Wednesday, December 20, 2023

2024 Mentorship now enrolling at lighting speed

 I see that a lot of the tension, pain & tightness that a lot of people feel in their physical bodies is from power, purpose, voice & love being held back inside.

Lifetimes & generations worth of love not spoken.

Of truths going unseen.

Of Soul purpose moves going unexpressed.

I see it all the time in my clients ... and am experiencing my own body tension resolving through getting my Soul voice/purpose/moves expressed!

Wisdom, the Gold, the secret gems of lineages ... caught up in throats ... causing locked jaws... frozen shoulders ... confusion of why they feel sad ...

And together we find the gems of their Soul Mission, Purpose, voice, magic, spiritual gifts !!

We uncover the shrouded shame from generations of hidden abuse stories

RIGHT ALONG SIDE hidden spiritual magic & keys

Keys to the kingdom
Keys to life
Keys to the mystery

It's all in your Soul already

Your body is a temple of the divine

As you allow yourself to trust, know & believe in your goodness... the pains .... that are part of the hidden doorways to freedom ... ALSO unwind

But the healing journey does not have to be the focus anymore

Get on with thriving now sister

Would you love a free 45 min healing & coaching session with me on zoom?

We let Spirit work through us!!

For your healing, your FREEDOM, your unearthing, your success πŸ™‚

I LLLOOOVVVEEE helping women get free in their MAGIC πŸ’š

It's my specialty 🌹

Book in your free chat with me here. I'd love to hear about your healing journey, goals and visions. Then we can make a map together of how to bring MORE of who you are and what you desire to create into creation in 2024. I'm happy to share about my current mentorship or group program available if you are interested too.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Now enrolling: 2024 Mentorship

When parts of yourself had to become defensive, locked away for safety, repeatedly hurt / abused, victimized, banished..

It feels AMAZING to begin to let these self protective walls fade & dissolve

You can only do this when you are genuinely safe

When you create outer boundaries from overt or covert abusers in your life

And choose people in your life who are safe, sane & healthy too

THEN you'll notice your INNER boundaries begin to fortify properly.

Your natural boundaries are the membranes of your own energy bodies

They naturally protect you, and they naturally allow in God, love & abundance

Because that is what you are

So... back to my original point

As the parts of you who have had to hold yourself in a waiting zone, a purgatory of limited self expression, to survive ..

As these parts are safe, the inner old safety walls, or we can call this survival mode.. dissolve

These parts will feel very very TIRED

Because they have been holding back the bay of Abundance, Joy, Love, Connection

Perhaps to the point of not even recognizing Real Safety anymore ... perhaps it's been lifetimes

Or never done in your lineages before

But YOU ✨️πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

You incarnated to do this exact inner work

The un-daming of the river flow of real love, connection, prosperity, purpose

Through you 🌊🌊🌊

It is the returning of Truth Embodied πŸŒ…

The result is you feeling home inside yourself , safe, happy & free

And your Soul desires manifest πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

I currently have 5 spaces open for Soul Ignite. This is 1 full year of healing, coaching and mentorship with me. To undam the river flow of Abundance, joy, pleasure, safety and purpose through your natural energy flow. A returning to who you really are! Who you were when you were a child...but in adult form and even more successful :)

This will mean the real you in alignment in your friendships, sacred harmony restored in your romantic relationship, & your own children benefiting from your sacred inner work!

You are also fully supported by God on the inside and by me, to bring to life your next level of flow in business/career/finance. Your heart unlocked to manifest MORE of what you want.

I will be SO excited to chat with you about your healing journey and your goals for 2024. We will create a map together....through Spirit.... of how you can experience the desires of your heart... for how you want to feel, what you manifest through your work and the template of sacred union in your relationships.

I will also share all the details you about Soul Ignite and what our year together will look like, plus structure and pricing options. 

Looking forward to speaking with you!

Spiritual Healer
Sacred Marriage Guide
Abundance Guide

Sunday, November 12, 2023

shift permanently from loss to Wealth πŸŒ…πŸ πŸŒΉπŸ’šπŸ™

Pockets of emptiness exist in the aura or stored in the body, from traumas of tough loss

These are what manifest as loss or lack in 3d reality

Memories of ...

Child loss

Not being able to get pregnant


Partners leaving

Parents leaving... physically or emotionally




Financial losses

Sexual violation (it’s a form of life force being stolen)

Brought forward into this life to heal

Forgotten wounds passed down generationally

Still waiting in the body to be felt, seen & released

And instead of healing they get glossed over

Numbed over


Repeating the pain

Re-manifesting the pain in new scenarios, a new strategy in business, switching partners, leaving, moving, divorcing, running away, giving up

So what if you stopped...leaving... stopped chasing... stopped trying to fill the wound with something or someone else...  turned around... ... and decided to... feel πŸ’”πŸ’—

And stopped making the pain bad ...

What if inside of the pain is God singing?

What if the pain is an egg shell breaking open ... and there's a Sunrise inside?

What if you're not actually missing anything because you are & have actually always been whole?

Let God's love FILL the wounds up & OVERFLOW 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

Deeper & beyond any human experience


What if you are *Sound*, now? ...

...You are a song of God

Your true frequency is light, joy, abundance, wholeness


In 1 year inside Christ Money Portal with me you are baptized in, submerged in & nourished by the blue river of sacred union love & abundance

These are true chords of healing through God

I am a vessel for this work. It's continually working me too.

The true energy of Money is a blue river of light that is available to all of us πŸ’™

My clients have profoundly joyful & miraculous results with healthy love relationships & increased prosperity through God.

