Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Don't let your money wounds sabotage your Soul Mission Success!

I had many fears associated with spending money on myself. Deep, dark hidden fears - buried in my dna and cells of my body. This is where this stuff lives people! 

There was selfishness & terror triggered if I wanted to spend on myself....no, guilty, wrong, bad etc. I was a people pleaser & a rescuer.... I had so much fear to prioritize spending on me (anything beyond an absolute necesity) that my body would start shaking and shutting down. 

I've recently made my largest investment in myself and my business EVER! And it's anihilated all those fears I used to carry in my cells. Quite amazing to be experiencing and witnessing in myself, since they had been there my whole life. I could never bring in more than JUST ENOUGH. 

It's become part of the fabric of my backbone now that healers, yoga teachers, spiritually gifted & intuitives... deserve to have scalable business models so they can absolutely THRIVE financially and live in overflow. So they can have ease, freedom & overflow financially to contribute to positive community & global healing. It takes money to create powerful systemic change in this world and I believe we need our brightest, oldest-soul & genius healers of the world to be leading the way. 

That means.. if you feel this is for you, money wounds need healing. 

If you are a powerful, old-soul healer shaking reading this....that's good!! 

We have to establish that money is a good, helpful resource to create big positive change so that our inner visions of the new earth can be birthed in. 

We have to become comfortable with practical strategy that creates long term success with Soul-led business. 

If my story resonates with you, that is fantastic and I appreciate you supporting my posts.

If you feel called to deeper work with me so that you can be embodied as the leader that you were born to be...read on.

Inner Soul Mastery is a 3 day quantum bootcamp with me to S T R E T C H you.

Into MORE of your Soul in body

Uncover your spiritual healing gifts and inner genius - and put her in motion!

Expand your ability, safety and comfort with EARNING AND HAVING wealth

Activation of your Soul Misison, Business Plan and Wealth Codes 

(Yes, that is all within you already!!!)

Practical integration into your daily life, relationships and especially your Soul-led business

You might be already experiencing some success or be at the beginning

This also comes with 2 weeks of voice/text follow up with me to help your nervous system integrate the healings and upgrades 

Through the month of August, this program is half off and comes with 6 months of my Soul Birth membership, Women Remember. A stellar deal. 

If you feel this could be for you, just click here to set up a free 30 min Soul Connection call. I'd love to hear all about you & your visions. I'll share more about my programs and you can decide if it's a yes or not.

In massive love,


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