you've been following me for a while, you know that I am ALL about breaking all shame based social constructs, all the ones that actually hurt people, and building this whole thing back up from God's love.
So that is what we must do.
Re-build the system from the foundation of God's love.
What would it be like to inhabit your body in the KNOWING that you are an embodiment of God's love? Can you even allow yourself to imagine? Does it feel like you're doing something bad?
That means you're on track!
You see, when we are in the business of breaking through SHAME it will feel like you are doing something wrong...when you are actually finally breaking free.
It is ok to feel good about yourself!
It is ok to start to begin to imagine feeling ok with your body.
Now I will get even more ludicrus...outlandish...insane....crazy...and say...it is even ok to imagine beginning to love your body.
what?! NO. shut her up.
Let's go completely insane, let's lose our minds....and consider THROWING AWAY SHAME. Let's through - straight into the trash bin - shame based thinking about our bodies. Let's trash hatred of our bodies. Let's burn up in beautiful, brilliant, giant plumes of fire every single belief inhabiting our cells and subconscious programming that tells us our body is anything besides a perfect vessel for our soul.
Feeling on fire? me too.
Let's receive love into our cells.
Fruits, vegetables, superfoods and the frequency of L O V E.
How does this feel? What could this be like? Is this really ok? I feel like I'm breaking lots of rules Katie.
You are. You have. It's done.
Today is the LAST LAST day to join Holy Cellular Sanctuary...I don't know when I'll lead this again..probably in 6 months or so!
It's free to be in the group and to receive energy healings from me, you just add in the cost of your superfoods.
I'll see you tomorrow evening for a live group energy healing on clearing up incorrect body image issues...and shifting us into embodied love.
Here's a short live video I did on all of this today:
PS..I still have spots open for SOUL SUNRISE..a 6 month 1:1 quantum healing program with me...starting June....reply to me directly if you feel this is for you.
To your total healing & Soul birth,
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Your Soul Sunrise
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Healing is always possible.
I don’t see any state of energy as un-healable. It’s all energy in motion, even when we believe it’s stuck.
These are actually the clusters of energy that fascinate me the most. And that I get the most fired up & motivated to heal.
If a client of mine is ABLE to believe that they can heal, then I will guide them ALL THE WAY. To surrender, oneness, trust, openness, pleasure, direct communion with God... ALL THE WAY HOME.
My clients that stick with their healing journey & stick with me all the way home.. work with me for a few years at a time. There is always a natural graduation process once their Soul can no longer learn from mine, and they’re on their way 🙂
This is why, after a few years of offering packages of 4 sessions at a time I realized I needed to offer a 6 month quantum healing program.
The time & investment are just as much spiritual as they are physical.
The clients choice to invest in themselves, in the quantum healing of themself (inner self & outer life) opens up an accelerated spiritual container for growth on all levels.
They are choosing to believe in themself on every level.
We go deep into inner child healing, soul level healing (aka past lifetimes), chakra healing & energy body healing.
I act as a spiritual conduit for the work. My team of higher dimensional healer beings, psychic surgeon, the masters, angels & God perform healings. The work happens all in the now moment, outside time & space.
For your freedom.
For your joy.
For your ascension.
For your inner & outer wealth.
For your Soul-led work.
We do it all.
Currently I have 5 spaces open for new clients to begin a 6 month program in June. I’ll only open this twice per year..
If you feel a YES, private message me to chat.
For womb healing, heart healing & to embody your REAL self as a woman I have an entry level monthly membership Women Remember ♥️🌹 join before Thursday’s live session at noon cst.
To your total liberation,
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Energy Healing post-miscarriage xoxo
Energy healing for Miscarriage
A woman pregnant with child is so sacred. Whether it’s the cells beginning to form or 10 weeks along ... the mother and baby are one.
It’s unfortunate that our current society tends to push this fact to the side, and it might feel there’s no room for your full grieving experience of losing a baby. So, we, you, I, all of us, must make room to fully process the loss of a baby.
People that love you will say things to try and comfort you:
“Oh you’re young you can still try again”
“Well at least you know you can conceive!”