It is a profound ungripping of all scarcity & fear of loss.... and a diving into an infinite blue pool of abundance, letting the waters hum you soothing healing lullabies through your cells 🧑🧑🧑 merging you back into oneness with your Soul's truths of peace, marriage harmony & prosperity.

Your real maps

And then the rearranging of your matching physical reality occurs gently as a mirror.

As you heal ...& the brush of losses & fear of loss clears...  your brain, heart & nervous system can start to see abundance as normal. Consistent peace & care from a partner, from money, from life feels safe. You as deserving of care, love & prosperity.... as standard.

Like waking up from a dream...

A new day. πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…


As mentioned towards the end of our healing class, I made a few levels available to take this turn into success inside & out πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

1 full year commit to your transformation - normal price $5000

20% off through Tuesday 11/14 only $4000

2 month commitment & transformation for $800

(Ask me for custom payment plans)


Would you love to receive Christ Money Portal through your heart, brain, nervous system, love relationship, business & bank accounts with me?

Your next step is to book in a free chat with me here, so we can go even deeper into your desires & goals, and map out a plan for you to have the results you want

Or simply join at this link below and I'll see you for your first live call with us Wednesday!

(We meet live weekly on Wednesdays for your Christ Money Spiritual Attunement... and you have access right away to over 25 powerful healing meditations to be tuned to sacred relationship in love & money through the peace of God.)

I would be so honored to help you feel safe to be supported by life, partner & money.

To the full actualization of your Joyful Soul



Sunday, October 29, 2023

Women are multi-focus, creative wizards !

I don’t like seeing women make fun of themselves for being multi-focus, creative wizards.

Women, this is our natural feminine energy flow.

We actually thrive when we have 7 projects in process simultaneously.

Men complete one task at a time all the way through to completion, and that is perfect for men.

Women will have multiple folders open that they are working on spirally. 

Making 10% progress on one creative endeavor, 20% progress on another ... and so on.. day after day, each one an endless expression of creative inspiration!

Your creative energy flow knows the bigger grand vision that is being made through you.

Trust that each step you are guided to take on each one of the 7 projects you are working on is perfectly bringing into form your Soul’s grander vision... all of the time.

You are an endless flow of energy ✨️πŸ’œπŸ§‘❤️πŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ’™✨️ with no beginning or end

Enrollment is open for Christ Money Portal 🌊🌊🌊

Christ= your Christed self
Money= your inner Spiritual wealth
Portal= your heart chakra

In this portal with me, men & women reclaim their own bodies as holy, their energy as their own source of wealth & their natural gifts as the creative content of their businesses.

Read more and join here lovely Soul! I am PUMPED to help you be in an abundant river flow with your work and money. As of today, I have 7 spots open. You can be on your first live call with us as soon as Wednesday!

In love & abundance,

#love #money #flow #endlessstream

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Your energy flow mirrors your money flow

Remember that your own energy is your bank

You are the wealth of the universe personified 
(John Randolph Price)

Your energy literally reflects in how much money you allow to flow in your life 

So how freely can your energy flow? 

I call this the Flow of Creation through you 

That's the name of my Spirtual energy healing modality that I have crafted over the last 10 years 

If you notice yourself hiding somewhere deep in yourself, because you & lineages before you have been TERRIFIED of anger outbursts in your family 

I can show you the way out 

I found it 

It's through choosing to no longer fear anger 

It's a willingness to experience your own anger as one of many beautiful colors in the flow of Creation through your body 


Feel this? 

When you feel scared of other people's anger, pause .. 

Take your consciousness deeper into your own bones 

Allow healing blue water here

Let the flow of love through your bones flow once again 

You are not bad 

You are divine 

Your emotions are divine 

All of them 

Breathe again 

You are a flow of Creation in human form 


Love. Prosper. Enjoy! 

πŸ’šKatie Awake 
Spirtual Healer through the Peace of God 
Sacred Marriage guide 
Christ Money Mentor 

Ps.. enrollment is open for Christ Money Portal 

Where women reclaim their own bodies as holy, their energy as their own source of wealth & their natural gifts as the creative content of their businesses. 

Curious to learn more? Read more & join here. I have 2 spots open to fill today. You can be on your first live call with us as soon as Wednesday. 

Christ Money is a full year investment & commitment; so you can FULLY transform the lens through which you experience money. The outcome is you in peace in yourself, thriving in your Soul led pursuits & knowing money as a form of joyful creative energy. A mirror of you! 

My High level 1:1 clients also can access Christ Money Portal at no extra cost, so also let me know if you're curious about high level mentorship with me. 

Film photography by my husband Ross William Perry πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Money is Love ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ™


Money was always going to be part of the healing on planet Earth

Money is joyful, creative energy ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›

When joyful creative energy penetrates the base chakras of humanity it naturally disturbs & dissolves hatred, abuse, fear, war

And allows the base chakras to sound & sing the love of our creator again

This includes the Womb restored to her singing, happy, holy creative power again

It means opening your eyes to see money as a form of happy love


If you would like to feel sound in your womb, confident in your Soul Purpose in your heart & be able to receive support ...

Support in the form of healthy structure, loving men in your life, & a schedule flow that feels good to your Soul ..

If you would like to even more confidently, and successfully, bring your Soul's creative work through your business ..

In balance with your relationship with your kids & your harmonized partnership πŸ’™πŸ’™

Ready to upgrade your financial reality to the song of Abundance through your Spirit?  Join Christ Money Portal here, I have two spaces open until Friday this week.

Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Money is a symbol of your inner Spiritual Wealth ✨️

Christ Money Portal. Women remembering their wombs & hearts as their Source of Wealth from within. 

