Saturday, July 24, 2021

Buck the old money matrix 🐲

To create wealth from your Soul work, you have to buck the entire bullshit money matrix. 

Every single program that’s ever been in place on this planet & in humanity’s collective mind about how money works

It all goes in the giant cosmic cleansing dumpster fire 

Because NOW it is not only ok.. it is GOOD.. it serves humanity & the planet to get rich from your Soul work. 

When what you’re doing is healing, uplifting, of service, assisting awakening.. putting tons of money in the hands of powerful good leaders... that is... well... VERY, VERY good!! 

The more people you help, empower & heal... the better!! The more money that is circulated for the betterment of ALL.. the better!! 

What a tricky fucking way for the devil to keep humanity enslaved by teaching us that money is evil. So that we spit on the very tool that actually can create lots of freedom & new systems that are in support of life. TouchΓ©. 

Well, the jig is up. 

Time to shake shit up. 

Monetize your soul work. 

Overflow in wealth from it. 

Show others how. 

We all have infinitely valuable gifts to share. 

You see? This perspective flip fixes money. 

Money does a lot of good when it is held & circulated by good hearted visionary leaders. 

Want to heal your relationship with money so you can thrive in your Earth shaking mission? 

I have something for you.. 

3 days 1:1 quantum healing bootcamp with me :) INNER SOUL MASTERY for old soul healers 


Katie 🐲🦁πŸ”₯

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