“Are you trying again soon?”
Oh the agony....
I must mention too.... it is obscene the amount of self-blame women put on themselves for losing pregnancies. This must stop. I will find the root origins of that *coughitsreligiousprogrammingc
I believe the truth is your heart, soul and body are perfectly guiding you through processing your loss, your grief, your healing process and all the myriad ways this affects your relationships, career and life. If you can afford to slow down, listen and allow your process.
In my 3 week womb healing program, I do multidimensional healing for you, your womb and the soul who passed through you. We address the spiritual connection you two have, and I work with my team of non-physical guides to facilitate exactly the healings that your Soul needs. If you are wanting healing to conceive and bring a life forward full term, we do that too, if not... we don’t.
The purpose of my program is to give you sacred space for your grief and healing, provide shamanic healing, support you in embracing your loss as an opening to deeper love for yourself and faith in the divine unfolding of your motherhood journey.
The Mother Wound
💚Your Mother wound is the pain you have from your mother not meeting your needs for love, authenticity, connection, care, empathic coaching of your emotions and/or nurturing. It’s also unprocessed traumas inherited through your Maternal line.
Mother wounds get acted out and passed down generation after generation- though you can choose to break the cycle and heal it now.
Your Mother wound will also be cozied up with the belief that your needs for love, connection, mother nurturing; are bad, shameful, selfish - and you will have rejected this innocent child part of you.
You’ll have been trying to get these needs met subconsciously through other people, often with people who don’t have the capacity to (thus experiencing that painful self-rejection on repeat) - and especially through your romantic partners.
What you really need is direct healing of your Mother wound itself; to make peace with it.... so you can understand your pain and that constant searching for mom’s adoration. It is normal and beautiful that you want nurturing love, you do NEED it!! Great, great freedom comes from understanding, healing multidimensionally, and filling this wound up with love from the Creator for yourSELF from the inside. Thus, you’ll attract healthy relationships and have the capacity to nurture your children (now or future little ones) in the way you want to, no longer passing the wound down.
I'd recommend my free monthly healing for this and/or a 1:1 6 month healing program.
In massive & indestructible love,
Energy Healing for temporary infertility
Energy reading & healing for infertility
You genuinely desire to have a baby and know you’re meant to, but have been unsuccessful so far. There are reasons why you haven’t been able to conceive yet and real healing is possible. There is nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with you, it’s just some Soul level healing to do.
In a 3 week womb healing program with me, we may go into:
You can heal and conceive the baby spirit that has been talking to you (if it’s your Soul’s plan)
Not only can you heal your womb and God-willing have a baby, but you’ll also unleash your creative, sexual and money making power too!
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Dark energy clearing work. Let us discuss.
I often do exorcisms or de-possessions for my clients, this is more common and needed for most people than you may think.
Possessions by dark entities often occur from the following life scenarios:
♾ Malevolent entities getting passed on through families intergenerationally
♾ Entities clamping onto vulnerable hosts when their blacked out or passed out from drugs/alcohol
♾ Dark entities getting to a vulnerable host or victim during abuse/trauma
Common symptoms of a person who needs clearing of dark entities:
A lack of control over intensely negative and self-deprecating emotional reactions
Extreme terror without any practical explanation for the fear
Repetitive pattern of relationships with energy vampires, narcissists and ass holes lol
In 7 years of working with hundreds of clients, I have cleared negative entity control, to different degrees, with nearly every one.
Recently I had a client who had no control or awareness of her emotions. And I did find an aspect of her who was in another dimension possessed by a demon. That entity had been hijacking her emotional energy and feeding off of it. I embodied the blinding light of God through and out from my chest until that creature shrunk like a pea and dissapeared. Then I put my client in a healing pod so she could recover her life force. I then raised her frequency (on this plane) through her third eye with a cosmic tuning fork (I put that in place for 3 days) so she would never be vulnerable to that type of possession again. Over those 3 days her fragmented part now recovered, merged into her at her new frequency. Since then she is feeling calmer and having an easier time feeling her emotions.