Women, you are the Christ. 
Men, you are too.
The second coming is all of us realizing who we actually are. 

Money is your womb; your portal of creation. 

We are living, endless portals of prosperity! 

You were BORN with a blueprint of success from Godess. 

In Christ Money Portal with me for a year, you birth your own Wealthy Goddess self into the world. 

Shame, insecurity, inadequacy, lack, feeling voiceless, money scarcity, powerlessness, helplessness are incorrect. 


I have 2 spaces open to join by Friday this week. 

Allow the release of all that you are not; allow the unfolding of your heart's love, desires & riches into your physical life. The physical realm mirrors how much of your innate love, holy & rich consciousness you allow to be free. 

Detailed directions of what to do & how to do it come from your innate masculine God aspect. This is also within you & you need to practice trusting it! 

In Christ Money Portal I help you birth your feminine goddess self, re-establish trust between your inner feminine/masculine aspects, and allow yourself to be led by your masculine God energy inside. He's the one that puts your work out into the world & makes you gobs of money. By doing what you're GREAT at as a Woman. 

Allowing your Spirit to move within & abundantly in the world helps entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, stay at home moms & their partners income... God & abundance are infinite & magical. Abundance is meant to overflow. 

It hurts if you are unconsciously stopping the flow!! Know what I mean?? 

You don't have to hide or withhold your genius anymore. Time for engines on, all systems go, Christ Money River flowwwwwww πŸ’™πŸ™

Read more & join Christ Money Portal here before Friday 10/20 πŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸ™

Film photography by my dear husband Ross Perry ✨️

Spiritual Wealth Midwife πŸ’š

#love #prospers #now #iloveyou

Monday, October 9, 2023

God is JOY πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

People often fear God.

Because important authority figures in their life when they were small, hurt them.

Sometimes even in the name of God.

How very, very awful.


What troubles me the most, is that God is actually a source of love.

So many genuinely desire better jobs, better pay, a wonderful partner, more money, authentic joy, to expand, to prosper & more wonderful things!

What matters to me the most is to teach that God is endless joy!!! 🧑🧑🧑

God is abundant, endless. JOYFUL creative energy!!!

This is what we are made of!!!!

Religion is not required

Let harm done to you through religion melt off of you now

Let any abuse done to you "for your own good" burn now

YOU are the holy child come with the good news

It's YOU !!!

You ARE the prophesized sunrise πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

Would you like to let the light of life burn through you now? Would you like your voice back? Would you like my help to find, heal & discover just how powerful you REALLY are divine one?

You will shift into receiving. By coming into profound inner spiritual union with joy, with love, with prosperity!! It is a homecoming πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

I'm so excited to chat with you!!!

Read more about my 1:1 coaching program Soul Sunrise here.  I have 5 spaces open for a full year or 3 months of healing & coaching. 

Talk to you soon!


Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Flow of Creation calls πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

I see a lot of women who function mostly from their upper chakras & are mostly disassociated.

No judgment! I used to be this way myself!

The way to recognize this pattern in yourself is if you trrrrryyyyyyy to ALWAYS stay in light & love πŸ’š❤️πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’™

Which is a beautiful pursuit, mind you 

BUT 🧐🧐 what is going on IN your hips?

Why are you not IN your lower body ?

What is in your lower body, rather than your OPEN beautiful, flowing, ray of God, energetics??? HMMMM???

it's fear. And it's just kinda frozen there.

It's OK too, I get it!

Would you like your hips unlocked??

Would you like to SWAY to the beat of love? 

It's VITAL for your joy as a woman!!!! For YOUR joyful success!!!! For pleasure to unlock!!!! 

This is GOOD !!

YOU are NOT bad, disgusting, shameful NO ❌️❌️❌️

Thou art the coming of the new dawn!! 

Through your PELVIS ! πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

Fancy FREE !! 

I call my energy healing style Flow of Creation πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ©·❤️πŸ’šπŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

The physical realm, including food, sex & money related stuff, emanates reflecting the equilibrium .... or maybe not so balanced energy... of the base chakras. So if there are distortions in there, it's gonna show up blank, numbed out, inexistent in your physical reality. You may have wealth but lack the true energy of joy behind it! Or Money may not be linked up with God, in its true home. 

Would you like your wealth/pleasure/joy/voice/energy/self flow to reflect the Abundance of God (which is your true home) instead? 

Your next step is to book your first FREE 45 min zoom chat here to find out how I can help you become free as the woman you want to be. In joy, health, relationships & Soul purpose led prosperity ! You can book in for as soon as Tuesday! 😍

I'm currently enrolling new 1:1 clients & enrollment is OPEN for my Christ Money Portal Membership too 

This work is SO FUN ! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

See you soon!!

Katie Awake 
Flow of Creation Healer through the Peace of God πŸ’™ 

Film photo of me picking out a potato πŸ₯”πŸ˜„ by my hubby @ross_william_perry 

#love #wins #now #setyourselffree #healer #sacredmarriage #holyprosperity #peace #joyreturns 

Friday, September 29, 2023

sales results go boom ❤️❤️❤️

It took me a while to actually have real belief that my creative Soul business coaching could get my clients sales results !

It felt SO different creating business structure & offerings by allowing God to work through me.. 

Rather than following business molds on the outside 

My confidence in my clients results keeps growing because they have them! Lol 

I literally cry tears of joy when my clients have..

❤️Started selling $2000 healing transformation programs (rather than hourly)

❤️Attracted healthy, stable, kind men as their now boyfriends & husband's 

❤️Taken their first leap into offering their intuitive healing services for money 

❤️Created healthy boundaries with their parents & siblings, and launched their own Soul led businesses (see how inner boundaries allows the self space to flourish creatively & financially?)

