Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Daily Energy Clearing guide

Reminder: you don’t have to participate in all the mind control games that are afoot to divide & control us 

Love, kindness & compassion go way way farther!! 

Also, I recommend energy clearing of negative entities & following your intuition above ALL else 💓🙌🏼

Here’s an easy & powerful energy clearing you can do if you want to: 

God, angels, masters, soul, 

Clear & remove anything inorganic, anything not of the light, anything attempting to sabotage me in any way from my body & energy field. (Add in family members etc.) Bring me into deeper Union with you God. Protect me in your light & love. Shift me into my truth in Union with you God. Amen. Thank you. 

Then just sit in your heart & energy field, notice shifts, allow healing, notice what it feels like to be in Union with God. Enjoy. 


Katie Awake

Quantum Healer & Spiritual Midwife 

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