If you are feeling the pull to receive healing work from me, I encourage you to join my free monthly quantum healing here, or apply for 1:1 work here.
To your total healing & ongoing birth of your Soul work,
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Some words to guide you home.
Let's review why you are very important, amazing and pure magic.
The conception of you began in the ethers. In the far off spiritual planes, where you are a star. A nebulus of God-essence, formless and simply pure-infinite potentiality. Don't ask me how I know this...I just do.
There was a plan, made by God/Source/All-that-is-holy-and-good, to have a YOU on this Earth plane, at this time. You were, and are, very, very needed. This world would not turn and operate in the exact way that it does, if you weren't here. Every breathe you take, thought you think, word you say and action you act...ripples in massive ways beyond your understanding through the people around you, your community and across the planet. So yes, you do in fact matter... very very much. If you were questioning if you matter or not...or if any little dark corner of your mind does question this...this is your reminder that you do.
So...as you are floating about, just being infinite golden radiating light...a nebulus of stars, and galaxy dust, and joy, and God-oneness...there was a call for you to incarnate here on Earth.
The choice for you to come....is not really a choice....in the way that we think of choices here on Earth...it's more like a destiny, like a batman call...like a divine decision....one that you and God (being one, you know) create together.
So then, in perfect harmony with things you're great at as a Soul (your unique gifts) and for a life path that will most shape you into living out your gifts in a way that is your highest potential, that has the greatest impact to enable the most humans possible to ALSO wake up to their greatness and to how much they matter...you were placed with your particular family of origin.
This mother and father, seed you, and you are born in a flash of light, a creation born of a spiritual oneness with God and with your mom & dad.
In that flash of light (and some women are actually aware of this miracle in their womb!) contains ALL the universe. All that is. Oneness with everything. And YOU are a part of that, of all of it.
You fulfill your calling by being you. Brighter and brighter every day, more and more of you.
The nebulus of pure potentiality is always who you are. In the core of you, deeper and beyond your physicality, you are this pure infinite wisdom...pure infinite vastness...indestructible, pure love, pure source...it's all within you.
The notion of you doubting yourself is laughable.
The idea of you not being worthy is a silly joke.
The ways you talk yourself down can be smiled at with love.
When you tune into God inside..and you feel yourself rise up naturally like a helium balloon...THAT is the truth. That's the real you and the ease that is available to you in every moment.
Sun and stars and light don't question themselves. They just rise and shine.
Feel selfish or arrogant or guilty or self-conscious to shine bright if you have to...just for a little while as you stop believing in the silly self-doubting programming...it's never actually been true.
With time, you'll adjust to being a lighthouse. And you'll find that many, many, many people who also know they are lighthouses will become your friends.
Feel the returning, rising of TRUTH in your heart child.
What does Truth feel like in your heart? Tune in.
Love? Bliss? Laughter? Joy? Remembering?
This is your Spirit!
Life, love and business become WAY more fun when you are operating from your HOME frequency inside. When you are making decisions of your own free will...which is actually God's will. When you surrender to BEING the incredible-infinite-potential-Spirit that you really are....well then you are unlimited. You need not function within ANY of the world's programs, that all exists externally and has nothing to do with you, you were born with a blueprint for your life and you follow it and it's a perfect, unique kind of bliss signature..just for you. And just so happens to inspire and uplift everyone around you too...and make you loads of money!
Shall we get to it?
I'm still enrolling 5-7 new 1:1 quantum healing clients in my new 6 month program. Until 5/15 or so. I'll only open this up twice per year. This is daily chat/text with me, plust weekly 60 min phone sessions. Membership in Women Remember is included too. Plus, a regular mastermind group meeting on zoom with my other clients. To birth you as the true infinite Spirit that you are, in every area of life. Message me directly to chat about it.
In so much love,
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
God, love & cancer

Yes! It's true!
You, within yourself, have FULL ON access to the entire infinite universe of wisdom, light, truth, inspiration...everything.
When was the last time you were living and breathing and acting from this truth?