I LLOOVVEE helping sensitive, intuitive women establish space & trust in themselves !

So that they can actually hear, listen to, & follow their own inner voice to sculpt their life!! πŸ’™πŸ§‘❤️πŸ’œπŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ™

In Christ Money Portal you get to know the real energy of Money that you were born with in your Soul. Along with your Soul's blueprint for your life & specific ways that you are here to share your Soul's creative gifts. 

Message me on facebook or reply to this email for more details about joining Christ Money Portal today! You can be on your first call with us as soon as Wednesday 

Healer through the Peace of God 

#love #Soul #healing 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

~ Your unique map for abundant money is already in your Soul ~

Your unique map for abundant money is already in your Soul

You come into physicality with your life all mapped out in your Soul. 

The energy of money is a part of that map.

The worlds money enslavement, poverty, lack and scarcity models INHIBIT the true abundance of your Soul from manifesting.

Stop functioning with money in the way that the world wants you to.

Get free with God on the inside.

With God, of God, through ARE abundance. 

It is your right. It is WHO you are.

Money is a river flow of Abundance.

Just as your Creative energy is endless and abundant.

In Christ Money Portal you come into spiritual alignment with your Soul's map for money.

You then receive guidance from God internally in how to implement financial moves, investments, buisness plans, career moves... in your life.

This will also be your next level of global impact purpose work.

Read more and join Christ Money Portal here.  


Spiritual Healer, Abundance Guide and Sacred Marriage Mentor through the Peace of God

Sunday, September 24, 2023

I think being your natural self should be normal

 I really think it should just be normal for everyone to be able to be their natural self.

If this resonates for you, it means you want to be MORE of who you NATURALLY are

What confiscated your ability to be your natural self?

Who or what PULLED you away from being sound in your body?

These levels can be hard to tune into, because these pulls, drags, stealings, confiscations of the natural self... occur in the SUBTLE energy realms.

Everything can LOOK just peachy perfect to the outside world.. but YOU KNOW how you feel inside you.

And that is a very, very good thing!!

If you feel like you are missing from yourself, if you feel like certain people (most often a parent, a sibling, a partner, a religious leader, or other authority figure) took your power away from you when you were small and usually its STILL HAPPENING as an adult, it doesn't even matter if they are dead now! You 100% CAN with a capital C reclaim your SELF back to your SELF now!

By God, you CAN.

If you like, I can help you do this. I can help you LIVE as your fun, bright, happy, safe and FREE self now.

Christ Money Portal is indeed a magical container where you open your heart to Christed Abundance Flow.

It is NOT religious. Though, if you connect with Christ THROUGH Christianity or any other religion, that is wonderful too!

I know Christ directly spiritually. He works through me. Along with my other incredible guides and Masters.

I work only through the Peace and Light of the Most High. This is my path.

All mischievious entities who attempt to thwart humanity's ascension journey STOP and go away from the light of God.

This is EXACTLY why I am able to help people retrieve, heal and recover their lost self...the holy self ! I live as light in the subtle realms. I identify as a Peace of God.

I write this feeling fear that I'll be perceived as arrogant, and I'm absolutely SURE that some will. But write I must :) It's my job.

So...back to Christ Money Portal !

This is a year long membership with me to open your heart as basically a portal of love, a portal of peace, a portal of abundance.

You will graduate out of relating with money...or people...or your spouse...or children...or work....through a lens of lack, fear, doubt, scarcity, survival, escapism...etc.

And you will find yourself relating with life, people, work, money...THROUGH the lens of Christ Consciousness.

These are literal and real Christ Money Abundance Codes.

I feel a completion now with this transmission :)

If you want to keep reading more about the Christ Money Membership and all of the incredible, life-changing results you will have, you can read and join at my website here.

If you would love a free chat with me to ask more questions, there is also a link on my website to book a zoom call.

In so much joy,
Katie Awake
Peace of God Healing

Thursday, September 21, 2023

My life is a spiritual science laboratory

My incredible clients ALL have completely unique healing processes. 

It absolutely fascinates me & entralls me to no end.

I love this work! 

While the result they go for is all the same..

❤️Oneness with God
❤️Inner child restored to safety, peace & spontaneous creativity 
❤️Wealth Flow restored 
❤️Sacred Union relationships 
❤️Joy & ease with food, s*x & m*ney 

Each person follows the maps, unwinding, healings, letting go's, spiritual deaths & rebirths, epiphanies from Spirit, chakra healing & energy body boundary fortification ..... that they uniquely need ... in a completely unique way ...

It's.... just.... beautiful!!! 

Yay πŸ™‚

Message me if you're curious about working together! I have spaces open for new private clients & group programs. 

Energy Reader, healer, abundance guide & sacred marriage guide through the Peace of God πŸŒ…

Reply to this email to set up your free love & abundance 45 min zoom chat with me! 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Is it time to hire a Healer & Abundance Guide?

Is it time to hire a Spiritual Healer, Abundance Guide and Sacred Marriage expert?

Here’s how to know:

-You want to easily live in and from your Soul’s joyful, fun, abundant energy; but you seem to unconsciously get pulllllled into everybody else’s emotions instead and end up feeling depleted.

-You’ve tried scheduling time in your day JUST for you, but you still always find yourself giving your energy away to everyone else and forgetting your own wants. 

-You feel like there’s something wrong with you or that you just can’t get it together - even though you KNOW on the inside that you are capable of unlocking your full creative potential and creating abundance. 

