Friday, September 8, 2023

Is it time to hire a Healer & Abundance Guide?

Is it time to hire a Spiritual Healer, Abundance Guide and Sacred Marriage expert?

Here’s how to know:

-You want to easily live in and from your Soul’s joyful, fun, abundant energy; but you seem to unconsciously get pulllllled into everybody else’s emotions instead and end up feeling depleted.

-You’ve tried scheduling time in your day JUST for you, but you still always find yourself giving your energy away to everyone else and forgetting your own wants. 

-You feel like there’s something wrong with you or that you just can’t get it together - even though you KNOW on the inside that you are capable of unlocking your full creative potential and creating abundance. 

-You’ve always known God as love inside and know that you have some religion trauma healing to do to set yourself free into your unique spirituality.

What you need?

Is 1:1 healing and coaching with me where you receive consistent, honest, loving, powerful guidance every week of Spiritual healing and intuitive messages to come into your OWN sovereignty, creative flow & innate abundance through the infinite Peace of God. 

Hi 👋 I’m Katie and I help sensitive, gifted, old soul women to LOVE being their FULL self in their successful businesses, relationship with money and access deeper creative harmony in their marriages. 

Seeing your infinite potential-rainbow-colored-joy-energy AS the creative flow of God THROUGH you - and helping you unlock that AS your normal, every day energy flow…

is my superpower 🙂 it’s SOO freakin’ FUN !!!! 

I’ve gone from being lost in a loop between shame and anger, floundering in low self worth and consistently being late on rent…. to enjoying the heck out of taking care of myself first, being madly in love with my husband and making consistent 5-10K months through my Soul led business all from my own Soul’s creative flow! 

  • My whole life is about me being me. My business is me sharing my creative and healing maps that God has taken me through over the last 12 years and ongoing.

  • My connection with God, my fitness routine and my personal financial growth are my top 3 actions I take every day, it’s really SO fun! 

  • My marriage with my husband revolves around us both supporting each other's Creative Soul work! It’s quite honestly my dream come true. I got very clear with God and asked for this marriage 8 ½ years ago… I met him 6 months later and we’ve been married for 5 years 🙂

When it comes to supporting you to be in joyful union with God inside, expand your life/love/business FROM your innate creative flow and FEEL peaceful… nobody does it quite like me. 

Here’s how we can work together:

Soul Ignite

Full year or 3 months

1:1 Healing and Coaching

Open to, and abide in, the foundation of God’s Peace through your heart. Experience profoundly detailed and personalized guidance to bring your inner child into true safety in your heart, shift your nervous system into the Peace of God, experience holy ignition of your Soul's creative purpose, come into harmony with the true joyful Spirit of Money and harmonize your Creative Flow with your Spouse’ creative flow. Soul Ignite includes weekly 1:1 calls with me and unlimited chat support all year 🙂 You also have access to all of my other programs!

Christ Money River Flow

Membership Portal

Your natural state through God is Abundance!

In our Christ Money Portal you are immersed in the energy of the Abundance of God. Your heart IS the Christ Money Portal. Money flow gets to be as easy as breathing. God wants this for you. 

You receive Spiritual attunement to Christed Money, the ungripping of scarcity, the dissolving into the abundance of God and practical coaching advice for you to relate with money/work/career/business through abundant love. 

Money is a form of love from God and is meant to be experienced as a fun, supportive friend!

Intrigued? Email me at & let's connect 🩷

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