Monday, July 26, 2021

Live from Soul/God

It's especially important to choose your point of reference immediately when you wake up!

Choose what kind of day you're going to have.

Choose your inner focus and what you want to create outwardly.

I believe, what's most important is to choose to connect with God and Soul FIRST THING!!

You know how you can be led astray? If you scroll your social media... if you let your mind wander for an hour into that thing from 10 years ago that you feel guilty about... if you let your random thoughts be strewn about through your mind....

What happens to your day?

So...what IF ... you chose to orient yourself to your God connection inside when you wake up. When you go to sleep your attention drops into your sub-conscious, and as we all know, you go unconscious and you're traveling through dream worlds. Processing, healing, learning, integrating...all those good things. But when we wake up, it can fart the day away if you remain in the unconscious. Your mind is made up of past programming & survival based protective mechanisms. MOST PEOPLE LIVE THEIR WHOLE LIVES from this stuff...past programming and fear based survivial mechanisms. Isn't that horrifying to consider??

What will life be like for you in 5 or 10 years if you (if you do) follow those mind maps?

How would life change if you chose your Soul instead?

How different does it feel to tune into God/Soul and orient your life choices from there?

How much lighter does that feel?

What becomes possible?

It's ok (brilliantly fun actually) to become a whole new person! I practice it every day :)

This is choosing to be quantum you. The you that you KNOW inside you are capable of being. That huge entrepreneurial Soul that you are. The one who was so sparkly as a kid and that you still are. Who enacts her visions. Who shows up every day because she LOVES TO! Who LOVES being seen, who loves being celebrated, who has it all, who creates a massive positive impact. Who creates a legacy! 

All about uplifing her own heart, her clients, setting the tone for future generations, creating wealth from soul, being madly in love & LOVING her life :) 

Let's free her :) 

It's a BIG week at Katie Awake Online. I'll list it out for you.

Wednesday 7/28 1pm CST FREE monthly group quantum healing

Thursday LIVE Soul Birth session inside Women Remember, my entry level membership for women to heal trauma multidimensionally to remember and birth their Soul work. To get free from the inside!!! We align with God, Soul, Mission &  we do it through joy.

I'm currently enrolling for new August & September 1:1 clients. I have 6 month, 3 week or 3 day programs. 

You can sign up for all of these at or message me directly with any questions! I'm here for you. 

Love ya,


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