-You’ve always known God as love inside and know that you have some religion trauma healing to do to set yourself free into your unique spirituality.

What you need?

Is 1:1 healing and coaching with me where you receive consistent, honest, loving, powerful guidance every week of Spiritual healing and intuitive messages to come into your OWN sovereignty, creative flow & innate abundance through the infinite Peace of God. 

Hi πŸ‘‹ I’m Katie and I help sensitive, gifted, old soul women to LOVE being their FULL self in their successful businesses, relationship with money and access deeper creative harmony in their marriages. 

Seeing your infinite potential-rainbow-colored-joy-energy AS the creative flow of God THROUGH you - and helping you unlock that AS your normal, every day energy flow…

is my superpower πŸ™‚ it’s SOO freakin’ FUN !!!! 

I’ve gone from being lost in a loop between shame and anger, floundering in low self worth and consistently being late on rent…. to enjoying the heck out of taking care of myself first, being madly in love with my husband and making consistent 5-10K months through my Soul led business all from my own Soul’s creative flow! 

  • My whole life is about me being me. My business is me sharing my creative and healing maps that God has taken me through over the last 12 years and ongoing.

  • My connection with God, my fitness routine and my personal financial growth are my top 3 actions I take every day, it’s really SO fun! 

  • My marriage with my husband revolves around us both supporting each other's Creative Soul work! It’s quite honestly my dream come true. I got very clear with God and asked for this marriage 8 ½ years ago… I met him 6 months later and we’ve been married for 5 years πŸ™‚

When it comes to supporting you to be in joyful union with God inside, expand your life/love/business FROM your innate creative flow and FEEL peaceful… nobody does it quite like me. 

Here’s how we can work together:

Soul Ignite

Full year or 3 months

1:1 Healing and Coaching

Open to, and abide in, the foundation of God’s Peace through your heart. Experience profoundly detailed and personalized guidance to bring your inner child into true safety in your heart, shift your nervous system into the Peace of God, experience holy ignition of your Soul's creative purpose, come into harmony with the true joyful Spirit of Money and harmonize your Creative Flow with your Spouse’ creative flow. Soul Ignite includes weekly 1:1 calls with me and unlimited chat support all year πŸ™‚ You also have access to all of my other programs!

Christ Money River Flow

Membership Portal

Your natural state through God is Abundance!

In our Christ Money Portal you are immersed in the energy of the Abundance of God. Your heart IS the Christ Money Portal. Money flow gets to be as easy as breathing. God wants this for you. 

You receive Spiritual attunement to Christed Money, the ungripping of scarcity, the dissolving into the abundance of God and practical coaching advice for you to relate with money/work/career/business through abundant love. 

Money is a form of love from God and is meant to be experienced as a fun, supportive friend!

Intrigued? Email me at & let's connect 🩷

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Act from the unlimited & results follow

Ross documented my recent canvas buying excursion 😍

Now, in today's news: 

Your true energy yield is the stuff of God 

You are unlimited energetically 

You are unlimited creatively 

None of the constructs dictated by the world matter 

Create from the infinite 

Your material results will catch up to you! 


Christ Money Portal is the place to be to learn to be ok with BEING the creative genius that you are, to build out your Soul led business from your Spirit & to get comfortable with infinite love based Money flow. 

You also receive abundant support to stabilize in harmonized sacred union marriage. 

Christ Money Mentor 

Truly, money is an infinite river flow of God's love for you & for the world! 

#moneyislove #actfromGod #befree

Monday, September 4, 2023

the depth of you is the best of you

You have everything you need within you. 

You can be self led. 

Let go of what you're trying to control, and go IN deeper within yourself to where you are more powerful. 

Repeat X 10000000 

Boom shacka lacka 

You are infinite 

Throw off your water wings and get in the deep end  🌊 🌊🌊 

It's not powerful to pretend to be less 

Being 'good' gets you nowhere but bored-land & an unfulfilled life 

Be YOU .. the WHOLE of YOU 🌊🌊🌊 the DEPTH of you ! 

What's GOOD about you is that you are a unique brilliance 

You have perspectives of the world that no one else does 

You have a magic to share that cannot be repeated 

Don't hide it πŸ’œ

Clear Power, my new live, low cost, audio healing course starts Wednesday ❤️❤️❤️

Click here to join by Tuesday 8/5 πŸ‘‘ 


Spiritual Healer 

#clearpower #selfled and #successful

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

You are a Power Center 🧑

You are a Power Center. 

Specifically, your hips are a Power Center. 

A multidimensional, magical, creative; Power Center. 

I'm interested in helping people unwind, unclog, free, move in, allow God to act through, allow heavenly flow .. through their wombs.

I call this the πŸ’™ Flow of Creation πŸ’™
Unlocked Kundalini
Unlocked Flow
Unlocked Wealth 
Unlocked Creativity 

All these forms of expression... pleasure, joy, dance, creativity, wealth, power, love... it's all God.

I see God as infinite rainbow colored energy frequencies. 

My Spirtual Team actually shows up as these different light colors & and performs healings with my clients. It's marvelous!! πŸ˜πŸ’šπŸ©·πŸ’™❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’œ

Pre-work for our new live healing audio course starts this week!! (The pre-work is an audio healing to listen to 2-3 times to prep your energy field to shift into your power).

Can you guess what it's called?? ⬇️⬇️



You are invited! πŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ•Š

Katie & her Spiritual Team 


#clearpower #blessed #letsrock

Monday, August 28, 2023

Get so clear in your energy that no one can f*ck with you - pre-work starts today!

What does it mean to become spiritually CLEAR in your POWER?

It means no one can f*ck with you.

