Sunday, May 21, 2023

The heart is meant to be an infinite receiving portal of wealth & abundance 💙

The heart chakra is innately an open receiving channel of God

It is a portal of Receiving 💙

It is supposed to be an OPEN flowing river of spirutual prosperity & guidance 💙

Spiritual energy is meant to FLOW as an infinite river of life, love, creative impulses, prosperity.... the enactment of your purpose here on this Earth at this time .... in wild abundance .... in the way of HIGHEST service to all !

Let God breathe your infinite heart flow OPEN to these truths now at this time

This will mean you relaxing DEEPLY into the rhythm of love through your heart

It means you hearing & following through on the heavenly, creative impulses you feel through your heart for business

It means you dissolving into the Bliss of FULL SURRENDER to the God flow that WANTS to enact through you in this life ✨️

Opening, trusting & following the flow of love through your heart means you will now follow the intuitive actions from God you feel to take for your health, joy, wealth & happiness

It means receiving support

If you would LOVE to widen the flow of your own divine abundance river through your heart & learn to trust taking physical action from this place as you are led to... 

Email me to join Christ Money Portal or message me on Facebook. (Katie Awake)

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