Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Look, plan and move FORWARD

What is your mind focused on most of the time?

What energy state are you in most of the time?

I think often we are focused on our problems, our worries, our concerns...we're looking at what's not working....rather than being kind to ourselves and putting our energy into who we want to be.

Try being kind to yourself about your past and put your energy into who you want to be today. What habits support you to feel good? What sets you on a positive track? 

A bath? 

A run? 



Spiritual reading? 

Screaming into a pillow? 

All of the above?

This is subtle inner work. To get to know how we spend our energy during the day. What is the resting state of your mind. And what if you implemented a couple habits during the day that supported you to be in a self-loving, positive state of mind more?

The truth is, you are a brilliant, wildly creative, full-of-dreams, spiritual human being.

Why let that go to waste?

Who are you REALLY underneath the cloaks you hide behind?

What if you took them off & put your creative energy into BEING the real you.

Hiding used to be safe, but now it is restricting your JOY LOVE EXPRESSION AND ABUNDANCE.

 ((And I get it!! I have released eons worth of fear over the years..from my inner child and from past life stuff :) It's not easy but it's worth it....and it's so much easier WITH support. I'll share my maps with you so it won't take you as long as it did for me, that's a big reason why I'm on the take women through maps of healing that I've been through))

In 6 months of SOUL SUNRISE with me, you will finally step into feeling safe to let go of hiding. 

You'll release all that fear. You'll finally be able to embody sensual pleasure, hold more wealth from your Soul work and be able to RECEIVE love. This starts with receiving your own divinity on the inside :)

Your next step is to contact me through email or private message. I'd love to hear more about you and how you want to feel in your life and what you wish to be experiencing. I'll share more about the Soul Sunrise program, pricing and how I foresee your transformation happening. From there it is up to you what your Soul decides if you think I'm the right healer for you. 

With love,


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