Wednesday, July 28, 2021


You know how annoying it is when you KNOW that you have BIG, BIG dreams inside you but you get scrambled when you try to get them out?

Your Soul and Spirt are big and confident but your body/mind starts to shut down every time you try to create or be seen?

You have a KNOWING inside of what you're meant to do while you're here on this planet...but EVERY TIME you try to create...something goes wrong...or it fails...or just never seems to come out right..or in any kind of way that ACTUALLY reflects your inner vision!?!

Frustrating as heck.

I spent years on that hamster wheel. Trying, trying, trying to get my visions out into some semblance of what they felt like iside me. I had some successes, I had some fails, I had some embarassments...and as much as it pains me to admit.. I mostly had times where I would bring my creations to 80% and then stop.


Ugh. It hurst just typing that. 

The way to stop stopping just before you actually create something brilliant & successful is to FIND the inner roadblocks that pop up every single time. You have to face them, accept them, dissolve them and KEEP GOING ANYWAY! Against your minds resistances!!!!! Bring it past 100%!!!!

Any inner self-sabotaging pattern... conscious or unconscious can be overcome when you DECIDE that's what is happening - once you decide - that's when the way to healing opens up.

Your creative force within is actually unlimited, it doesn't stop at 100%, it never really was 'failing' at 80% delivery either...that's all progress. Every speaking event you have done, every client you have worked with, every paper you've written, every painting you've made, every time you've envisioned your dreams...ALL ADD UP.

And they will keep adding up!

They will add up and then with consistant inspired action they will OVERFLOW into physical manifestation. Again and again until that becomes your life. 

You see, the inner progress, the intangible daily learnings, the tangible outer creations...THEY ARE ALL CREATING YOUR LEGACY. Every. Last. Piece.

Nothing is wasted.

So.. let's let er' rip to 1000% shall we?

I mean, why not?

Show me what you got. 

Our live Soul Birth session within Women Remember is tomorrow. Thursday 7/29 at 4pm CST.

Within this ongoing sacred container we meet twice monthly on zoom for multidimensional healing to clear the inner terrain so that you can FIERCELY let loose your SOUL. And have TONS of fun doing it!! The way you were born to. Every last inner road block to success dissolves as you get born. It's scary, it's awesome, it's's ACTUALLY LIVING!

I call this SOUL BIRTH.

You also get an evergrowing library of content from me that I add to every month for you. Plus, absolutely DIVINE sisterhood! We do this work together.

Your investment is $55/month with no contract, so you can stay within the membership until you feel you graduate out of it! 

To the birth of you living your Soul's calling!!! To your total success, most brilliant soul expression timeline and most high happiness!!!

Register at 

I'm here for any questions, see you tomorrow :)


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