Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 As of late, my awareness of who I am, is expanding. More than ever. Beyond a concept of who I think of myself to be. I can FEEL that I am a galactic being. My energy field is actually 10000 times bigger than I realized. I had some of this on a concept level before...like, sure, yes..the universe is within me...yes, yes that's true and true for everyone. But this... is different. 

I've collapsed so much of my ego that my identity no longer rests there. It's no longer just one box in the corner of my energy field. Oh yes.. that box over there, that's me! That's it. That's Katie. She's who I am.

I can integrate those parts of me. I can integrate the child within me, yes.. of course I can.

But I'm interested in BEING the whole SHIP of consciousness that I came from, that I am, that I'll go back to when I leave this body. I LOVE her.

I'm not even entirely sure what I'm talking about, because what I'm writing about is feelings/intuitions/visions that I'm getting. I most profoundly FELT this...this remembering of being galactic...a week ago. I had an emotional feeling of overwhelm flowing through my heart..triggered by opening up 2 new social media platforms..funnily enough! lol But what's key here.. is that rather than shutting myself down due to the overwhelm, I decided I was safe to feeling overwhelm and I just went outside to sit on our porch swing to feel the overwhelm FULLY.. to let it process and talk to me. I was also guided to bring a little journal out with me. 

So I sat there, on our porch swing, feeling hella overwhelmed. And I just felt it. Now this is the style of overwhelm that someone else could experience as 'bad', or they could pop an anti-anxiety med.. neither of which are right/wrong.. it's just that.. can we instead be curious about what our emotions are trying to reveal to us?

Here's what happened: it appears I had stored the overwhelm emotion as a protective mechanism, or veil of sorts, so as to NOT be aware of being galactic. I was using the overwhelm as a repelant to realizing my own greatness. I may have learned it was not ok to be as great as I am. I may have learned that was bad or too much or not safe etc. 

I felt the overwhelm fully, transmuted it and THEN my awareness opened up MONUMENTALLY to being a much bigger being, way more powerful, COMPLETELY 100% capable of being the CEO of my company, and totally capable of running multiple healing programs at once. 

And so this new chapter begins :)

As you transmute the dark into light. As you integrate your inner child aspects. As you REMEMBER WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Your subtle bodies become free to move & create in THIS reality. You maintain some mind (just enough!) to have a human identity here...while REALLY being a brilliant, infinite, creative, wildly happy...GALACTIC BEING!!

eeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited!!!!!! just .. for it all! 

It's a big week here!

Tomorrow, Wednesday 7/28 is our FREE monthly group quantum healing. I do these LIVE in my facebook group. I'll be giving away one free 60 min session to one live participant, yay!! Can't wait to see who that's for!!!!

1:1, 3 day Inner Soul Mastery is my current favorite!!! It's so powerful. For old soul spiritual entrepreneurs to embody safety, freedom and to THRIVE! Reply to me directly to learn more about Inner Soul Mastery. 

Let's do this. Rock your life.

In massive love,


**I also feel vulnerable sharing this...afraid people will think I'm arrogant...so yeah, oh well. Everyone's amazing and can share whatever they want to and some people will always judge**

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