Friday, May 10, 2024

What is Healing?

I'm not interested in teaching people anything new. I'm interested in supporting people to awaken the gifts of their Soul.

In many of the clients I see (in person & virtual) the medicine, voice, gifts, strengths, spiritual wealth.... lay dormant like a hidden protected secret in their bodies.

It usually takes some nudging to get these dormant spiritual faculties awakened once again.

As their inherent magic unwinds... and it does so through the Soul, fascia, muscles, bones, organs; so too does physical aches, pains, even perceived chronic pain unwind! No secrets left to protect, see?

It is a profound love & joy for me to witness

Yes, healing is ALWAYS possible

True healing REQUIRES full trust in God/Source/Divinity

(I know there can be hesitation for good reason to use the word God, and that's OK, use any language you feel safe with. Just be SURE you are surrendering to the right energy source, that's the main reason I encourage my clients to be open to healing their relationship to the word God; so that they can be CERTAIN they are putting their life in the right, safe, home Source .. and not something else.. feel me?)

Consider viewing pain or disorder of any kind, as an unwinding back Home into God.

All frequencies, emotions, pain, lead back Home INSIDE to God

All rivers lead to the Ocean

And it is an Ocean of Divine Peace 💙🙏

Abundance IS the energy of God too

You can be sure as you hand your life, your body, your money, your marriage ALL over to God... you are CHOOSING divine abundance, peace, harmony & love ALL AT ONCE 🙂

This is the way home 🌄

I do have space for new Mentorship clients, and 2 group memberships available at varied price points; message me if you're curious about working together.

Or visit 

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

your energy IS your abundance, how do you manage/protect your own energy?


Your energy itself is your abundance

Tune in with how you conserve, enjoy, abide in, give away, hold back, invest in ...relationship with other people.

Your energy IS the sacred of the sacred manifest in your human form.

The way you are with your own energy in how you relate with other people...with your spouse...with your parents... your siblings..your children...with food..with money... shows you the quality of your own devotion to the sacredness of yourself.

The more you devote yourself to the ONE inside, the more you come into oneness with God consciousness, the stronger your energy boundaries become, and all of your relationships become richer.

Your inner joy and peace becomes richer too :)

Stronger boundaries = richer connections

Typical energy shifts I help my clients with to help them with their inner oneness with God, strong boundaries and the fulfillment of their life's purpose:

*Healing their voice:

Getting in touch with the Voice of God consciousness THROUGH them. This usually involves childhood healing and past life healing. So they feel safe, comfortable and free to speak truth.

*Energy boundary healings:
A solid, secure SELF inside happens through oneness with God. This is the same thing as having solid energy boundaries. As you develop boundaries in the image of God, you heal. Energy boundary violations most often occur in childhood, and then people think they are just 'normal' as adults; but they are not.

(Meaning, You get to have a SOLID self inside, and you get to choose to conserve, enjoy, abide in, give away, share, your own will...and in a way that protects the wealth of God, THROUGH you. Not at the will of unhealthy human minds.)

*Retrieval of Soul parts from trauma/abuse and healing through God into oneness inside.

*Continuous birth of Soul purpose, joy, light, spiritual gifts, spirit integrated businesses and career paths

*Shifts into oneness with God inside that then evokes deeper harmony in their marriage or attracts that aligned partner into their life.

*Healthy boundaries and closer connections with spouse, parents and adult children

And lots more! :)

If you would like to come into deeper oneness with who you are through the joy of God, and experience this waterfall effect of love through all of your relationships, with your work and with wealth management...message me on facebook here or send me an email to start a conversation :)

I currently have spaces open for 1:1 Mentorship or my weekly group Abundance program.

2024 can be your year where you come into LIGHT inside yourself :)

Happy Wednesday!

Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God

Friday, January 19, 2024

Embody the masculine & feminine aspects of God 💜

Ladies, even though the suppresion of women & the feminine divine still occurs through the church, society, politics, finance realms .. 

And believe me I KNOW intimately the fire of these wounds ... and the destruction they cause if left unhealed ... the half expressed life 

WE don't have to exist within those unequal systems 

We birth a new Healed Union from within ourselves, from our wombs ❤️ 

Women, you need to integrate, accept & embody your divine masculine energy through God; JUST AS MUCH as you need your divine feminine energy through Goddess. 

Heal your relationship to the masculine aspect of God

It's an inner decision you can make - the healing result is magnificent!!! It is freedom!!! Power restored 🙂 

Genuinely forgive past hurts done by men, by the church, by the patriarchy 

So that you can now be an embodiment of feminine & masculine Union 

So that YOUR psyche can return to Peace 🌅🌅🌅😍 


Our outer reality is but a reflection of our inner reality 

I see so many clients carrying wounds of being abused by religion, unprocessed generational secret traumas, with supressed rage from a suppressed girl power inside 

Stop waiting for the world to get better before you get better 

Ignite your Healed Soul through the TRUE, kind, powerful Masculine/Feminine God Force from WITHIN you now 💜💜💜 

It feels like Peace 💜 

Only this INNER embodied union heals your Soul 

Experience Union in your marriage, with your Soul Purpose work & Abundance 


Message me to chat about Mentorship or my group healing program. We can be on your first call as soon as next week. 

Message me, Katie Awake, on facebook or email me

Film photography by my hubby @ross_william_perry

💜 Katie 
Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God

Thursday, January 18, 2024

let go of control of yourself 💜

Let go of control of your inner self

So your dreams can flow, take on colors, and make their way... through the infinite... into physical manifestation

People I see have had to contort up, twist in, hide, make their inner self small & quiet ..

To survive


Unfurl now

You are safe now little one

Let your voice be heard

Stop fighting

Because it's safe to be you now

Golden gates open through your heart

The doors are not outside of you with the key in some outer authorities hand. That's what they want you to believe, so that you stay hidden.

The key to your freedom, and to your desires taking physical form, is to FREE the creator within.


Read more here 


Spiritual Healer, Soul Purpose Midwife & Sacred Marriage Guide 🙏

What is Healing?

I'm not interested in teaching people anything new. I'm interested in supporting people to awaken the gifts of their Soul. In many ...