Monday, July 12, 2021

Invisible Blocks to wealth & love

The gap between who you know you are on the inside & your unidentifiable inner road blocks to be that person... in business... in love... 

They’re not your fault, there is nothing wrong with you.... and YES YOU CAN BIRTH HER 🔥

I get it. How the pull of sadness or not-good-enough-ness can feel like a sinking ship 

I lived that way for years!! And it sucks! 😫

But it is not the end. 

Those drags inside do not define you, there just left over stamps from past experiences 

From times you weren’t seen or treated as the divine queen that you are 

Your light CAN NEVER go away 

In fact the voice of your Soul & the life you’re meant to have will just become a louder force.. pushing you through your contractions of getting born 

What if you redefined your pain instead to be a forward moving push? 

What if you put your energy into your light?

What if you trusted the voice of your Soul more than the fear? 

While still receiving the multidimensional energy healing you need to unwind from trauma? 

What if you let yourself be supported? 

During 6 months of your Soul Sunrise with me, we unwind you from the past stories in your body & energy field, and it then becomes possible to BE the sacred, happy, in love & successful wealthy Woman that you are! 

Carrying around your past isn’t protecting you anymore, it’s holding you back 🦋

Imagine how life would feel without the heaviness of your burdens? If you dropped the old suitcases? 

Your Soul blossoms!!! It feels like taking off an old heavy heavy coat so that you can just fly with your angel wings OUT! You’re SO much bigger than you have ever let yourself be!!

After working with me.. women become HAPPY! They attract healthy relationships, they make more money & they experience their god given sovereignty 🦋 

Resonating? Start with booking a free call with me, after hearing more about you, I’ll share what I foresee through Soul Sunrise with me, and you can decide if it’s a big Soul yes for you or not 💛🦋🌅 

Reply directly to me in this email to book in. 

I see the invisible stuff & assist you in your quantum healing. 

To your TOTAL healing & birth of your happy life!! 😃



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