Not on overt levels of abuse; but perhaps more importantly, on subtle energetic levels.

In my upcoming 4 week live audio healing course, your energy boundaries will become new, healed & wise.

Your voice will mend to your true tune of freedom.

Your solar plexus chakra will radiate God's loving presence.

I want you to feel good.
I want you to be yourself.
I want you to be in real joy.

We are talking about you being in your sovereign joy! In yourself & in all relationships in your life! Including your relationship with wealth & abundance!

Your POWER literally is LOVE ✨️

Learn more and join Clear Power here. We are starting pre-work today so hop on it!


#love #power #commitment

Friday, August 25, 2023

Keep your energy field clean πŸŒ…

I have healed some pretty dark, subtle levels in my energy where previously I was vulnerable to being siphoned, used, drained & abused.

 It has been profound inner work. 

These are the levels I'm aware on & how deeply I help my clients.

 Traps & tricks are EVERYWHERE in this world.

 This is not a loving world!

KNOW that YOU are good, loving, holy & deserve to be treated as such... 

DO NOT TRUST frequencies/people/places that do not feel like God's light to your Soul. 

Do not hesitate to draw boundaries even if it's friends or family. 

TRUST your instinct. 

Run it all by God inside πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Being in your Clear Power means being AWARE & DISCERNING of who/what/where helps you closer to God & who/what/where draws you away from God.God, meaning literally our infinite, good, loving creative force.. I do not mean the idea of God through a religious lens.

 Religion is actually super abusive on this planet. Not all, but A LOT of it. In truth, God's light is WHO you are πŸ’šRadiate from the INSIDE ! 

Join my upcoming live 4 week audio course CLEAR POWER today! 

You can still receive the early bird price of $99 before it goes up to $199 on Saturday.      

πŸ’™ link here to join πŸ’™                                    


  #clearsight #clearenergy #clearpower #create #thrive

Thursday, August 24, 2023

24 hours left to save $100 πŸŒ»πŸ¦’πŸ’°

Clear Power, my upcoming audio healing program, will search, find, rescue & restore your Clear Power through God.

Me & my Spirtual Healing Team, are able to see where your power got cut up, lost or destroyed; and help you back into body now.

I am a Spiritual Midwife πŸ’š

This means I can see where you are energetically & assist you into your power, worth & joy now.

It is powerful, life-changing work.

For $99 you will receive 4 energy healing audios from me - LIVE!

The healings are sculpted for the Soul's who join, πŸ™‚ down to the details of what your brain, heart, womb, Nervous System, chakras & energy bodies need for Clear Power restoration.

We heal through the JOY & LIGHT of God πŸ’™πŸ’›❤️πŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ§‘πŸ’œπŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸ™

This price is available for the next 24 hours, then going up to $199.

The recordings are yours as medicine, for life! πŸ™‚

Join here today to grab the $99 price.

Once your purchase is complete, I will email you so we can celebrate you & get you into our Clear Power group! πŸŽ‚✨️πŸ•ŠπŸŽΆπŸ™Œ We start Monday! 


Friday, August 18, 2023

In your Clear Power, you belong to yourself.

In your Clear Power, you belong to yourself.

You are the gold.
You are the money.
You are the worth.

People come to you.

You express as you desire to.
You create how you want to.

Your power & worth is yours again.

Come with me for 4 weeks of live energy healings & spiritual guidance to lead you back into the gold of You ✨️

Let's bring to life your power, your worth, your ideas & your visions ✨️

Life can be yours now ❤️

Read more & join here. Price is $99 & going up to $199 next week.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

New LIVE $99 Audio Course coming up!

Clear Power is about re-assembling your power, worth & voice from the inside through God.

A returning to wholeness within. A remembering of who you really are. And the emergence of YOU !

I want heart based people like you leading now.

This audio course supports you (and many other good hearted, driven leaders on this planet) to lead powerfully in love.

Power has been misused on this planet a lot. Clear Power is medicine for incarnated angels, good hearted Soul's, people with love based missions, to now claim their infinite power through God as GOOD! And to finally now take their rightful place as the good leaders of the Earth.

These 4 live audio sessions with Katie will guide you in profound inner child, Soul, Nervous System, chakra & energy field healing. To strengthen you, ressurect your powerful leadership & fortify your energy boundaries. We want you speaking, guiding, healing & ushering many other Soul's into their Clear Power also.

My team & I are HONORED to support your mission.

Read more & join here


Friday, August 11, 2023

Clear Power

What I have built so far through my healing & coaching business is 10 years in the making 

Including MANY crumblings & rebirthings 

It has been MOSTLY a spiritual building up of me from the ground by God 

When your mind (body/emotions/trauma memories/beliefs etc) needs to crumble .... LET IT πŸ”₯πŸŒ…πŸ”₯πŸŒ…πŸ”₯πŸŒ… 

Do you know what's left then to stand, rise, speak & enjoy? 


The divine Union with God YOU ! 

Hi gorgeous Soul, yes I see you as an INFINITE Soul.... , come join me for a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW live audio course 

❤️Clear Power❤️ 

It costs $99 & will be 4 weeks with me as your Healer & coach 

You will have all content for life! 

The result is you in your ❤️ Clear Power ❤️ 

Your inherent powerful energy, voice, song, love, creativity, wealth & joy! 

Our pre-work begins the last week of August 😍 

Love you!

Film photography by my husband @ross_william_perry πŸ’™

#love #trust #surrender #clearpower #clearworth

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Choose your infinite nature πŸŒ„

You have 2 choices:

Align with the infinite energy of inifnite possibilities 


Align with the incorrect, limiting thoughts of the mind & past trauma stored in the body

What does aligning with the infinite FEEL like?