Maybe once or twice in your twenties when you followed your intuition to that festival or that led you to your spouse?
The freedom that comes..and I mean internal spiritual freedom...genuine happiness radiating out from within you freedom...that comes from following/expressing what you feel within you..is INCOMPARABLE to any other freedom.
And I honestly feel I'm just at the tip top of experiencing this within myself, in my relationships and in my business.
Years ago I essentially walked away from industrialized western medicine, it just never felt right to me. This was the same time that I was seeing a naturopath doctor, and going through a 2 year training program in healing myself and learning how to heal others, shamanically. So...it was just a natural byproduct.
One of the last times I went to a western doctor was because I was having stomach pains, and they couldn't give me any answers, and thank god they didn't try to give me a diagnosis and pills...though I probably wouldn't have taken them. That was just me cutting the last couple remaining trust strings from that system. Obviously there are LOTS of good hearted doctors and nurses, but overall it's a medical system that only treats symptoms by trying to supress them, is quick to label people with illnesses, is quick to cut people open and sends people to their death...via over toxicity from pharmaceuticals...etc. I KNOW this offends the dickens out of people...but my Soul writes..so I must write. I do want people to know they have a choice to subscribe to allopathic medicine, or not.
Another option, which I see and know, as real healing, is to live in tune with Nature. With clean air, pure water, alkaline fruits and vegetables, spiritual connection with God, with Truth, with movement, proper sleep..etc. Everything we need to heal Mother Earth and God give us. It's just true. Even pharmaceuticals if you look deep enough into their origins come from plants. So why not just take the plant and herbal medicine direct rather than it's counterfeit cousin laden with chemicals?
There's a giant agenda on the planet (and if you're still reading you probably are well aware of this)..a giant agenda to keep the masses sad, sick and dumb. And it's working! Flouride in toothpaste, flouride and chlorine in water, chemicals/pesticides/glyphosate in the "food" like substances. Hormones and antibiotics in meat...on and on it goes.
It's these invisible poisons in literally everything that humans consume that make people sick and kill people. As soon as a human detoxes their body and floods their body with actual organic nourishment from our Earth and increases their frequency through joy, God, connection, play & laughter...they are reborn...they come back to life! There's examples of this all over the internet. People who turn down the option of chemo, then heal themselves with fruits & veggies. A woman and her son, who reversed her 'altheimers' symptoms with lots of blueberries and walnuts. A man who shrunk a massive tumor on his shoulder by becoming alkaline. And so many more.
The factor that differentiates if someone will be killed by chemo or heal with plants, is their capacity to say no to the lethal cancer industry...and choose to change their life...by saying yes to life...and get in tune with nature instead.
This whole pre-screening system they have set up...it's utter lunacy, emotionally manipulative and leads people to their death.
Making people fear CANCER when all cancer actually means is that their cells have become acidic from over-toxicity. From all the sources (and more ) I listed above. The CURE is to become alkaline. We create an alkaline environment inside our bodies with organic raw fruits and vegetables. It's really actually that simple.
I've even heard of cancer patients being told not to eat green vegetables, when this is actually the true medicine they need....it makes my blood boil .... people being abused, controlled and murdered this way.
It's one of my Soul's core reasons for being partnered with an incredible organic superfoods company. Founded by two incredible Souls. One of whom started his line of superfoods after he witnessed his dear Aunt be taken out by cancer/chemo.
If you are wanting to align your body with nature, create alkalinity within, inspire your family, evoke spiritual awakening within your cells, lose weight, become happier and really live...I have a program for you.
(these are all my personal views by the way, not reflective of the company, and I don't treat, diagnose or prescribe. What I do is support people to live in alignment with their own Soul's truth & provide options, offers and programs they can buy)
The dishes can wait.
Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...

What is your mind focused on most of the time? What energy state are you in most of the time? I think often we are focused on our problems, ...
I took my first yoga classes in 2008 after Graduating from college at yogafresh in Woodbury. These first heated yoga classes blew me away. ...
Day 7/10 master cleanse today! 🔔🍋😍 I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...