It's a TOTALLY different frequency than limitation 

Get to know what limitation feels like uniquely to you 

So you can recognize it & not fall into its traps 

Limitation is NOT very smart, it will set the same traps for you day after day after day 

UNLIMITED you, the God in you, FEELS like JOY!

Uninhibited BLISS ✨️

Infinite opportunities 
Awe of Life 
Fun πŸŒ…

It is a homecoming into yourself... into God's Heart πŸ’›

This means you living in alignment with high self worth, Soul aligned prosperity, successful Soul Business, Soul aligned marriage. And more. All through the joy, peace & abundance of God... your natural state. 

You really really can let go of EVERYTHING that is not this!

In Christ Money Portal, my 12 month membership, you go through a 7 step spiritual attunement process to land in the Wealth of God inside your heart. It is our natural, abundant state as human beings. It is bliss! 

Read more & join Christ Money Portal here:

Spiritual Healer
Abundance Guide

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Life is for you

Be willing to feel trauma when it arises, so that you can let joy flow too

Be willing to acknowledge shame, so you can unlock pleasure too

Be willing to feel doubtful, so you can keep letting hope lead

Be willing to fear the depth of you is bad, but know that it's actually the wealth of your Soul

Allow flow 🌊🌊🌊

Flow of pleasure
Flow of Holy energy
Flow of life
Flow of wealth
Flow of pain
Flow of joy
Flow of dark
Flow of light

ALL is made by love, ultimately

OPEN 🌊🌊🌊

Fear nothing

Allow everything

Life is for you
God is for you
Pleasure is for you
Wealth is for you
Creation is for you!

Join me inside Christ Money Portal πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ read more & join here.

Christ Money Mentor
Sacred Marriage Guide
Spiritual Midwife 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

God is kind, loving and abundant! So are you xx

God's will for you is actually what will make you the happiest too!

I think we have trouble trusting this.... or even knowing at all that this level of surrender & fulfillment is possible ... because of past hurts by authority figures... including religious authority figures.
Let God clean out your heart now ✨️
Let Him scrub out the pain πŸ’š
Scrub a dub dub !
Open to the unimaginable BLISS of letting God work you, work through you & sculpt your life/relationships/business/finance
Let God rip your heart open with boundless love! Mountains & Rivers & Universes of LOVE
God sings through your heart!
A healing Sound πŸ’œ

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Christed Money

Truly, money is a form of God consciousness. Money is supposed to feel like Christ's light. Money is infinitely supportive of you and of your work. 

We're here to help disentangle you and your money from all obstructions, entanglements and follys.

It doesn't have to be hard any more. You don't have to work for it anymore.

Yes you'll do lots of Soul aligned action..but no more of this paradigm of 'working towards' money. Money just IS. And it is FOR you.

Christ is beckoning you to money in your heart. He is showing you it is safe. He is opening his heart, showing you it's safe to open your heart to abundance also.

All pain, fear, lack, done now.

TIme to open up little one, into the light of God...of the Masters...of Christ. They came here to show us what we can do too! And they are still here. Among us. As you, as me.

The true riches of your heart are beckoning you IN. The money is there. The client contracts. The agreements..the ones you made before you were born. Is all here.

The money you want can come to you when you open up to it inside your heart. You don't have to be on edge, scared or vigilant anymore. As you open to the truths of your heart, to Christ inside, you will feel it all coming to you. Tens of thousands of dollars and more, coming to you, and you will hold it in your hands. This is what you will unlock within the Christ Money Portal with me. It will change the course of your life.

The Christ Money attunement was given to me from Christ, as his energy, his style, his frequency, his unconditionally loving guidance, nurturing love, all seeing view and prosperity. He is very much alive in this container leading the inner work. You will be given this too! Money is of God. Let's restore this for you, for your life and for your legacy. 

Because of pain, fear and trauma; women are often disconnected from the pleasure, joy and true LIGHT of money. These same disconnections or numbness will also block them from true union with their partner or spouse. In Quantum Gold you will experience spiritually a restoration of Sacred Union within your bones. With yourself, with God, with Christ, with money and in your marriage (or partnership/future partnership if your Soul desires this).

I also LOVE channeling information from the divine for women about their Soul Business blueprints. So you can do business in EXACTLY the way God wants to work through you! This is also the way that is MOST joyful, aligned, powerful, fun an d prosperous!

This is your lifetime to be TOTALLY FREE! TOTALLY SUPPORTED! ABUNDANTLY RESOURCED! as the loving queen that you are. 

All channels within that need to open for love and abundance, will. Truthfully this is the ending of all scarcity/fear/trauma from your bones and the awakening of your Soul's REAL LIFE! The one you have been wanting, craving and desiring for lifetimes! You are also the walking dream of your ancestors! Breathing it all AWAKE. It is your path to embody all that you came here to be and have a massive, beautiful planetary awakening effect. By BEING FULLY you! 

I am so glad you're with us and I would love to chat with you about joining Quantum Gold. 

This is the 12 month gestation period, in beautiful supportive sisterhood, for the total birth of Sacred YOU, your Soul mission, your aligned business & sacred prosperity. ALL in service to the most high! 

We are doing money differently on this planet now. This new money paradigm is God led and Christ led. No more does money have to have negative, sticky, icky or bad connotations in your mind or body. Those distortions are generations and lifetimes old. It is time to free money so that she can be your friend. A very good friend. Money supports you! 

Women often fear money and project onto money their abuse wounds. 
This can end now, lovingly and in the light.

Truly, your Soul is ready for a Sacred relationship with money. One that is absolutely SAFE in the light of God. A relationship that is harmonious, loving, supportive, innocent and joyful! Just like you, you divine star!  

Read more and join Christ Money Portal membership here. 

See you Wednesday! 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The heart is meant to be an infinite receiving portal of wealth & abundance πŸ’™

The heart chakra is innately an open receiving channel of God

It is a portal of Receiving πŸ’™

It is supposed to be an OPEN flowing river of spirutual prosperity & guidance πŸ’™

Spiritual energy is meant to FLOW as an infinite river of life, love, creative impulses, prosperity.... the enactment of your purpose here on this Earth at this time .... in wild abundance .... in the way of HIGHEST service to all !

Let God breathe your infinite heart flow OPEN to these truths now at this time

This will mean you relaxing DEEPLY into the rhythm of love through your heart

It means you hearing & following through on the heavenly, creative impulses you feel through your heart for business

It means you dissolving into the Bliss of FULL SURRENDER to the God flow that WANTS to enact through you in this life ✨️

Opening, trusting & following the flow of love through your heart means you will now follow the intuitive actions from God you feel to take for your health, joy, wealth & happiness

It means receiving support

If you would LOVE to widen the flow of your own divine abundance river through your heart & learn to trust taking physical action from this place as you are led to... 

Email me to join Christ Money Portal or message me on Facebook. (Katie Awake)

Friday, May 12, 2023

Surrender THROUGH overwhelm to let your business grow

Hello kits & kaboodles πŸ–

Friendly Friday reminder to be willing to FEEL the feelings of overwhelm when you are expanding into allowing more love, goodness, prosperity, achievement & desired results in your life. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

When you are desiring & choosing to lay claim to what you want from a God/Soul level for yourself.... this is going to stretch & expand you beyond what you used to think was ok.

It's going to evoke feelings inside of ...

Should I be doing this?
Am I going to get in trouble?
What will my mom think?

Emotionally you may feel fear or judgement well up in your body.

Rather than labeling these feelings that come up as panic, bad.... overwhelm, bad..... doubt, bad .....and letting this keep you in the very patterns that you're tryyyyying to break...

Be willing to FEEL IT ALL

Breakthrough internally πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

Name & feel fully ... the FEELINGS of expanding into MORE & let yourself do it

Feeling overwhelm, doubt, fear ..... when you are choosing to live into more of your actual infinite potential, joy & success ... transmutes it into peace

You want to break through, so be willing to breakthrough emotionally !

You have to transmute the inner barriers that come up if you want your outer reality to upgrade too. This is just how it works.


Your outer hologram reality is a direct creation from what you look at internally through your third eye. You are this powerful. What you look at you create. πŸ’™

If internally you stare at a pattern/feeling inside of not being enough, you'll experience not enough.. in your outer life.

Your light presence with internal patterns blows them up.

With your incredible third eye vision, look at what you actually WANT to be, feel, have.

Look at abundance. Look at God's light. Look at joy. Look at your own beautiful heart. Look at what you want.

Create it πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

It's not hard, it's just new from what generations past have done & different from the limiting scope that was placed on humanity a long time ago.

Return to your natural ease, flow & creative energy. You are a radiant, infinite creator.

Be f*cking brave & do what you want πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ break the matrix & free your joy! It is God's will πŸŒ…πŸ™

I miiiiiiight just have an absolutely game changing program for you to dissolve nagging patterns that have held you up until now in frozen emotion & support you in bringing to life the creative business dreams inside you πŸ’™πŸ™

Christ Money Portal is OPEN for enrollment!

Christ Money is energy medicine from God through me that guides you into Spiritual Harmony between your Soul Purpose & Abundant Money.

Christ Money supports the spiritual ascension of humanity.

Christ Money puts the money in the hands of the Spiritual Healers, Leaders, Teachers & Guides here on Earth to work in the name of the Light.

You have your own Cosmic Heart Source in your chest & when this aligns with the song of Christ Money..... your Soul's flow of power, voice, leadership & abundance is unleashed into your life. Not only does this shift your personal health, joy & finance into expanded abundance; it is you actualizing your Soul's Purpose globally!

Join Christ Money Portal here.

Christ Money Mentor
Spiritual Healer

Monday, March 13, 2023

It's not normal or required to live anxious.

I am working with a lot of women lately who have significant amounts of anxiety in their hearts.

It is not just you! It’s so common.

The common pattern I’m seeing is like walls closing in, never enough space, can’t even feel themselves.

I can relate to this from my own path too. 

The healing looks like choosing for yourself to create SPACE.

Inside and out! 

Create space inside yourself for yourself.

Stop filling up your energy field with other people’s stress.

Let others be responsible for themselves and for their pain.

All you have to do is be willing to feel your own pain and transmute your own pain into light.

If you are resonating with this ….

Give your OWN heart lots and lots of SPACE!

Breathing space. Living space. Feeling space. ROOM TO BREATHE!

I realize it’s a common pattern for us as women to be raised as caretakers. And this is BEAUTIFUL! We are beautiful at mothering, nurturing, intuiting, caring…

BUT…you do need to put yourself first now.

Your family will thank you. 

First you may need to give yourself space to recognize that it’s NOT actually necessary to carry anxiety around all the time. You may need some time to recognize that SPACIOUSNESS is actually ALWAYS available. 

You do indeed matter.

You feeling GOOD matters my love.

End of transmission πŸ™‚

Would you like to chat with me about what opening up space for yourself, for your heart and for your joy could be like? Book in a free Abundance zoom call here and I will see you soon.

Love love,


The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...